
gstrtspurl — handling RTSP urls


#include <gst/rtsp/gstrtspurl.h>

#define             GST_RTSP_DEFAULT_PORT
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_url_parse                  (const gchar *urlstr,
                                                         GstRTSPUrl **url);
GstRTSPUrl*         gst_rtsp_url_copy                   (const GstRTSPUrl *url);
void                gst_rtsp_url_free                   (GstRTSPUrl *url);
gchar*              gst_rtsp_url_get_request_uri        (const GstRTSPUrl *url);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_url_set_port               (GstRTSPUrl *url,
                                                         guint16 port);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_url_get_port               (const GstRTSPUrl *url,
                                                         guint16 *port);


Provides helper functions to handle RTSP urls.

Last reviewed on 2007-07-25 (0.10.14)



#define GST_RTSP_DEFAULT_PORT       554

The default RTSP port to connect to.


typedef struct {
  GstRTSPLowerTrans  transports;
  GstRTSPFamily      family;
  gchar             *user;
  gchar             *passwd;
  gchar             *host;
  guint16            port;
  gchar             *abspath;
  gchar             *query;
} GstRTSPUrl;

This structure contains the result of a parsed RTSP URL

GstRTSPLowerTrans transports; the transports allowed
GstRTSPFamily family; the family
gchar *user; the user
gchar *passwd; the password
gchar *host; the host
guint16 port; the port
gchar *abspath; the absolute path
gchar *query; additional query parameters

gst_rtsp_url_parse ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_url_parse                  (const gchar *urlstr,
                                                         GstRTSPUrl **url);

Parse the RTSP urlstr into a newly allocated GstRTSPUrl. Free after usage with gst_rtsp_url_free().

urlstr : the url string to parse
url : location to hold the result.
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_url_copy ()

GstRTSPUrl*         gst_rtsp_url_copy                   (const GstRTSPUrl *url);

Make a copy of url.

url : a GstRTSPUrl
Returns : a copy of url. Free with gst_rtsp_url_free() after usage.

Since 0.10.22

gst_rtsp_url_free ()

void                gst_rtsp_url_free                   (GstRTSPUrl *url);

Free the memory used by url.

url : a GstRTSPUrl

gst_rtsp_url_get_request_uri ()

gchar*              gst_rtsp_url_get_request_uri        (const GstRTSPUrl *url);

Get a newly allocated string describing the request URI for url.

url : a GstRTSPUrl
Returns : a string with the request URI. g_free() after usage.

gst_rtsp_url_set_port ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_url_set_port               (GstRTSPUrl *url,
                                                         guint16 port);

Set the port number in url to port.

url : a GstRTSPUrl
port : the port
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

gst_rtsp_url_get_port ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_url_get_port               (const GstRTSPUrl *url,
                                                         guint16 *port);

Get the port number of url.

url : a GstRTSPUrl
port : location to hold the port
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.