
hildon-help — Hildon Help Functions


osso_return_t hildon_help_show              (osso_context_t *osso,
                                             const gchar *topic_id,
                                             guint flags);
gboolean    hildon_help_dialog_help_enable  (GtkDialog *dialog,
                                             const gchar *topic,
                                             osso_context_t *osso);


Use these functions to invoke the help UI, or to add context-sensitive help to your GtkDialog widgets.


hildon_help_show ()

osso_return_t hildon_help_show              (osso_context_t *osso,
                                             const gchar *topic_id,
                                             guint flags);

Show Help topic or folder. This same function can be used either for Help dialogs (displaying a single topic _without links_ in the calling application's dialog box), or for launching Help Application, providing browsing, search and history functions, too.

Normally, applications would only use this to launch help topics, but it can be used for opening a folder view as well.

osso : OSSO context to use for RPC
topic_id : Help topic ID. This is a string of the form "foo_bar_baz"
flags : Whether to actually display the help topic (HILDON_HELP_SHOW_DIALOG), or merely determine whether the topic is available (HILDON_HELP_SHOW_JUSTASK)
Returns : OSSO_OK All well, help found (and being displayed) OSSO_ERROR No help for such topic ID OSSO_RPC_ERROR Unable to contact HelpApp or Browser OSSO_INVALID Incorrect parameters (NULL, or bad ID format)

hildon_help_dialog_help_enable ()

gboolean    hildon_help_dialog_help_enable  (GtkDialog *dialog,
                                             const gchar *topic,
                                             osso_context_t *osso);

Calling this function adds a '?' icon to the dialog's titlebar, allowing user to access the context specific help topic. All UI binding is done for you, one line is all it takes.

TODO: If the given help topic is not installed on the system, the '?' icon should be dimmed (insensitive); is there a way to do that?

Note: Do this call before gtk_widget_show_all(). Otherwise, the '?' icon won't show up.

dialog : GtkDialog to enhance
topic : Help topic ID. This is a string of the form "foo_bar_baz"
osso : OSSO context to use for RPC Enable context specific help for a dialog.
Returns : TRUE if the help topic exists, and '?' has been added, and FALSE if the topic ID was not found on the system.