
HildonCalendarPopup — CalendarPopup allows choosing a date from a popup calendar.


GtkWidget*  hildon_calendar_popup_new       (GtkWindow *parent,
                                             guint year,
                                             guint month,
                                             guint day);
void        hildon_calendar_popup_set_date  (HildonCalendarPopup *cal,
                                             guint year,
                                             guint month,
                                             guint day);
void        hildon_calendar_popup_get_date  (HildonCalendarPopup *cal,
                                             guint *year,
                                             guint *month,
                                             guint *day);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonCalendarPopup implements GtkBuildable and AtkImplementorIface.


  "day"                  gint                  : Read / Write
  "max-year"             guint                 : Write
  "min-year"             guint                 : Write
  "month"                gint                  : Read / Write
  "year"                 gint                  : Read / Write


HildonCalendarPopup is a dialog which contains a HildonCalendar. It also contains arrow buttons for changing the month/year. If an entered date is invalid, an information message will be shown.

Example 7. HildonCalendarPopup example

gint y, m, d;
GtkWidget *parent, *popup;

// get current date into &y, &m, &d...

gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (data), GTK_TYPE_WINDOW);
popup = hildon_calendar_popup_new (GTK_WINDOW (parent), y, m, d);

result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (popup));
switch (result)
     case GTK_RESPONSE_OK:

hildon_calendar_popup_get_date (HILDON_CALENDAR_POPUP (popup), &y, &m, &d);

// here set the new date



typedef struct _HildonCalendarPopup HildonCalendarPopup;

hildon_calendar_popup_new ()

GtkWidget*  hildon_calendar_popup_new       (GtkWindow *parent,
                                             guint year,
                                             guint month,
                                             guint day);

This function returns a new HildonCalendarPopup. The initially selected date is specified by the parameters (year, month, day). If the specified date is invalid, the current date is used.

parent : parent window for dialog
year : initial year
month : initial month
day : initial day
Returns : new HildonCalendarPopup widget

hildon_calendar_popup_set_date ()

void        hildon_calendar_popup_set_date  (HildonCalendarPopup *cal,
                                             guint year,
                                             guint month,
                                             guint day);

Activates a new date on the calendar popup.

cal : the HildonCalendarPopup widget
year : year
month : month
day : day

hildon_calendar_popup_get_date ()

void        hildon_calendar_popup_get_date  (HildonCalendarPopup *cal,
                                             guint *year,
                                             guint *month,
                                             guint *day);

Gets the currently selected year, month, and day. It's possible to pass NULL to any of the pointers if you don't need that data.

cal : the HildonCalendarPopup widget
year : year
month : month
day : day

Property Details

The "day" property

  "day"                  gint                  : Read / Write

currently selected day.

Default value: 0

The "max-year" property

  "max-year"             guint                 : Write

Maximum valid year.

Allowed values: [1,10000]

Default value: 2037

The "min-year" property

  "min-year"             guint                 : Write

Minimum valid year.

Allowed values: [1,10000]

Default value: 1970

The "month" property

  "month"                gint                  : Read / Write

currently selected month.

Default value: 0

The "year" property

  "year"                 gint                  : Read / Write

the currently selected year.

Default value: 0

See Also

HildonDateEditor, HildonTimeEditor