
FsCodec — Structure representing a media codec


#include <gst/farsight/fs-conference-iface.h>

enum                FsMediaType;
#define             FS_CODEC_ID_ANY
#define             FS_CODEC_ID_DISABLE
FsCodec*            fs_codec_new                        (int id,
                                                         const char *encoding_name,
                                                         FsMediaType media_type,
                                                         guint clock_rate);
void                fs_codec_destroy                    (FsCodec *codec);
FsCodec*            fs_codec_copy                       (const FsCodec *codec);
gboolean            fs_codec_are_equal                  (const FsCodec *codec1,
                                                         const FsCodec *codec2);
GList*              fs_codec_list_from_keyfile          (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);
void                fs_codec_list_destroy               (GList *codec_list);
GList*              fs_codec_list_copy                  (const GList *codec_list);
gboolean            fs_codec_list_are_equal             (GList *list1,
                                                         GList *list2);
gchar*              fs_codec_to_string                  (const FsCodec *codec);
void                fs_codec_add_optional_parameter     (FsCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value);
void                fs_codec_remove_optional_parameter  (FsCodec *codec,
                                                         FsCodecParameter *param);
FsCodecParameter*   fs_codec_get_optional_parameter     (FsCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value);
#define             FS_CODEC_FORMAT
#define             FS_CODEC_ARGS                       (codec)
const gchar*        fs_media_type_to_string             (FsMediaType media_type);


An FsCodec is a way to exchange codec information between the client and Farsight. The information specified in this structure is usually representative of the codec information exchanged in the signaling.



typedef struct {
  gint id;
  char *encoding_name;
  FsMediaType media_type;
  guint clock_rate;
  guint channels;
  GList *optional_params;
} FsCodec;

This structure reprensents one codec that can be offered or received

gint id; numeric identifier for encoding, eg. PT for SDP
char *encoding_name; the name of the codec
FsMediaType media_type; type of media this codec is for
guint clock_rate; clock rate of this stream
guint channels; Number of channels codec should decode
GList *optional_params; key pairs of param name to param data

enum FsMediaType

typedef enum
} FsMediaType;

Enum used to signify the media type of a codec or stream.

FS_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO A media type that encodes audio.
FS_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO A media type that encodes video.
FS_MEDIA_TYPE_LAST Largest valid FsMediaType


typedef struct {
    gchar *name;
    gchar *value;
} FsCodecParameter;

Used to store arbitary parameters for a codec

gchar *name; paramter name.
gchar *value; parameter value.


#define FS_CODEC_ID_ANY            (-1)

If the id of a FsCodec is FS_CODEC_ID_ANY, then it will be replaced with a dynamic payload type at runtime


#define FS_CODEC_ID_DISABLE        (-2)

If the id of a FsCodec is FS_CODEC_ID_DISABLE, then this codec will not be used

fs_codec_new ()

FsCodec*            fs_codec_new                        (int id,
                                                         const char *encoding_name,
                                                         FsMediaType media_type,
                                                         guint clock_rate);

Allocates and initializes a FsCodec structure

id : codec identifier, if RTP this should be based on IETF RTP payload types
encoding_name : Name of media type this encodes
media_type : FsMediaType for type of codec
clock_rate : The clock rate this codec encodes at, if applicable
Returns : A newly allocated FsCodec

fs_codec_destroy ()

void                fs_codec_destroy                    (FsCodec *codec);

Deletes a FsCodec structure and all its data. Is a no-op on NULL codec

codec : FsCodec structure to free

fs_codec_copy ()

FsCodec*            fs_codec_copy                       (const FsCodec *codec);

Copies a FsCodec structure.

codec : codec to copy
Returns : a copy of the codec

fs_codec_are_equal ()

gboolean            fs_codec_are_equal                  (const FsCodec *codec1,
                                                         const FsCodec *codec2);

Compare two codecs, it will declare two codecs to be identical even if their optional parameters are in a different order. NULL encoding names are ignored.

codec1 : First codec
codec2 : Second codec
Returns : TRUE of the codecs are identical, FALSE otherwise

fs_codec_list_from_keyfile ()

GList*              fs_codec_list_from_keyfile          (const gchar *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Reads the content of a GKeyFile of the following format into a GList of FsCodec structures.





filename : Name of the GKeyFile to read the codecs parameters from
error : location of a GError, or NULL if no error occured
Returns : The GList of FsCodec or NULL if the keyfile was empty or an error occured.

fs_codec_list_destroy ()

void                fs_codec_list_destroy               (GList *codec_list);

Deletes a list of FsCodec structures and the list itself. Does nothing on NULL lists.

codec_list : a GList of FsCodec to delete

fs_codec_list_copy ()

GList*              fs_codec_list_copy                  (const GList *codec_list);

Copies a list of FsCodec structures.

codec_list : a GList of FsCodec to copy
Returns : The new list.

fs_codec_list_are_equal ()

gboolean            fs_codec_list_are_equal             (GList *list1,
                                                         GList *list2);

Verifies if two glist of fscodecs are identical

list1 : a GList of FsCodec
list2 : a GList of FsCodec
Returns : TRUE if they are identical, FALSE otherwise

fs_codec_to_string ()

gchar*              fs_codec_to_string                  (const FsCodec *codec);

Returns a newly-allocated string representing the codec

codec : A farsight codec
Returns : the newly-allocated string

fs_codec_add_optional_parameter ()

void                fs_codec_add_optional_parameter     (FsCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value);

This function adds an new optional parameter to a FsCodec

codec : The FsCodec to add the parameter to
name : The name of the optional parameter
value : The value of the optional parameter

fs_codec_remove_optional_parameter ()

void                fs_codec_remove_optional_parameter  (FsCodec *codec,
                                                         FsCodecParameter *param);

Removes an optional parameter from a codec

codec : a FsCodec
param : a pointer to the FsCodecParameter to remove

fs_codec_get_optional_parameter ()

FsCodecParameter*   fs_codec_get_optional_parameter     (FsCodec *codec,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Finds the FsCodecParameter in the FsCodec that has the requested name and, if not NULL, the requested value

codec : a FsCodec
name : The name of the parameter to search for
value : The value of the parameter to search for or NULL for any value
Returns : the FsCodecParameter from the FsCodec or NULL


#define FS_CODEC_FORMAT "%d: %s %s clock:%d channels:%d params:%p"

A format that can be used in printf like format strings to format a FsCodec


#define             FS_CODEC_ARGS(codec)

Formats the codec in args for FS_CODEC_FORMAT

codec : a FsCodec

fs_media_type_to_string ()

const gchar*        fs_media_type_to_string             (FsMediaType media_type);

Gives a user-printable string representing the media type

media_type : A media type
Returns : a static string representing the media type