
gstaudioclock — Helper object for implementing audio clocks


#include <gst/audio/gstaudioclock.h>

GstClockTime        (*GstAudioClockGetTimeFunc)         (GstClock *clock,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
GstClock*           gst_audio_clock_new                 (const gchar *name,
                                                         GstAudioClockGetTimeFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Object Hierarchy



GstAudioClock makes it easy for elements to implement a GstClock, they simply need to provide a function that returns the current clock time.

This object is internally used to implement the clock in GstBaseAudioSink.

Last reviewed on 2006-09-27 (0.10.12)



typedef struct _GstAudioClock GstAudioClock;

Opaque GstAudioClock.

GstAudioClockGetTimeFunc ()

GstClockTime        (*GstAudioClockGetTimeFunc)         (GstClock *clock,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

This function will be called whenever the current clock time needs to be calculated. If this function returns GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, the last reported time will be returned by the clock.

clock : the GstAudioClock
user_data : user data
Returns : the current time or GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE if the previous time should be used.

gst_audio_clock_new ()

GstClock*           gst_audio_clock_new                 (const gchar *name,
                                                         GstAudioClockGetTimeFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Create a new GstAudioClock instance. Whenever the clock time should be calculated it will call func with user_data. When func returns GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, the clock will return the last reported time.

name : the name of the clock
func : a function
user_data : user data
Returns : a new GstAudioClock casted to a GstClock.

See Also

GstBaseAudioSink, GstSystemClock