
GstTagList — List of tags and values used to describe media metadata


#include <gst/gst.h>

enum                GstTagMergeMode;
enum                GstTagFlag;
void                (*GstTagForeachFunc)                (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                (*GstTagMergeFunc)                  (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GValue *src);
#define             GST_TAG_TITLE
#define             GST_TAG_TITLE_SORTNAME
#define             GST_TAG_ARTIST
#define             GST_TAG_ARTIST_SORTNAME
#define             GST_TAG_ALBUM
#define             GST_TAG_ALBUM_SORTNAME
#define             GST_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST
#define             GST_TAG_DATE
#define             GST_TAG_GENRE
#define             GST_TAG_COMMENT
#define             GST_TAG_EXTENDED_COMMENT
#define             GST_TAG_TRACK_NUMBER
#define             GST_TAG_TRACK_COUNT
#define             GST_TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_NUMBER
#define             GST_TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_COUNT
#define             GST_TAG_LOCATION
#define             GST_TAG_HOMEPAGE
#define             GST_TAG_DESCRIPTION
#define             GST_TAG_VERSION
#define             GST_TAG_ISRC
#define             GST_TAG_ORGANIZATION
#define             GST_TAG_COPYRIGHT
#define             GST_TAG_COPYRIGHT_URI
#define             GST_TAG_COMPOSER
#define             GST_TAG_CONTACT
#define             GST_TAG_LICENSE
#define             GST_TAG_LICENSE_URI
#define             GST_TAG_PERFORMER
#define             GST_TAG_DURATION
#define             GST_TAG_CODEC
#define             GST_TAG_VIDEO_CODEC
#define             GST_TAG_AUDIO_CODEC
#define             GST_TAG_SUBTITLE_CODEC
#define             GST_TAG_CONTAINER_FORMAT
#define             GST_TAG_BITRATE
#define             GST_TAG_NOMINAL_BITRATE
#define             GST_TAG_MINIMUM_BITRATE
#define             GST_TAG_MAXIMUM_BITRATE
#define             GST_TAG_SERIAL
#define             GST_TAG_ENCODER
#define             GST_TAG_ENCODER_VERSION
#define             GST_TAG_TRACK_GAIN
#define             GST_TAG_TRACK_PEAK
#define             GST_TAG_ALBUM_GAIN
#define             GST_TAG_ALBUM_PEAK
#define             GST_TAG_REFERENCE_LEVEL
#define             GST_TAG_LANGUAGE_CODE
#define             GST_TAG_IMAGE
#define             GST_TAG_PREVIEW_IMAGE
#define             GST_TAG_ATTACHMENT
#define             GST_TAG_BEATS_PER_MINUTE
#define             GST_TAG_KEYWORDS
#define             GST_TAG_GEO_LOCATION_NAME
void                gst_tag_register                    (const gchar *name,
                                                         GstTagFlag flag,
                                                         GType type,
                                                         const gchar *nick,
                                                         const gchar *blurb,
                                                         GstTagMergeFunc func);
void                gst_tag_merge_use_first             (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GValue *src);
void                gst_tag_merge_strings_with_comma    (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GValue *src);
gboolean            gst_tag_exists                      (const gchar *tag);
GType               gst_tag_get_type                    (const gchar *tag);
const gchar*        gst_tag_get_nick                    (const gchar *tag);
const gchar*        gst_tag_get_description             (const gchar *tag);
GstTagFlag          gst_tag_get_flag                    (const gchar *tag);
gboolean            gst_tag_is_fixed                    (const gchar *tag);
GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new                    (void);
GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new_full               (const gchar *tag,
GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new_full_valist        (va_list var_args);
gboolean            gst_is_tag_list                     (gconstpointer p);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_is_empty               (const GstTagList *list);
GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_copy                   (const GstTagList *list);
void                gst_tag_list_insert                 (GstTagList *into,
                                                         const GstTagList *from,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode);
GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_merge                  (const GstTagList *list1,
                                                         const GstTagList *list2,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode);
void                gst_tag_list_free                   (GstTagList *list);
guint               gst_tag_list_get_tag_size           (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag);
void                gst_tag_list_add                    (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
void                gst_tag_list_add_value              (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         const GValue *value);
void                gst_tag_list_add_values             (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
void                gst_tag_list_add_valist             (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list var_args);
void                gst_tag_list_add_valist_values      (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list var_args);
void                gst_tag_list_remove_tag             (GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag);
void                gst_tag_list_foreach                (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagForeachFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
const GValue*       gst_tag_list_get_value_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_copy_value             (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_char               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gchar *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_char_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gchar *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uchar              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guchar *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uchar_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         guchar *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_boolean            (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gboolean *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_boolean_index      (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gboolean *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int                (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gint *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int_index          (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gint *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         guint *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_long               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         glong *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_long_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         glong *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_ulong              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gulong *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_ulong_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gulong *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int64              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gint64 *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int64_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gint64 *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint64             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint64 *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint64_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         guint64 *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_float              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gfloat *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_float_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gfloat *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_double             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gdouble *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_double_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gdouble *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_string             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gchar **value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_string_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gchar **value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_pointer            (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gpointer *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_pointer_index      (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gpointer *value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_date               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         GDate **value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_date_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GDate **value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_buffer             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         GstBuffer **value);
gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_buffer_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstBuffer **value);


List of tags and values used to describe media metadata.

Strings must be in ASCII or UTF-8 encoding. No other encodings are allowed.

Last reviewed on 2009-06-09 (0.10.23)



typedef struct _GstTagList GstTagList;

Opaque GstTagList data structure.

enum GstTagMergeMode

typedef enum {
  /* add more */
} GstTagMergeMode;

The different tag merging modes are basically replace, overwrite and append, but they can be seen from two directions. Given two taglists: (A) the tags already in the element and (B) the ones that are supplied to the element ( e.g. via gst_tag_setter_merge_tags() / gst_tag_setter_add_tags() or a GST_EVENT_TAG), how are these tags merged? In the table below this is shown for the cases that a tag exists in the list (A) or does not exists (!A) and combinations thereof.

Table 1. merge mode

merge mode A + B A + !B !A + B !A + !B

GST_TAG_MERGE_UNDEFINED undefined merge mode
GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE_ALL replace all tags (clear list and append)
GST_TAG_MERGE_KEEP keep existing tags
GST_TAG_MERGE_KEEP_ALL keep all existing tags
GST_TAG_MERGE_COUNT the number of merge modes

enum GstTagFlag

typedef enum {
} GstTagFlag;

Extra tag flags used when registering tags.

GST_TAG_FLAG_META tag is meta data
GST_TAG_FLAG_ENCODED tag is encoded
GST_TAG_FLAG_DECODED tag is decoded
GST_TAG_FLAG_COUNT number of tag flags

GstTagForeachFunc ()

void                (*GstTagForeachFunc)                (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

A function that will be called in gst_tag_list_foreach(). The function may not modify the tag list.

list : the GstTagList
tag : a name of a tag in list
user_data : user data

GstTagMergeFunc ()

void                (*GstTagMergeFunc)                  (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GValue *src);

A function for merging multiple values of a tag used when registering tags.

dest : the destination GValue
src : the source GValue


#define GST_TAG_TITLE                  "title"

commonly used title (string)

The title as it should be displayed, e.g. 'The Doll House'


#define GST_TAG_TITLE_SORTNAME         "title-sortname"

commonly used title, as used for sorting (string)

The title as it should be sorted, e.g. 'Doll House, The'

Since 0.10.15


#define GST_TAG_ARTIST                 "artist"

person(s) responsible for the recording (string)

The artist name as it should be displayed, e.g. 'Jimi Hendrix' or 'The Guitar Heroes'


#define GST_TAG_ARTIST_SORTNAME        "musicbrainz-sortname"

person(s) responsible for the recording, as used for sorting (string)

The artist name as it should be sorted, e.g. 'Hendrix, Jimi' or 'Guitar Heroes, The'

Since 0.10.15


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM                  "album"

album containing this data (string)

The album name as it should be displayed, e.g. 'The Jazz Guitar'


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM_SORTNAME         "album-sortname"

album containing this data, as used for sorting (string)

The album name as it should be sorted, e.g. 'Jazz Guitar, The'

Since 0.10.15


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST           "album-artist"

The artist of the entire album, as it should be displayed.

Since 0.10.25


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST_SORTNAME  "album-artist-sortname"

The artist of the entire album, as it should be sorted.

Since 0.10.25


#define GST_TAG_DATE                   "date"

date the data was created (GDate structure)


#define GST_TAG_GENRE                  "genre"

genre this data belongs to (string)


#define GST_TAG_COMMENT                "comment"

free text commenting the data (string)


#define GST_TAG_EXTENDED_COMMENT       "extended-comment"

key/value text commenting the data (string)

Must be in the form of 'key=comment' or 'key[lc]=comment' where 'lc' is an ISO-639 language code.

This tag is used for unknown Vorbis comment tags, unknown APE tags and certain ID3v2 comment fields.

Since 0.10.10


#define GST_TAG_TRACK_NUMBER           "track-number"

track number inside a collection (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_TRACK_COUNT            "track-count"

count of tracks inside collection this track belongs to (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_NUMBER    "album-disc-number"

disc number inside a collection (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM_VOLUME_COUNT    "album-disc-count"

count of discs inside collection this disc belongs to (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_LOCATION               "location"

Origin of media as a URI (location, where the original of the file or stream is hosted) (string)


#define GST_TAG_HOMEPAGE               "homepage"

Homepage for this media (i.e. artist or movie homepage) (string)

Since 0.10.23


#define GST_TAG_DESCRIPTION            "description"

short text describing the content of the data (string)


#define GST_TAG_VERSION                "version"

version of this data (string)


#define GST_TAG_ISRC                   "isrc"

International Standard Recording Code - see (string)


#define GST_TAG_ORGANIZATION           "organization"

organization (string)


#define GST_TAG_COPYRIGHT              "copyright"

copyright notice of the data (string)


#define GST_TAG_COPYRIGHT_URI          "copyright-uri"

URI to location where copyright details can be found (string)

Since 0.10.14


#define GST_TAG_COMPOSER               "composer"

person(s) who composed the recording (string)

Since 0.10.15


#define GST_TAG_CONTACT                "contact"

contact information (string)


#define GST_TAG_LICENSE                "license"

license of data (string)


#define GST_TAG_LICENSE_URI            "license-uri"

URI to location where license details can be found (string)

Since 0.10.14


#define GST_TAG_PERFORMER              "performer"

person(s) performing (string)


#define GST_TAG_DURATION               "duration"

length in GStreamer time units (nanoseconds) (unsigned 64-bit integer)


#define GST_TAG_CODEC                  "codec"

codec the data is stored in (string)


#define GST_TAG_VIDEO_CODEC            "video-codec"

codec the video data is stored in (string)


#define GST_TAG_AUDIO_CODEC            "audio-codec"

codec the audio data is stored in (string)


#define GST_TAG_SUBTITLE_CODEC         "subtitle-codec"

codec/format the subtitle data is stored in (string)

Since 0.10.23


#define GST_TAG_CONTAINER_FORMAT       "container-format"

container format the data is stored in (string)

Since 0.10.24


#define GST_TAG_BITRATE                "bitrate"

exact or average bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_NOMINAL_BITRATE        "nominal-bitrate"

nominal bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_MINIMUM_BITRATE        "minimum-bitrate"

minimum bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_MAXIMUM_BITRATE        "maximum-bitrate"

maximum bitrate in bits/s (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_SERIAL                 "serial"

serial number of track (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_ENCODER                "encoder"

encoder used to encode this stream (string)


#define GST_TAG_ENCODER_VERSION        "encoder-version"

version of the encoder used to encode this stream (unsigned integer)


#define GST_TAG_TRACK_GAIN             "replaygain-track-gain"

track gain in db (double)


#define GST_TAG_TRACK_PEAK             "replaygain-track-peak"

peak of the track (double)


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM_GAIN             "replaygain-album-gain"

album gain in db (double)


#define GST_TAG_ALBUM_PEAK             "replaygain-album-peak"

peak of the album (double)


#define GST_TAG_REFERENCE_LEVEL        "replaygain-reference-level"

reference level of track and album gain values (double)

Since 0.10.12


#define GST_TAG_LANGUAGE_CODE          "language-code"

Language code (ISO-639-1) (string) of the content


#define GST_TAG_IMAGE                  "image"

image (buffer) (buffer caps should specify the content type and preferably also set "image-type" field as GstTagImageType)

Since 0.10.6


#define GST_TAG_PREVIEW_IMAGE          "preview-image"

image that is meant for preview purposes, e.g. small icon-sized version (buffer) (buffer caps should specify the content type)

Since 0.10.7


#define GST_TAG_ATTACHMENT             "attachment"

generic file attachment (buffer) (buffer caps should specify the content type and if possible set "filename" to the file name of the attachment)

Since 0.10.21


#define GST_TAG_BEATS_PER_MINUTE       "beats-per-minute"

number of beats per minute in audio (double)

Since 0.10.12


#define GST_TAG_KEYWORDS               "keywords"

comma separated keywords describing the content (string).

Since 0.10.21


#define GST_TAG_GEO_LOCATION_NAME               "geo-location-name"

human readable descriptive location of where the media has been recorded or produced. (string).

Since 0.10.21


#define GST_TAG_GEO_LOCATION_LATITUDE               "geo-location-latitude"

geo latitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the equator, negative values for southern latitudes) (double).

Since 0.10.21


#define GST_TAG_GEO_LOCATION_LONGITUDE               "geo-location-longitude"

geo longitude location of where the media has been recorded or produced in degrees according to WGS84 (zero at the prime meridian in Greenwich/UK, negative values for western longitudes). (double).

Since 0.10.21


#define GST_TAG_GEO_LOCATION_ELEVATION               "geo-location-elevation"

geo elevation of where the media has been recorded or produced in meters according to WGS84 (zero is average sea level) (double).

Since 0.10.21

gst_tag_register ()

void                gst_tag_register                    (const gchar *name,
                                                         GstTagFlag flag,
                                                         GType type,
                                                         const gchar *nick,
                                                         const gchar *blurb,
                                                         GstTagMergeFunc func);

Registers a new tag type for the use with GStreamer's type system. If a type with that name is already registered, that one is used. The old registration may have used a different type however. So don't rely on your supplied values.

Important: if you do not supply a merge function the implication will be that there can only be one single value for this tag in a tag list and any additional values will silenty be discarded when being added (unless GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE, GST_TAG_MERGE_REPLACE_ALL, or GST_TAG_MERGE_PREPEND is used as merge mode, in which case the new value will replace the old one in the list).

The merge function will be called from gst_tag_list_copy_value() when it is required that one or more values for a tag be condensed into one single value. This may happen from gst_tag_list_get_string(), gst_tag_list_get_int(), gst_tag_list_get_double() etc. What will happen exactly in that case depends on how the tag was registered and if a merge function was supplied and if so which one.

Two default merge functions are provided: gst_tag_merge_use_first() and gst_tag_merge_strings_with_commas().

name : the name or identifier string
flag : a flag describing the type of tag info
type : the type this data is in
nick : human-readable name
blurb : a human-readable description about this tag
func : function for merging multiple values of this tag, or NULL

gst_tag_merge_use_first ()

void                gst_tag_merge_use_first             (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GValue *src);

This is a convenience function for the func argument of gst_tag_register(). It creates a copy of the first value from the list.

dest : uninitialized GValue to store result in
src : GValue to copy from

gst_tag_merge_strings_with_comma ()

void                gst_tag_merge_strings_with_comma    (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GValue *src);

This is a convenience function for the func argument of gst_tag_register(). It concatenates all given strings using a comma. The tag must be registered as a G_TYPE_STRING or this function will fail.

dest : uninitialized GValue to store result in
src : GValue to copy from

gst_tag_exists ()

gboolean            gst_tag_exists                      (const gchar *tag);

Checks if the given type is already registered.

tag : name of the tag
Returns : TRUE if the type is already registered

gst_tag_get_type ()

GType               gst_tag_get_type                    (const gchar *tag);

Gets the GType used for this tag.

tag : the tag
Returns : the GType of this tag

gst_tag_get_nick ()

const gchar*        gst_tag_get_nick                    (const gchar *tag);

Returns the human-readable name of this tag, You must not change or free this string.

tag : the tag
Returns : the human-readable name of this tag

gst_tag_get_description ()

const gchar*        gst_tag_get_description             (const gchar *tag);

Returns the human-readable description of this tag, You must not change or free this string.

tag : the tag
Returns : the human-readable description of this tag

gst_tag_get_flag ()

GstTagFlag          gst_tag_get_flag                    (const gchar *tag);

Gets the flag of tag.

tag : the tag
Returns : the flag of this tag.

gst_tag_is_fixed ()

gboolean            gst_tag_is_fixed                    (const gchar *tag);

Checks if the given tag is fixed. A fixed tag can only contain one value. Unfixed tags can contain lists of values.

tag : tag to check
Returns : TRUE, if the given tag is fixed.

gst_tag_list_new ()

GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new                    (void);

Creates a new empty GstTagList.

Returns : An empty tag list

gst_tag_list_new_full ()

GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new_full               (const gchar *tag,

Creates a new taglist and appends the values for the given tags. It expects tag-value pairs like gst_tag_list_add(), and a NULL terminator after the last pair. The type of the values is implicit and is documented in the API reference, but can also be queried at runtime with gst_tag_get_type(). It is an error to pass a value of a type not matching the tag type into this function. The tag list will make copies of any arguments passed (e.g. strings, buffers).

tag : tag
... : NULL-terminated list of values to set
Returns : a new GstTagList. Free with gst_tag_list_free() when no longer needed.

Since 0.10.24

gst_tag_list_new_full_valist ()

GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new_full_valist        (va_list var_args);

Just like gst_tag_list_new_full(), only that it takes a va_list argument. Useful mostly for language bindings.

var_args : tag / value pairs to set
Returns : a new GstTagList. Free with gst_tag_list_free() when no longer needed.

Since 0.10.24

gst_is_tag_list ()

gboolean            gst_is_tag_list                     (gconstpointer p);

Checks if the given pointer is a taglist.

p : Object that might be a taglist
Returns : TRUE, if the given pointer is a taglist

gst_tag_list_is_empty ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_is_empty               (const GstTagList *list);

Checks if the given taglist is empty.

list : A GstTagList.
Returns : TRUE if the taglist is empty, otherwise FALSE.

Since 0.10.11

gst_tag_list_copy ()

GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_copy                   (const GstTagList *list);

Copies a given GstTagList.

list : list to copy
Returns : copy of the given list

gst_tag_list_insert ()

void                gst_tag_list_insert                 (GstTagList *into,
                                                         const GstTagList *from,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode);

Inserts the tags of the from list into the first list using the given mode.

into : list to merge into
from : list to merge from
mode : the mode to use

gst_tag_list_merge ()

GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_merge                  (const GstTagList *list1,
                                                         const GstTagList *list2,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode);

Merges the two given lists into a new list. If one of the lists is NULL, a copy of the other is returned. If both lists are NULL, NULL is returned.

list1 : first list to merge
list2 : second list to merge
mode : the mode to use
Returns : the new list

gst_tag_list_free ()

void                gst_tag_list_free                   (GstTagList *list);

Frees the given list and all associated values.

list : the list to free

gst_tag_list_get_tag_size ()

guint               gst_tag_list_get_tag_size           (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag);

Checks how many value are stored in this tag list for the given tag.

list : a taglist
tag : the tag to query
Returns : The number of tags stored

gst_tag_list_add ()

void                gst_tag_list_add                    (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,

Sets the values for the given tags using the specified mode.

list : list to set tags in
mode : the mode to use
tag : tag
... : NULL-terminated list of values to set

gst_tag_list_add_value ()

void                gst_tag_list_add_value              (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         const GValue *value);

Sets the GValue for a given tag using the specified mode.

list : list to set tags in
mode : the mode to use
tag : tag
value : GValue for this tag

Since 0.10.24

gst_tag_list_add_values ()

void                gst_tag_list_add_values             (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,

Sets the GValues for the given tags using the specified mode.

list : list to set tags in
mode : the mode to use
tag : tag
... : GValues to set

gst_tag_list_add_valist ()

void                gst_tag_list_add_valist             (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list var_args);

Sets the values for the given tags using the specified mode.

list : list to set tags in
mode : the mode to use
tag : tag
var_args : tag / value pairs to set

gst_tag_list_add_valist_values ()

void                gst_tag_list_add_valist_values      (GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagMergeMode mode,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list var_args);

Sets the GValues for the given tags using the specified mode.

list : list to set tags in
mode : the mode to use
tag : tag
var_args : tag / GValue pairs to set

gst_tag_list_remove_tag ()

void                gst_tag_list_remove_tag             (GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag);

Removes the given tag from the taglist.

list : list to remove tag from
tag : tag to remove

gst_tag_list_foreach ()

void                gst_tag_list_foreach                (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         GstTagForeachFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Calls the given function for each tag inside the tag list. Note that if there is no tag, the function won't be called at all.

list : list to iterate over
func : function to be called for each tag
user_data : user specified data

gst_tag_list_get_value_index ()

const GValue*       gst_tag_list_get_value_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
Returns : The GValue for the specified entry or NULL if the tag wasn't available or the tag doesn't have as many entries

gst_tag_list_copy_value ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_copy_value             (GValue *dest,
                                                         const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag. You must g_value_unset() the value after use.

dest : uninitialized GValue to copy into
list : list to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_char ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_char               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gchar *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_char_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_char_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gchar *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_uchar ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uchar              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guchar *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_uchar_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uchar_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         guchar *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_boolean ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_boolean            (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gboolean *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_boolean_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_boolean_index      (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gboolean *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_int ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int                (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gint *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_int_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int_index          (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gint *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_uint ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_uint_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         guint *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_long ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_long               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         glong *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_long_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_long_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         glong *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_ulong ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_ulong              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gulong *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_ulong_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_ulong_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gulong *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_int64 ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int64              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gint64 *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_int64_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_int64_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gint64 *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_uint64 ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint64             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint64 *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_uint64_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_uint64_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         guint64 *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_float ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_float              (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gfloat *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_float_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_float_index        (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gfloat *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_double ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_double             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gdouble *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_double_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_double_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gdouble *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_string ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_string             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gchar **value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, possibly merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

Use gst_tag_list_get_string_index (list, tag, 0, value) if you want to retrieve the first string associated with this tag unmodified.

The resulting string in value will be in UTF-8 encoding and should be freed by the caller using g_free when no longer needed. Since 0.10.24 the returned string is also guaranteed to be non-NULL and non-empty.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_string_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_string_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gchar **value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

The resulting string in value will be in UTF-8 encoding and should be freed by the caller using g_free when no longer needed. Since 0.10.24 the returned string is also guaranteed to be non-NULL and non-empty.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_pointer ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_pointer            (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         gpointer *value);

Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_pointer_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_pointer_index      (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         gpointer *value);

Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list.

gst_tag_list_get_date ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_date               (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         GDate **value);

Copies the first date for the given tag in the taglist into the variable pointed to by value. Free the date with g_date_free() when it is no longer needed.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : address of a GDate pointer variable to store the result into
Returns : TRUE, if a date was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list or if it was NULL.

gst_tag_list_get_date_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_date_index         (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GDate **value);

Gets the date that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by value. Free the date with g_date_free() when it is no longer needed.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : location for the result
Returns : TRUE, if a value was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list or if it was NULL.

gst_tag_list_get_buffer ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_buffer             (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         GstBuffer **value);

Copies the first buffer for the given tag in the taglist into the variable pointed to by value. Free the buffer with gst_buffer_unref() when it is no longer needed.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
value : address of a GstBuffer pointer variable to store the result into
Returns : TRUE, if a buffer was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list or if it was NULL.

Since 0.10.23

gst_tag_list_get_buffer_index ()

gboolean            gst_tag_list_get_buffer_index       (const GstTagList *list,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         guint index,
                                                         GstBuffer **value);

Gets the buffer that is at the given index for the given tag in the given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by value. Free the buffer with gst_buffer_unref() when it is no longer needed.

list : a GstTagList to get the tag from
tag : tag to read out
index : number of entry to read out
value : address of a GstBuffer pointer variable to store the result into
Returns : TRUE, if a buffer was copied, FALSE if the tag didn't exist in the given list or if it was NULL.

Since 0.10.23