Backend-Specific Operations

Backend-Specific Operations — Execute backend-specific operations


GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_file_control       (GnomeVFSHandle *handle,
                                             const char *operation,
                                             gpointer operation_data);


Advanced file operations allow you to execute backend-specific commands. Currently, none of the GnomeVFSModules shipped with GnomeVFS includes useful operations, but they allow sophisticated module-specific code that can not be added to GnomeVFS because it would break abstraction.


gnome_vfs_file_control ()

GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_file_control       (GnomeVFSHandle *handle,
                                             const char *operation,
                                             gpointer operation_data);

Execute a backend dependent operation specified by the string operation. This is typically used for specialized vfs backends that need additional operations that gnome-vfs doesn't have. Compare it to the unix call ioctl(). The format of operation_data depends on the operation. Operation that are backend specific are normally namespaced by their module name.

handle : handle of the file to affect.
operation : operation to execute.
operation_data : data needed to execute the operation.
Returns : an integer representing the success of the operation.