
gstrtspmessage — RTSP messages


#include <gst/rtsp/gstrtspmessage.h>

enum                GstRTSPMsgType;
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new                (GstRTSPMessage **msg);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init               (GstRTSPMessage *msg);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_unset              (GstRTSPMessage *msg);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_free               (GstRTSPMessage *msg);
GstRTSPMsgType      gst_rtsp_message_get_type           (GstRTSPMessage *msg);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new_request        (GstRTSPMessage **msg,
                                                         GstRTSPMethod method,
                                                         const gchar *uri);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init_request       (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPMethod method,
                                                         const gchar *uri);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_parse_request      (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPMethod *method,
                                                         const gchar **uri,
                                                         GstRTSPVersion *version);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new_response       (GstRTSPMessage **msg,
                                                         GstRTSPStatusCode code,
                                                         const gchar *reason,
                                                         const GstRTSPMessage *request);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init_response      (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPStatusCode code,
                                                         const gchar *reason,
                                                         const GstRTSPMessage *request);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_parse_response     (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPStatusCode *code,
                                                         const gchar **reason,
                                                         GstRTSPVersion *version);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new_data           (GstRTSPMessage **msg,
                                                         guint8 channel);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init_data          (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 channel);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_parse_data         (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 *channel);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_add_header         (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         const gchar *value);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_take_header        (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         gchar *value);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_remove_header      (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         gint indx);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_get_header         (const GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         gchar **value,
                                                         gint indx);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_append_headers     (const GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GString *str);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_set_body           (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         const guint8 *data,
                                                         guint size);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_take_body          (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 *data,
                                                         guint size);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_get_body           (const GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 **data,
                                                         guint *size);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_steal_body         (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 **data,
                                                         guint *size);
GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_dump               (GstRTSPMessage *msg);


Provides methods for creating and parsing request, response and data messages.

Last reviewed on 2007-07-25 (0.10.14)


enum GstRTSPMsgType

typedef enum
} GstRTSPMsgType;

The type of a message.

GST_RTSP_MESSAGE_INVALID invalid message type
GST_RTSP_MESSAGE_HTTP_REQUEST HTTP request message. Since 0.10.25
GST_RTSP_MESSAGE_HTTP_RESPONSE HTTP response message. Since 0.10.25


typedef struct {
  GstRTSPMsgType    type;

  union {
    struct {
      GstRTSPMethod      method;
      gchar             *uri;
      GstRTSPVersion     version;
    } request;
    struct {
      GstRTSPStatusCode  code;
      gchar             *reason;
      GstRTSPVersion     version;
    } response;
    struct {
      guint8             channel;
    } data;
} GstRTSPMessage;

An RTSP message containing request, response or data messages. Depending on the type, the appropriate structure may be accessed.

GstRTSPMsgType type; the message type

gst_rtsp_message_new ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new                (GstRTSPMessage **msg);

Create a new initialized GstRTSPMessage. Free with gst_rtsp_message_free().

msg : a location for the new GstRTSPMessage
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_init ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init               (GstRTSPMessage *msg);

Initialize msg. This function is mostly used when msg is allocated on the stack. The reverse operation of this is gst_rtsp_message_unset().

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_unset ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_unset              (GstRTSPMessage *msg);

Unset the contents of msg so that it becomes an uninitialized GstRTSPMessage again. This function is mostly used in combination with gst_rtsp_message_init_request(), gst_rtsp_message_init_response() and gst_rtsp_message_init_data() on stack allocated GstRTSPMessage structures.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

gst_rtsp_message_free ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_free               (GstRTSPMessage *msg);

Free the memory used by msg.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_get_type ()

GstRTSPMsgType      gst_rtsp_message_get_type           (GstRTSPMessage *msg);

Get the message type of msg.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
Returns : the message type.

gst_rtsp_message_new_request ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new_request        (GstRTSPMessage **msg,
                                                         GstRTSPMethod method,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Create a new GstRTSPMessage with method and uri and store the result request message in msg. Free with gst_rtsp_message_free().

msg : a location for the new GstRTSPMessage
method : the request method to use
uri : the uri of the request
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_init_request ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init_request       (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPMethod method,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Initialize msg as a request message with method and uri. To clear msg again, use gst_rtsp_message_unset().

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
method : the request method to use
uri : the uri of the request
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_parse_request ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_parse_request      (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPMethod *method,
                                                         const gchar **uri,
                                                         GstRTSPVersion *version);

Parse the request message msg and store the values method, uri and version. The result locations can be NULL if one is not interested in its value.

uri remains valid for as long as msg is valid and unchanged.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
method : location to hold the method
uri : location to hold the uri
version : location to hold the version
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_new_response ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new_response       (GstRTSPMessage **msg,
                                                         GstRTSPStatusCode code,
                                                         const gchar *reason,
                                                         const GstRTSPMessage *request);

Create a new response GstRTSPMessage with code and reason and store the result message in msg. Free with gst_rtsp_message_free().

When reason is NULL, the default reason for code will be used.

When request is not NULL, the relevant headers will be copied to the new response message.

msg : a location for the new GstRTSPMessage
code : the status code
reason : the status reason or NULL
request : the request that triggered the response or NULL
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_init_response ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init_response      (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPStatusCode code,
                                                         const gchar *reason,
                                                         const GstRTSPMessage *request);

Initialize msg with code and reason.

When reason is NULL, the default reason for code will be used.

When request is not NULL, the relevant headers will be copied to the new response message.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
code : the status code
reason : the status reason or NULL
request : the request that triggered the response or NULL
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_parse_response ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_parse_response     (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPStatusCode *code,
                                                         const gchar **reason,
                                                         GstRTSPVersion *version);

Parse the response message msg and store the values code, reason and version. The result locations can be NULL if one is not interested in its value.

reason remains valid for as long as msg is valid and unchanged.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
code : location to hold the status code
reason : location to hold the status reason
version : location to hold the version
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_new_data ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_new_data           (GstRTSPMessage **msg,
                                                         guint8 channel);

Create a new data GstRTSPMessage with channel and store the result message in msg. Free with gst_rtsp_message_free().

msg : a location for the new GstRTSPMessage
channel : the channel
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_init_data ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_init_data          (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 channel);

Initialize a new data GstRTSPMessage for channel.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
channel : a channel
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_parse_data ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_parse_data         (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 *channel);

Parse the data message msg and store the channel in channel.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
channel : location to hold the channel
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_add_header ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_add_header         (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Add a header with key field and value to msg. This function takes a copy of value.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
field : a GstRTSPHeaderField
value : the value of the header
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_take_header ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_take_header        (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         gchar *value);

Add a header with key field and value to msg. This function takes ownership of value.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
field : a GstRTSPHeaderField
value : the value of the header
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

Since 0.10.23

gst_rtsp_message_remove_header ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_remove_header      (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         gint indx);

Remove the indx header with key field from msg. If indx equals -1, all headers will be removed.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
field : a GstRTSPHeaderField
indx : the index of the header
Returns : a GstRTSPResult.

gst_rtsp_message_get_header ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_get_header         (const GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GstRTSPHeaderField field,
                                                         gchar **value,
                                                         gint indx);

Get the indx header value with key field from msg. The result in value stays valid as long as it remains present in msg.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
field : a GstRTSPHeaderField
value : pointer to hold the result
indx : the index of the header
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK when field was found, GST_RTSP_ENOTIMPL if the key was not found.

gst_rtsp_message_append_headers ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_append_headers     (const GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         GString *str);

Append the currently configured headers in msg to the GString str suitable for transmission.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
str : a string
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

gst_rtsp_message_set_body ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_set_body           (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         const guint8 *data,
                                                         guint size);

Set the body of msg to a copy of data.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
data : the data
size : the size of data
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

gst_rtsp_message_take_body ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_take_body          (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 *data,
                                                         guint size);

Set the body of msg to data and size. This method takes ownership of data.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
data : the data
size : the size of data
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

gst_rtsp_message_get_body ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_get_body           (const GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 **data,
                                                         guint *size);

Get the body of msg. data remains valid for as long as msg is valid and unchanged.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
data : location for the data
size : location for the size of data
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

gst_rtsp_message_steal_body ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_steal_body         (GstRTSPMessage *msg,
                                                         guint8 **data,
                                                         guint *size);

Take the body of msg and store it in data and size. After this method, the body and size of msg will be set to NULL and 0 respectively.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
data : location for the data
size : location for the size of data
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

gst_rtsp_message_dump ()

GstRTSPResult       gst_rtsp_message_dump               (GstRTSPMessage *msg);

Dump the contents of msg to stdout.

msg : a GstRTSPMessage
Returns : GST_RTSP_OK.

See Also
