
gstringbuffer — Base class for audio ringbuffer implementations


#include <gst/audio/gstringbuffer.h>

void                (*GstRingBufferCallback)            (GstRingBuffer *rbuf,
                                                         guint8 *data,
                                                         guint len,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
enum                GstRingBufferSegState;
enum                GstRingBufferState;
enum                GstBufferFormat;
enum                GstBufferFormatType;
#define             GST_RING_BUFFER_BROADCAST           (buf)
#define             GST_RING_BUFFER_GET_COND            (buf)
#define             GST_RING_BUFFER_SIGNAL              (buf)
#define             GST_RING_BUFFER_WAIT                (buf)
void                gst_ring_buffer_set_callback        (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstRingBufferCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_acquire             (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstRingBufferSpec *spec);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_release             (GstRingBuffer *buf);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_is_acquired         (GstRingBuffer *buf);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_activate            (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gboolean active);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_is_active           (GstRingBuffer *buf);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_start               (GstRingBuffer *buf);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_pause               (GstRingBuffer *buf);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_stop                (GstRingBuffer *buf);
guint               gst_ring_buffer_delay               (GstRingBuffer *buf);
guint64             gst_ring_buffer_samples_done        (GstRingBuffer *buf);
void                gst_ring_buffer_set_sample          (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 sample);
guint               gst_ring_buffer_commit              (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 sample,
                                                         guchar *data,
                                                         guint len);
guint               gst_ring_buffer_commit_full         (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 *sample,
                                                         guchar *data,
                                                         gint in_samples,
                                                         gint out_samples,
                                                         gint *accum);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_convert             (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstFormat src_fmt,
                                                         gint64 src_val,
                                                         GstFormat dest_fmt,
                                                         gint64 *dest_val);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_prepare_read        (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gint *segment,
                                                         guint8 **readptr,
                                                         gint *len);
guint               gst_ring_buffer_read                (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 sample,
                                                         guchar *data,
                                                         guint len);
void                gst_ring_buffer_clear               (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gint segment);
void                gst_ring_buffer_clear_all           (GstRingBuffer *buf);
void                gst_ring_buffer_advance             (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint advance);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_close_device        (GstRingBuffer *buf);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_open_device         (GstRingBuffer *buf);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_device_is_open      (GstRingBuffer *buf);
void                gst_ring_buffer_may_start           (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gboolean allowed);
gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_parse_caps          (GstRingBufferSpec *spec,
                                                         GstCaps *caps);
void                gst_ring_buffer_set_flushing        (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gboolean flushing);

Object Hierarchy



This object is the base class for audio ringbuffers used by the base audio source and sink classes.

The ringbuffer abstracts a circular buffer of data. One reader and one writer can operate on the data from different threads in a lockfree manner. The base class is sufficiently flexible to be used as an abstraction for DMA based ringbuffers as well as a pure software implementations.

Last reviewed on 2006-02-02 (0.10.4)



typedef struct {
  GCond                 *cond;
  gboolean               open;
  gboolean               acquired;
  GstBuffer             *data;
  GstRingBufferSpec      spec;
  GstRingBufferSegState *segstate;
  gint                   samples_per_seg;
  guint8                *empty_seg;

  gint                   state;
  gint                   segdone;
  gint                   segbase;
  gint                   waiting;
} GstRingBuffer;

The ringbuffer base class structure.

GCond *cond; used to signal start/stop/pause/resume actions
gboolean open; boolean indicating that the ringbuffer is open
gboolean acquired; boolean indicating that the ringbuffer is acquired
GstBuffer *data; data in the ringbuffer
GstRingBufferSpec spec; format and layout of the ringbuffer data
GstRingBufferSegState *segstate; status of each segment in the ringbuffer (unused)
gint samples_per_seg; number of samples in one segment
guint8 *empty_seg; pointer to memory holding one segment of silence samples
gint state; state of the buffer
gint segdone; readpointer in the ringbuffer
gint segbase; segment corresponding to segment 0 (unused)
gint waiting; is a reader or writer waiting for a free segment


typedef struct {
  GstObjectClass parent_class;

  gboolean     (*open_device)  (GstRingBuffer *buf);
  gboolean     (*acquire)      (GstRingBuffer *buf, GstRingBufferSpec *spec);
  gboolean     (*release)      (GstRingBuffer *buf);
  gboolean     (*close_device) (GstRingBuffer *buf);

  gboolean     (*start)        (GstRingBuffer *buf);
  gboolean     (*pause)        (GstRingBuffer *buf);
  gboolean     (*resume)       (GstRingBuffer *buf);
  gboolean     (*stop)         (GstRingBuffer *buf);

  guint        (*delay)        (GstRingBuffer *buf);

  /* ABI added */
  gboolean     (*activate)     (GstRingBuffer *buf, gboolean active);

  guint        (*commit)       (GstRingBuffer * buf, guint64 *sample,
                                guchar * data, gint in_samples, 
                                gint out_samples, gint * accum);

  void         (*clear_all)    (GstRingBuffer * buf);
} GstRingBufferClass;

The vmethods that subclasses can override to implement the ringbuffer.

GstObjectClass parent_class; parent class
open_device () open the device, don't set any params or allocate anything
acquire () allocate the resources for the ringbuffer using the given spec
release () free resources of the ringbuffer
close_device () close the device
start () start processing of samples
pause () pause processing of samples
resume () resume processing of samples after pause
stop () stop processing of samples
delay () get number of samples queued in device
activate () activate the thread that starts pulling and monitoring the consumed segments in the device. Since 0.10.22
commit () write samples into the ringbuffer
clear_all () clear the entire ringbuffer Since 0.10.24


typedef struct {
  /* in */
  GstCaps  *caps;               /* the caps of the buffer */

  /* in/out */
  GstBufferFormatType   type;
  GstBufferFormat format;
  gboolean  sign;
  gboolean  bigend;
  gint      width;
  gint      depth;
  gint      rate;
  gint      channels;
  guint64  latency_time;        /* the required/actual latency time, this is the
				 * actual the size of one segment and the
				 * minimum possible latency we can achieve. */
  guint64  buffer_time;         /* the required/actual time of the buffer, this is
				 * the total size of the buffer and maximum
				 * latency we can compensate for. */
  gint     segsize;             /* size of one buffer segment in bytes, this value
				 * should be chosen to match latency_time as
				 * well as possible. */
  gint     segtotal;            /* total number of segments, this value is the
				 * number of segments of @segsize and should be
				 * chosen so that it matches buffer_time as
				 * close as possible. */
  /* out */
  gint     bytes_per_sample;    /* number of bytes of one sample */
  guint8   silence_sample[32];  /* bytes representing silence */

  /* ABI added 0.10.20 */
  gint     seglatency;          /* number of segments queued in the lower
				 * level device, defaults to segtotal. */
} GstRingBufferSpec;

The structure containing the format specification of the ringbuffer.

GstCaps *caps; The caps that generated the Spec.
GstBufferFormatType type; the sample type
GstBufferFormat format; the sample format
gboolean sign; the sample sign
gboolean bigend; the endianness of the samples
gint width; the width of the samples
gint depth; th depth of the samples
gint rate; the samplerate
gint channels; the number of channels
guint64 latency_time; the latency in microseconds
guint64 buffer_time; the total buffer size in microseconds
gint segsize; the size of one segment in bytes
gint segtotal; the total number of segments
gint bytes_per_sample; number of bytes in one sample
guint8 silence_sample[32]; bytes representing one sample of silence
gint seglatency; number of segments queued in the lower level device, defaults to segtotal

GstRingBufferCallback ()

void                (*GstRingBufferCallback)            (GstRingBuffer *rbuf,
                                                         guint8 *data,
                                                         guint len,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

This function is set with gst_ring_buffer_set_callback() and is called to fill the memory at data with len bytes of samples.

rbuf : a GstRingBuffer
data : target to fill
len : amount to fill
user_data : user data

enum GstRingBufferSegState

typedef enum {
} GstRingBufferSegState;

The state of a segment in the ringbuffer.

GST_SEGSTATE_INVALID The content of the segment is invalid
GST_SEGSTATE_EMPTY The segment is empty
GST_SEGSTATE_FILLED The segment contains valid data
GST_SEGSTATE_PARTIAL The segment partially contains valid data

enum GstRingBufferState

typedef enum {
} GstRingBufferState;

The state of the ringbuffer.

GST_RING_BUFFER_STATE_STOPPED The ringbuffer is stopped
GST_RING_BUFFER_STATE_PAUSED The ringbuffer is paused
GST_RING_BUFFER_STATE_STARTED The ringbuffer is started

enum GstBufferFormat

typedef enum








} GstBufferFormat;

enum GstBufferFormatType

typedef enum
} GstBufferFormatType;

The format of the samples in the ringbuffer.

GST_BUFTYPE_LINEAR samples in linear PCM
GST_BUFTYPE_FLOAT samples in float
GST_BUFTYPE_MU_LAW samples in mulaw
GST_BUFTYPE_A_LAW samples in alaw
GST_BUFTYPE_IMA_ADPCM samples in ima adpcm
GST_BUFTYPE_MPEG samples in mpeg audio format
GST_BUFTYPE_GSM samples in gsm format
GST_BUFTYPE_IEC958 samples in IEC958 frames (e.g. AC3)
GST_BUFTYPE_AC3 samples in AC3 format
GST_BUFTYPE_EAC3 samples in EAC3 format
GST_BUFTYPE_DTS samples in DTS format


#define GST_RING_BUFFER_BROADCAST(buf)(g_cond_broadcast (GST_RING_BUFFER_GET_COND (buf)))

buf :


#define GST_RING_BUFFER_GET_COND(buf) (((GstRingBuffer *)buf)->cond)

buf :


#define GST_RING_BUFFER_SIGNAL(buf)   (g_cond_signal (GST_RING_BUFFER_GET_COND (buf)))

buf :


#define GST_RING_BUFFER_WAIT(buf)     (g_cond_wait (GST_RING_BUFFER_GET_COND (buf), GST_OBJECT_GET_LOCK (buf)))

buf :

gst_ring_buffer_set_callback ()

void                gst_ring_buffer_set_callback        (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstRingBufferCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Sets the given callback function on the buffer. This function will be called every time a segment has been written to a device.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to set the callback on
cb : the callback to set
user_data : user data passed to the callback

gst_ring_buffer_acquire ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_acquire             (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstRingBufferSpec *spec);

Allocate the resources for the ringbuffer. This function fills in the data pointer of the ring buffer with a valid GstBuffer to which samples can be written.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to acquire
spec : the specs of the buffer
Returns : TRUE if the device could be acquired, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_release ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_release             (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Free the resources of the ringbuffer.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to release
Returns : TRUE if the device could be released, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_is_acquired ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_is_acquired         (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Check if the ringbuffer is acquired and ready to use.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to check
Returns : TRUE if the ringbuffer is acquired, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_activate ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_activate            (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gboolean active);

Activate buf to start or stop pulling data.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to activate
active : the new mode
Returns : TRUE if the device could be activated in the requested mode, FALSE on error.

Since 0.10.22.

gst_ring_buffer_is_active ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_is_active           (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Check if buf is activated.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer
Returns : TRUE if the device is active.

Since 0.10.22.

gst_ring_buffer_start ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_start               (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Start processing samples from the ringbuffer.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to start
Returns : TRUE if the device could be started, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_pause ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_pause               (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Pause processing samples from the ringbuffer.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to pause
Returns : TRUE if the device could be paused, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_stop ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_stop                (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Stop processing samples from the ringbuffer.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to stop
Returns : TRUE if the device could be stopped, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_delay ()

guint               gst_ring_buffer_delay               (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Get the number of samples queued in the audio device. This is usually less than the segment size but can be bigger when the implementation uses another internal buffer between the audio device.

For playback ringbuffers this is the amount of samples transfered from the ringbuffer to the device but still not played.

For capture ringbuffers this is the amount of samples in the device that are not yet transfered to the ringbuffer.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to query
Returns : The number of samples queued in the audio device. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_samples_done ()

guint64             gst_ring_buffer_samples_done        (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Get the number of samples that were processed by the ringbuffer since it was last started. This does not include the number of samples not yet processed (see gst_ring_buffer_delay()).

buf : the GstRingBuffer to query
Returns : The number of samples processed by the ringbuffer. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_set_sample ()

void                gst_ring_buffer_set_sample          (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 sample);

Make sure that the next sample written to the device is accounted for as being the sample sample written to the device. This value will be used in reporting the current sample position of the ringbuffer.

This function will also clear the buffer with silence.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to use
sample : the sample number to set

gst_ring_buffer_commit ()

guint               gst_ring_buffer_commit              (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 sample,
                                                         guchar *data,
                                                         guint len);

Same as gst_ring_buffer_commit_full() but with a in_samples and out_samples equal to len, ignoring accum.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to commit
sample : the sample position of the data
data : the data to commit
len : the number of samples in the data to commit
Returns : The number of samples written to the ringbuffer or -1 on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_commit_full ()

guint               gst_ring_buffer_commit_full         (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 *sample,
                                                         guchar *data,
                                                         gint in_samples,
                                                         gint out_samples,
                                                         gint *accum);

Commit in_samples samples pointed to by data to the ringbuffer buf.

in_samples and out_samples define the rate conversion to perform on the the samples in data. For negative rates, out_samples must be negative and in_samples positive.

When out_samples is positive, the first sample will be written at position sample in the ringbuffer. When out_samples is negative, the last sample will be written to sample in reverse order.

out_samples does not need to be a multiple of the segment size of the ringbuffer although it is recommended for optimal performance.

accum will hold a temporary accumulator used in rate conversion and should be set to 0 when this function is first called. In case the commit operation is interrupted, one can resume the processing by passing the previously returned accum value back to this function.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to commit
sample : the sample position of the data
data : the data to commit
in_samples : the number of samples in the data to commit
out_samples : the number of samples to write to the ringbuffer
accum : accumulator for rate conversion.
Returns : The number of samples written to the ringbuffer or -1 on error. The number of samples written can be less than out_samples when buf was interrupted with a flush or stop.

Since 0.10.11.

gst_ring_buffer_convert ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_convert             (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         GstFormat src_fmt,
                                                         gint64 src_val,
                                                         GstFormat dest_fmt,
                                                         gint64 *dest_val);

Convert src_val in src_fmt to the equivalent value in dest_fmt. The result will be put in dest_val.

buf : the GstRingBuffer
src_fmt : the source format
src_val : the source value
dest_fmt : the destination format
dest_val : a location to store the converted value
Returns : TRUE if the conversion succeeded.

Since 0.10.22.

gst_ring_buffer_prepare_read ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_prepare_read        (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gint *segment,
                                                         guint8 **readptr,
                                                         gint *len);

Returns a pointer to memory where the data from segment segment can be found. This function is mostly used by subclasses.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to read from
segment : the segment to read
readptr : the pointer to the memory where samples can be read
len : the number of bytes to read
Returns : FALSE if the buffer is not started. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_read ()

guint               gst_ring_buffer_read                (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint64 sample,
                                                         guchar *data,
                                                         guint len);

Read len samples from the ringbuffer into the memory pointed to by data. The first sample should be read from position sample in the ringbuffer.

len should not be a multiple of the segment size of the ringbuffer although it is recommended.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to read from
sample : the sample position of the data
data : where the data should be read
len : the number of samples in data to read
Returns : The number of samples read from the ringbuffer or -1 on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_clear ()

void                gst_ring_buffer_clear               (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gint segment);

Clear the given segment of the buffer with silence samples. This function is used by subclasses.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to clear
segment : the segment to clear

gst_ring_buffer_clear_all ()

void                gst_ring_buffer_clear_all           (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Fill the ringbuffer with silence.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to clear

gst_ring_buffer_advance ()

void                gst_ring_buffer_advance             (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         guint advance);

Subclasses should call this function to notify the fact that advance segments are now processed by the device.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to advance
advance : the number of segments written

gst_ring_buffer_close_device ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_close_device        (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Close the audio device associated with the ring buffer. The ring buffer should already have been released via gst_ring_buffer_release().

buf : the GstRingBuffer
Returns : TRUE if the device could be closed, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_open_device ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_open_device         (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Open the audio device associated with the ring buffer. Does not perform any setup on the device. You must open the device before acquiring the ring buffer.

buf : the GstRingBuffer
Returns : TRUE if the device could be opened, FALSE on error. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_device_is_open ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_device_is_open      (GstRingBuffer *buf);

Checks the status of the device associated with the ring buffer.

buf : the GstRingBuffer
Returns : TRUE if the device was open, FALSE if it was closed. MT safe.

gst_ring_buffer_may_start ()

void                gst_ring_buffer_may_start           (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gboolean allowed);

Tell the ringbuffer that it is allowed to start playback when the ringbuffer is filled with samples.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer
allowed : the new value

Since 0.10.6

gst_ring_buffer_parse_caps ()

gboolean            gst_ring_buffer_parse_caps          (GstRingBufferSpec *spec,
                                                         GstCaps *caps);

Parse caps into spec.

spec : a spec
caps : a GstCaps
Returns : TRUE if the caps could be parsed.

gst_ring_buffer_set_flushing ()

void                gst_ring_buffer_set_flushing        (GstRingBuffer *buf,
                                                         gboolean flushing);

Set the ringbuffer to flushing mode or normal mode.

MT safe.

buf : the GstRingBuffer to flush
flushing : the new mode

See Also

GstBaseAudioSink, GstAudioSink