
cityinfo — Cityinfo library.


#include <cityinfo.h>

#define             CITYINFO_WRONG_ID
#define             CITYINFO_WRONG_POS
#define             CITYINFO_WRONG_LAT_LNG
gboolean            (*CityinfoFunc)                     (const Cityinfo *city,
                                                         gpointer data);
gchar*              cityinfo_get_name                   (const Cityinfo *city);
gchar*              cityinfo_get_code                   (const Cityinfo *city);
gchar*              cityinfo_get_country                (const Cityinfo *city);
gchar*              cityinfo_get_zone                   (const Cityinfo *city);
gchar*              cityinfo_get_locale                 (const Cityinfo *city);
gdouble             cityinfo_get_xpos                   (const Cityinfo *city);
gdouble             cityinfo_get_ypos                   (const Cityinfo *city);
gdouble             cityinfo_get_lat                    (const Cityinfo *city);
gdouble             cityinfo_get_lng                    (const Cityinfo *city);
gint                cityinfo_get_id                     (const Cityinfo *city);
Cityinfo*           cityinfo_new                        (void);
void                cityinfo_free                       (Cityinfo *city);
Cityinfo*           cityinfo_clone                      (const Cityinfo *city);
void                cityinfo_foreach                    (CityinfoFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);
Cityinfo*           cityinfo_find_closest               (gdouble x,
                                                         gdouble y);
Cityinfo*           cityinfo_from_id                    (gint id);
Cityinfo**          cityinfo_get_all                    (void);
void                cityinfo_free_all                   (Cityinfo **cities);



You can get informations such as:

city name

country name (in which the city is placed)

country code

time zone

geographical position

position on the map

locale used in country

All informations You get from library are already localized according to currently set language on the system (city and country names).

Example 1. ASCII art diagram of database record/fields:

   raw data: 

   example of raw data from file:

   logic view:
   |id |city |country code |country name |linux timezone |latitiude |longtidute |X postion on the map |Y postion on the map* |locale used in country |


positions on the map are in relative coordinates (0.0 - most left/top to 1.0 most right/bottom) and are synchronized with Clock's world map image.




Integer indicating wrong ID of the city.

If You get this ID from some Cityinfo structure that means that this particular structure does not represent any real city - it is useless (the reason for this might be some errors while reading database, cloning city or simply because structure is only allocated - returned from cityinfo_new())



Double indicating wrong X/Y position of the city.

If You get x/y postion of the city and You will get smaller value than this it means that there were some problems and the whole source Cityinfo structure is meaningless.



Double indicating wrong latitude/longitude value.

If You get lat/lng postion of the city and You will get smaller value than this it means that there were some problems and the whole source Cityinfo structure is meaningless.


typedef struct {
	gchar *name;    
	gchar *code;   
	gchar *country;
	gchar *zone;  
	gchar *locale;
	gdouble lat;   
	gdouble lng;  
	gdouble x;   
	gdouble y;  
	gint id;   
} Cityinfo;

Cityinfo is a structure which represents the city.

gchar *name; Name of the city
gchar *code; Country code
gchar *country; Name of the country
gchar *zone; Name of the timezone used in particular city
gchar *locale; Locale used in the given city
gdouble lat; Latitude of the city
gdouble lng; Longitude of the city
gdouble x; X position of the city (on the clock's map)
gdouble y; Y position of the city (on the clock's map)
gint id; ID of the city

CityinfoFunc ()

gboolean            (*CityinfoFunc)                     (const Cityinfo *city,
                                                         gpointer data);

city : Currently proccessed city.
data : Pointer to user data.
Returns : TRUE if function cityinfo_foreach() should working further on next cities in the databse, and FALSE if function should stop executing after this one Function cityinfo_foreach() use this type to define action which should be taken on each of the city in database.

cityinfo_get_name ()

gchar*              cityinfo_get_name                   (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : Localized name of the given city.

cityinfo_get_code ()

gchar*              cityinfo_get_code                   (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : Code of the country.

cityinfo_get_country ()

gchar*              cityinfo_get_country                (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : Localized name of the country.

cityinfo_get_zone ()

gchar*              cityinfo_get_zone                   (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : Name of the timezone used in particular city.

cityinfo_get_locale ()

gchar*              cityinfo_get_locale                 (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : String describing locale used in the given city.

cityinfo_get_xpos ()

gdouble             cityinfo_get_xpos                   (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : X Position of the city (on the clock's map).

cityinfo_get_ypos ()

gdouble             cityinfo_get_ypos                   (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : Y Position of the city (on the clock's map).

cityinfo_get_lat ()

gdouble             cityinfo_get_lat                    (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : latitude of the city.

cityinfo_get_lng ()

gdouble             cityinfo_get_lng                    (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : longitude of the city.

cityinfo_get_id ()

gint                cityinfo_get_id                     (const Cityinfo *city);

city : Pointer to Cityinfo structure from which we want to get information.
Returns : ID of the given city.

cityinfo_new ()

Cityinfo*           cityinfo_new                        (void);

Allocate a new empty Cityinfo structure.

Returns : A newly allocated Cityinfo or NULL if could not allocate memory. Free with cityinfo_free when no longer needed.

cityinfo_free ()

void                cityinfo_free                       (Cityinfo *city);

city : The Cityinfo structure to be freed. Free an allocated Cityinfo structure.

cityinfo_clone ()

Cityinfo*           cityinfo_clone                      (const Cityinfo *city);

city : The source Cityinfo. Duplicate a Cityinfo structure. The newly created structure can be handled indepenently from the old one.
Returns : A newly allocated Cityinfo with the same contents as old. NULL on any error.

cityinfo_foreach ()

void                cityinfo_foreach                    (CityinfoFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);

Runs a function against every entry of the database. The iteration will end if func returns FALSE.

func : The user defined callback function CityinfoFunc
data : Misc data to the function

cityinfo_find_closest ()

Cityinfo*           cityinfo_find_closest               (gdouble x,
                                                         gdouble y);

Finds the nearest city to given coordinates on the map.

x : Searched x coordinate (0.0 - 1.0)
y : Searched y coordinate (0.0 - 1.0)
Returns : The closest city to x, y position on the map.

cityinfo_from_id ()

Cityinfo*           cityinfo_from_id                    (gint id);

Get the whole Cityinfo structure from its ID number.

id : ID of the city You want to get informations about.
Returns : Newly allocated Cityinfo about the city, or NULL if no match or error

cityinfo_get_all ()

Cityinfo**          cityinfo_get_all                    (void);

Returns : An array of pointers to Cityinfo structures describing every city available on the platform. The last element of the array is NULL.

cityinfo_free_all ()

void                cityinfo_free_all                   (Cityinfo **cities);

Free all cities array returned from cityinfo_get_all() function.

cities : cities An array of pointers to cities.