
HildonCaption — A single-child container widget that precedes the contained widget with a field label and an optional icon.


enum        HildonCaptionStatus;
enum        HildonCaptionIconPosition;
GtkWidget*  hildon_caption_new              (GtkSizeGroup *group,
                                             const gchar *value,
                                             GtkWidget *control,
                                             GtkWidget *icon,
                                             HildonCaptionStatus flag);
GtkSizeGroup* hildon_caption_get_size_group (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_size_group   (const HildonCaption *caption,
                                             GtkSizeGroup *new_group);
gboolean    hildon_caption_is_mandatory     (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_status       (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             HildonCaptionStatus flag);
HildonCaptionStatus hildon_caption_get_status
                                            (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_icon_position
                                            (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             HildonCaptionIconPosition pos);
HildonCaptionIconPosition hildon_caption_get_icon_position
                                            (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_icon_image   (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             GtkWidget *icon);
GtkWidget*  hildon_caption_get_icon_image   (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_label        (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             const gchar *label);
gchar*      hildon_caption_get_label        (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_separator    (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             const gchar *separator);
gchar*      hildon_caption_get_separator    (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_label_alignment
                                            (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             gfloat alignment);
gfloat      hildon_caption_get_label_alignment
                                            (HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_child_expand (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             gboolean expand);
gboolean    hildon_caption_get_child_expand (const HildonCaption *caption);
void        hildon_caption_set_label_markup (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             const gchar *markup);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonCaption implements GtkBuildable and AtkImplementorIface.


  "icon"                 GtkWidget             : Read / Write
  "icon-position"        HildonCaptionIconPosition  : Read / Write
  "label"                gchararray            : Read / Write
  "markup"               gchararray            : Write
  "separator"            gchararray            : Read / Write
  "size-group"           GtkSizeGroup          : Read / Write
  "status"               HildonCaptionStatus   : Read / Write

Child Properties

  "expand"               gboolean              : Read / Write


"activate"  void        user_function      (HildonCaption *hildoncaption,
                                            gpointer       user_data)          : Run first / Action


HildonCaption is a single-child container widget that precedes the contained widget with a field label and an optional icon. It allows grouping of several controls together. When a captioned widget has focus, both widget and caption label are displayed with active focus.


enum HildonCaptionStatus

typedef enum
}                                               HildonCaptionStatus;

Keys to set the HildonCaption to be optional or mandatory.


enum HildonCaptionIconPosition

typedef enum
}                                               HildonCaptionIconPosition;

Keys to set the icon placement in HildonCaption.

HILDON_CAPTION_POSITION_LEFT Show the icon on the left side.
HILDON_CAPTION_POSITION_RIGHT Show the icon on the right side.


typedef struct _HildonCaption HildonCaption;

hildon_caption_new ()

GtkWidget*  hildon_caption_new              (GtkSizeGroup *group,
                                             const gchar *value,
                                             GtkWidget *control,
                                             GtkWidget *icon,
                                             HildonCaptionStatus flag);

Creates a new instance of hildon_caption widget, with a specific control and image. Note: Clicking on a focused caption will trigger the activate signal. The default behaviour for the caption's activate signal is to call gtk_widget_activate on it's control.

Returns : a GtkWidget pointer of Caption

group : a GtkSizeGroup for controlling the size of related captions, Can be NULL
value : the caption text to accompany the text entry. The widget makes a copy of this text.
control : the control that is to be captioned
icon : an icon to accompany the label - can be NULL in which case no icon is displayed
flag : indicates whether this captioned control is mandatory or optional
Returns :

hildon_caption_get_size_group ()

GtkSizeGroup* hildon_caption_get_size_group (const HildonCaption *caption);

Query given captioned control for the GtkSizeGroup assigned to it.

Returns : a GtkSizeGroup

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_size_group ()

void        hildon_caption_set_size_group   (const HildonCaption *caption,
                                             GtkSizeGroup *new_group);

Sets a GtkSizeGroup of a given captioned control.

caption : a HildonCaption
new_group : a GtkSizeGroup

hildon_caption_is_mandatory ()

gboolean    hildon_caption_is_mandatory     (const HildonCaption *caption);

Query HildonCaption whether this captioned control is a mandatory one.

Returns : is this captioned control a mandatory one?

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_status ()

void        hildon_caption_set_status       (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             HildonCaptionStatus flag);

Sets HildonCaption status.

caption : a HildonCaption
flag : one of the values from HildonCaptionStatus

hildon_caption_get_status ()

HildonCaptionStatus hildon_caption_get_status
                                            (const HildonCaption *caption);

Gets HildonCaption status.

Returns : one of the values from HildonCaptionStatus

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_icon_position ()

void        hildon_caption_set_icon_position
                                            (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             HildonCaptionIconPosition pos);

Sets HildonCaption icon position.

caption : a HildonCaption
pos : one of the values from HildonCaptionIconPosition

hildon_caption_get_icon_position ()

HildonCaptionIconPosition hildon_caption_get_icon_position
                                            (const HildonCaption *caption);

Gets HildonCaption icon position.

Returns : one of the values from HildonCaptionIconPosition.

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_icon_image ()

void        hildon_caption_set_icon_image   (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             GtkWidget *icon);

Sets the icon image widget to be used by this hildon_caption widget.

caption : a HildonCaption
icon : the GtkImage to use as the icon. calls gtk_widget_show on the icon if !GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(icon)

hildon_caption_get_icon_image ()

GtkWidget*  hildon_caption_get_icon_image   (const HildonCaption *caption);

Gets icon of HildonCaption

Returns : the GtkImage widget that is being used as the icon by the hildon_caption, or NULL if no icon image is in use.

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_label ()

void        hildon_caption_set_label        (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             const gchar *label);

Sets the label text that appears before the control. Separator character is added to the end of the label string. By default the separator is ":".

caption : a HildonCaption
label : the text to use

hildon_caption_get_label ()

gchar*      hildon_caption_get_label        (const HildonCaption *caption);

Gets label of HildonCaption

Returns : the text currently being used as the label of the caption control. The string is owned by the label and the caller should never free or modify this value.

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_separator ()

void        hildon_caption_set_separator    (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             const gchar *separator);

Sets the separator character that appears after the label. The default seaparator character is ":" separately.

caption : a HildonCaption
separator : the separator to use

hildon_caption_get_separator ()

gchar*      hildon_caption_get_separator    (const HildonCaption *caption);

Gets separator string of HildonCaption

Returns : the text currently being used as the separator of the caption control. The string is owned by the caption control and the caller should never free or modify this value.

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_label_alignment ()

void        hildon_caption_set_label_alignment
                                            (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             gfloat alignment);

Sets the vertical alignment to be used for the text part of the caption. Applications need to align the child control themselves.

caption : a HildonCaption widget
alignment : new vertical alignment

hildon_caption_get_label_alignment ()

gfloat      hildon_caption_get_label_alignment
                                            (HildonCaption *caption);

Gets current vertical alignment for the text part.

caption : a HildonCaption widget
Returns : vertical alignment

hildon_caption_set_child_expand ()

void        hildon_caption_set_child_expand (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             gboolean expand);

Sets child expandability.

caption : a HildonCaption
expand : gboolean to determine if the child is expandable

hildon_caption_get_child_expand ()

gboolean    hildon_caption_get_child_expand (const HildonCaption *caption);

Gets childs expandability.

Returns : wheter the child is expandable or not.

caption : a HildonCaption
Returns :

hildon_caption_set_label_markup ()

void        hildon_caption_set_label_markup (HildonCaption *caption,
                                             const gchar *markup);

Sets the label markup text that appears before the control. It acts like hildon_caption_set_label but is using the markup text that allows to specify text properties such as bold or italic.

caption : a HildonCaption
markup : the markup text to use

Property Details

The "icon" property

  "icon"                 GtkWidget             : Read / Write

The icon shown on the caption area.

The "icon-position" property

  "icon-position"        HildonCaptionIconPosition  : Read / Write

If the icon is positioned on the left or right side.


The "label" property

  "label"                gchararray            : Read / Write

Caption label.

Default value: NULL

The "markup" property

  "markup"               gchararray            : Write

Caption markup. Mutually exclusive with label.

Default value: NULL

The "separator" property

  "separator"            gchararray            : Read / Write

The current separator.

Default value: "ecdg_ti_caption_separator"

The "size-group" property

  "size-group"           GtkSizeGroup          : Read / Write

Current size group the caption is in.

The "status" property

  "status"               HildonCaptionStatus   : Read / Write

Mandatory or optional status.


Child Property Details

The "expand" child property

  "expand"               gboolean              : Read / Write

Same as GtkBox expand. Wheter the child should be expanded or not.

Default value: FALSE

Signal Details

The "activate" signal

void        user_function                  (HildonCaption *hildoncaption,
                                            gpointer       user_data)          : Run first / Action

hildoncaption : the object which received the signal.
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.