
GUPnPProtocolInfo — UPnP AV ProtocolInfo


enum                GUPnPDLNAConversion;
enum                GUPnPDLNAFlags;
enum                GUPnPDLNAOperation;
GUPnPProtocolInfo*  gupnp_protocol_info_new_from_string (const char *protocol_info,
                                                         GError **error);
char*               gupnp_protocol_info_to_string       (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
gboolean            gupnp_protocol_info_is_compatible   (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info1,
                                                         GUPnPProtocolInfo *info2);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_protocol    (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *protocol);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_network     (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *network);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_mime_type   (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *mime_type);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_profile
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *profile);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_play_speeds (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char **speeds);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_conversion
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAConversion conversion);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_operation
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAOperation operation);
void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_flags  (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAFlags flags);
const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_protocol    (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_network     (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_mime_type   (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_profile
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
const char**        gupnp_protocol_info_get_play_speeds (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
GUPnPDLNAConversion gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_conversion
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
GUPnPDLNAOperation  gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_operation
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);
GUPnPDLNAFlags      gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_flags  (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Object Hierarchy



  "dlna-conversion"          GUPnPDLNAConversion   : Read / Write
  "dlna-flags"               GUPnPDLNAFlags        : Read / Write
  "dlna-operation"           GUPnPDLNAOperation    : Read / Write
  "dlna-profile"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "mime-type"                gchar*                : Read / Write
  "network"                  gchar*                : Read / Write
  "play-speeds"              GStrv*                : Read / Write
  "protocol"                 gchar*                : Read / Write


GUPnPProtocolInfo provides a convenient API to deal with ProtocolInfo strings used in UPnP AV specifications.



typedef struct _GUPnPProtocolInfo GUPnPProtocolInfo;

enum GUPnPDLNAConversion

typedef enum {
} GUPnPDLNAConversion;

The DLNA conversion flags for a resource.

GUPNP_DLNA_CONVERSION_NONE Content is in original source format

enum GUPnPDLNAFlags

typedef enum {
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_NONE                      = 0,
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_SENDER_PACED              = (1 << 31),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_TIME_BASED_SEEK           = (1 << 30),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_BYTE_BASED_SEEK           = (1 << 29),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_PLAY_CONTAINER            = (1 << 28),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_S0_INCREASE               = (1 << 27),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_SN_INCREASE               = (1 << 26),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_RTSP_PAUSE                = (1 << 25),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_CONNECTION_STALL          = (1 << 21),
        GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_DLNA_V15                  = (1 << 20)

The miscellaneous operations supported by a resource. For details on these flags please refer to section of DLNA Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines Volume 1, October 2006.

GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_SENDER_PACED Content source is the clock source during transport
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_TIME_BASED_SEEK Limited Operation: time-seek supported
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_BYTE_BASED_SEEK Limited Operation: byte-seek supported
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_PLAY_CONTAINER Resource supports 'Container Playback'
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_S0_INCREASE Content does not have a fixed beginning
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_SN_INCREASE Content does not have a fixed end
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_RTSP_PAUSE RTSP resource supports pausing of media transfer
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_STREAMING_TRANSFER_MODE Streaming transfer mode supported
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_INTERACTIVE_TRANSFER_MODE Interactive transfer mode supported
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_BACKGROUND_TRANSFER_MODE Background transfer mode supported
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_CONNECTION_STALL No content transfer when paused.
GUPNP_DLNA_FLAGS_DLNA_V15 DLNAv1.5 version flag

enum GUPnPDLNAOperation

typedef enum {
        GUPNP_DLNA_OPERATION_NONE     = 0x00,
} GUPnPDLNAOperation;

The seek operations supported by a resource.

GUPNP_DLNA_OPERATION_NONE Resource does not support seeking of any type
GUPNP_DLNA_OPERATION_RANGE Resource supports byte-seek
GUPNP_DLNA_OPERATION_TIMESEEK Resource supports time-seek

gupnp_protocol_info_new_from_string ()

GUPnPProtocolInfo*  gupnp_protocol_info_new_from_string (const char *protocol_info,
                                                         GError **error);

Parses the protocol_info string and creates a new GUPnPProtocolInfo object as a result.

protocol_info : The protocol info string
error : The location where to store any error, or NULL
Returns : A new GUPnPProtocolInfo object. Unref after usage.

gupnp_protocol_info_to_string ()

char*               gupnp_protocol_info_to_string       (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Provides the string representation of info.

info : The GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : String representation of info. g_free after usage.

gupnp_protocol_info_is_compatible ()

gboolean            gupnp_protocol_info_is_compatible   (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info1,
                                                         GUPnPProtocolInfo *info2);

Checks if the given protocolInfo string is compatible with info.

info1 : The first GUPnPProtocolInfo
info2 : The second GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : TRUE if protocol_info is compatible with info, otherwise FALSE.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_protocol ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_protocol    (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *protocol);

Set the protocol of this info.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
protocol : The protocol string
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_network ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_network     (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *network);

Set the network this info is associated with.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
network : The network string
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_mime_type ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_mime_type   (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *mime_type);

Set the MIME-type of this info.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
mime_type : The MIME-type string
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_profile ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_profile
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char *profile);

Set the DLNA profile of this info.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
profile : The DLNA profile string
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_play_speeds ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_play_speeds (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         const char **speeds);

Set the allowed play speeds on this info in the form of array of strings.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
speeds : The allowed play speeds
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_conversion ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_conversion
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAConversion conversion);

Set the DLNA conversion flags.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
conversion : The bitwise OR of one or more DLNA conversion flags
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_operation ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_operation
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAOperation operation);

Set the DLNA operation flags.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
operation : The bitwise OR of one or more DLNA operation flags
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_flags ()

void                gupnp_protocol_info_set_dlna_flags  (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info,
                                                         GUPnPDLNAFlags flags);

Set the gereric DLNA flags.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
flags : The bitwise OR of one or more generic DLNA flags
Returns : None.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_protocol ()

const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_protocol    (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the protocol of this info.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The protocol of this info or NULL. This string should not be freed.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_network ()

const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_network     (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the network this info is associated with.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The network string or NULL. This string should not be freed.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_mime_type ()

const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_mime_type   (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the MIME-type of this info.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The MIME-type of this info or NULL. This string should not be freed.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_profile ()

const char*         gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_profile
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the DLNA profile of this info.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The DLNA profile of this info or NULL. This string should not be freed.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_play_speeds ()

const char**        gupnp_protocol_info_get_play_speeds (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the allowed play speeds on this info in the form of array of strings.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The allowed play speeds as array of strings or NULL. This return array and it's content must not be modified or freed.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_conversion ()

GUPnPDLNAConversion gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_conversion
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the DLNA conversion flags.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The DLNA conversion flags.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_operation ()

GUPnPDLNAOperation  gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_operation
                                                        (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the DLNA operation flags.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The DLNA operation flags.

gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_flags ()

GUPnPDLNAFlags      gupnp_protocol_info_get_dlna_flags  (GUPnPProtocolInfo *info);

Get the gereric DLNA flags.

info : A GUPnPProtocolInfo
Returns : The generic DLNA flags.

Property Details

The "dlna-conversion" property

  "dlna-conversion"          GUPnPDLNAConversion   : Read / Write

The DLNA conversion flags.

The "dlna-flags" property

  "dlna-flags"               GUPnPDLNAFlags        : Read / Write

Various generic DLNA flags.

The "dlna-operation" property

  "dlna-operation"           GUPnPDLNAOperation    : Read / Write

The DLNA operation flags.

The "dlna-profile" property

  "dlna-profile"             gchar*                : Read / Write

The DLNA profile of this info.

Default value: NULL

The "mime-type" property

  "mime-type"                gchar*                : Read / Write

The MIME-type of this info.

Default value: NULL

The "network" property

  "network"                  gchar*                : Read / Write

The network this info is associated with.

Default value: NULL

The "play-speeds" property

  "play-speeds"              GStrv*                : Read / Write

The allowed play speeds on this info in the form of array of strings.

The "protocol" property

  "protocol"                 gchar*                : Read / Write

The protocol of this info.

Default value: NULL