
gstvideoorientation — Interface for elements providing video orientation controls


#include <gst/interfaces/videoorientation.h>

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_hcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint *center);
gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_hflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean *flip);
gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_vcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint *center);
gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_vflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean *flip);
gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_hcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint center);
gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_hflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean flip);
gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_vcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint center);
gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_vflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean flip);

Object Hierarchy



GstVideoOrientation requires GstObject, GstImplementsInterface and GstElement.


The interface allows unified access to control flipping and autocenter operation of video-sources or operators.



typedef struct _GstVideoOrientation GstVideoOrientation;

Opaque GstVideoOrientation data structure.


typedef struct {
  GTypeInterface parent;

  /* virtual functions */
  gboolean (* get_hflip)   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gboolean *flip);
  gboolean (* get_vflip)   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gboolean *flip);
  gboolean (* get_hcenter) (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gint *center);
  gboolean (* get_vcenter) (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gint *center);

  gboolean (* set_hflip)   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gboolean flip);
  gboolean (* set_vflip)   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gboolean flip);
  gboolean (* set_hcenter) (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gint center);
  gboolean (* set_vcenter) (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation, gint center);
} GstVideoOrientationInterface;

GstVideoOrientationInterface interface.

GTypeInterface parent; parent interface type.
get_hflip () virtual method to get horizontal flipping state
get_vflip () virtual method to get vertical flipping state
get_hcenter () virtual method to get horizontal centering state
get_vcenter () virtual method to get vertical centering state
set_hflip () virtual method to set horizontal flipping state
set_vflip () virtual method to set vertical flipping state
set_hcenter () virtual method to set horizontal centering state
set_vcenter () virtual method to set vertical centering state

gst_video_orientation_get_hcenter ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_hcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint *center);

Get the horizontal centering offset from the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
center : return location for the result
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports centering

Since 0.10.11

gst_video_orientation_get_hflip ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_hflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean *flip);

Get the horizontal flipping state (TRUE for flipped) from the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
flip : return location for the result
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports flipping

Since 0.10.11

gst_video_orientation_get_vcenter ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_vcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint *center);

Get the vertical centering offset from the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
center : return location for the result
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports centering

Since 0.10.11

gst_video_orientation_get_vflip ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_get_vflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean *flip);

Get the vertical flipping state (TRUE for flipped) from the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
flip : return location for the result
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports flipping

Since 0.10.11

gst_video_orientation_set_hcenter ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_hcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint center);

Set the horizontal centering offset for the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
center : centering offset
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports centering

Since 0.10.11

gst_video_orientation_set_hflip ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_hflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean flip);

Set the horizontal flipping state (TRUE for flipped) for the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
flip : use flipping
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports flipping

Since 0.10.11

gst_video_orientation_set_vcenter ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_vcenter   (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gint center);

Set the vertical centering offset for the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
center : centering offset
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports centering

Since 0.10.11

gst_video_orientation_set_vflip ()

gboolean            gst_video_orientation_set_vflip     (GstVideoOrientation *video_orientation,
                                                         gboolean flip);

Set the vertical flipping state (TRUE for flipped) for the given object.

video_orientation : GstVideoOrientation interface of a GstElement
flip : use flipping
Returns : TRUE in case the element supports flipping

Since 0.10.11