SSL support functions

SSL support functions — Functions to send and receive encrypted data over a socket.


typedef     GnomeVFSSSL;
gboolean    gnome_vfs_ssl_enabled           (void);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_create         (GnomeVFSSSL **handle_return,
                                             const char *host,
                                             unsigned int port,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_create_from_fd (GnomeVFSSSL **handle_return,
                                             gint fd,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_read           (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             gpointer buffer,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize bytes,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_read,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_write          (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             gconstpointer buffer,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize bytes,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_written,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);
void        gnome_vfs_ssl_destroy           (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);
GnomeVFSSocket* gnome_vfs_ssl_to_socket     (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl);
GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_set_timeout    (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             GTimeVal *timeout,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);




typedef struct GnomeVFSSSL GnomeVFSSSL;

gnome_vfs_ssl_enabled ()

gboolean    gnome_vfs_ssl_enabled           (void);

Checks whether gnome-vfs was compiled with SSL support.

Returns : TRUE if gnome-vfs was compiled with SSL support, otherwise FALSE.

gnome_vfs_ssl_create ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_create         (GnomeVFSSSL **handle_return,
                                             const char *host,
                                             unsigned int port,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);

Creates an SSL socket connection at handle_return to host using port port.

handle_return : pointer to a GnomeVFSSSL struct, which will contain an allocated GnomeVFSSSL object on return.
host : string indicating the hostname to establish an SSL connection with.
port : port number to connect to.
cancellation : handle allowing cancellation of the operation.
Returns : GnomeVFSResult indicating the success of the operation.

gnome_vfs_ssl_create_from_fd ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_create_from_fd (GnomeVFSSSL **handle_return,
                                             gint fd,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);

Try to establish an SSL connection over the file descriptor fd.

handle_return : pointer to a GnomeVFSSSL struct, which will contain an allocated GnomeVFSSSL object on return.
fd : file descriptior to try and establish an SSL connection over.
cancellation : handle allowing cancellation of the operation.
Returns : a GnomeVFSResult indicating the success of the operation.

gnome_vfs_ssl_read ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_read           (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             gpointer buffer,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize bytes,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_read,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);

Read bytes bytes of data from the SSL socket ssl into buffer.

ssl : SSL socket to read data from.
buffer : allocated buffer of at least bytes bytes to write into.
bytes : number of bytes to read from ssl into buffer.
bytes_read : pointer to a GnomeVFSFileSize, will contain the number of bytes actually read from the socket ssl on return.
cancellation : handle allowing cancellation of the operation.
Returns : GnomeVFSResult indicating the success of the operation.

gnome_vfs_ssl_write ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_write          (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             gconstpointer buffer,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize bytes,
                                             GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_written,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);

Write bytes bytes of data from buffer to ssl.

ssl : SSL socket to write data to.
buffer : data to write to the socket.
bytes : number of bytes to write from buffer to ssl.
bytes_written : pointer to a GnomeVFSFileSize, will contain the number of bytes actually written to the socket on return.
cancellation : handle allowing cancellation of the operation.
Returns : GnomeVFSResult indicating the success of the operation.

gnome_vfs_ssl_destroy ()

void        gnome_vfs_ssl_destroy           (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);

Free resources used by ssl and close the connection.

ssl : SSL socket to be closed and destroyed.
cancellation : handle allowing cancellation of the operation.

gnome_vfs_ssl_to_socket ()

GnomeVFSSocket* gnome_vfs_ssl_to_socket     (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl);

Wrap an SSL socket inside a standard GnomeVFSSocket.

ssl : SSL socket to convert into a standard socket.
Returns : a newly allocated GnomeVFSSocket corresponding to ssl.

gnome_vfs_ssl_set_timeout ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_ssl_set_timeout    (GnomeVFSSSL *ssl,
                                             GTimeVal *timeout,
                                             GnomeVFSCancellation *cancellation);

Set a timeout of timeout. If timeout is NULL following operations will block indefinitely).

Note if you set timeout to 0 (means tv_sec and tv_usec are both 0) every following operation will return immediately. (This can be used for polling.)

ssl : SSL socket to set the timeout of.
timeout : the timeout.
cancellation : optional cancellation object.
Returns : GnomeVFSResult indicating the success of the operation.

Since 2.8