
gsttagid3 — tag mappings and support functions for plugins dealing with ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags


#include <gst/tag/tag.h>

guint               gst_tag_id3_genre_count             (void);
const gchar*        gst_tag_id3_genre_get               (const guint id);
GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new_from_id3v1         (const guint8 *data);
const gchar*        gst_tag_from_id3_tag                (const gchar *id3_tag);
const gchar*        gst_tag_from_id3_user_tag           (const gchar *type,
                                                         const gchar *id3_user_tag);
const gchar*        gst_tag_to_id3_tag                  (const gchar *gst_tag);


Contains various utility functions for plugins to parse or create ID3 tags and map ID3v2 identifiers to and from GStreamer identifiers.


gst_tag_id3_genre_count ()

guint               gst_tag_id3_genre_count             (void);

Gets the number of ID3v1 genres that can be identified. Winamp genres are included.

Returns : the number of ID3v1 genres that can be identified

gst_tag_id3_genre_get ()

const gchar*        gst_tag_id3_genre_get               (const guint id);

Gets the ID3v1 genre name for a given ID.

id : ID of genre to query
Returns : the genre or NULL if no genre is associated with that ID.

gst_tag_list_new_from_id3v1 ()

GstTagList*         gst_tag_list_new_from_id3v1         (const guint8 *data);

Parses the data containing an ID3v1 tag and returns a GstTagList from the parsed data.

data : 128 bytes of data containing the ID3v1 tag
Returns : A new tag list or NULL if the data was not an ID3v1 tag.

gst_tag_from_id3_tag ()

const gchar*        gst_tag_from_id3_tag                (const gchar *id3_tag);

Looks up the GStreamer tag for a ID3v2 tag.

id3_tag : ID3v2 tag to convert to GStreamer tag
Returns : The corresponding GStreamer tag or NULL if none exists.

gst_tag_from_id3_user_tag ()

const gchar*        gst_tag_from_id3_user_tag           (const gchar *type,
                                                         const gchar *id3_user_tag);

Looks up the GStreamer tag for an ID3v2 user tag (e.g. description in TXXX frame or owner in UFID frame).

type : the type of ID3v2 user tag (e.g. "TXXX" or "UDIF")
id3_user_tag : ID3v2 user tag to convert to GStreamer tag
Returns : The corresponding GStreamer tag or NULL if none exists.

gst_tag_to_id3_tag ()

const gchar*        gst_tag_to_id3_tag                  (const gchar *gst_tag);

Looks up the ID3v2 tag for a GStreamer tag.

gst_tag : GStreamer tag to convert to vorbiscomment tag
Returns : The corresponding ID3v2 tag or NULL if none exists.

See Also
