
GnomeVFSContext — contexts allows modules to track thread usage and cancellation properly


GnomeVFSContext* gnome_vfs_context_new      (void);
void        gnome_vfs_context_free          (GnomeVFSContext *ctx);
GnomeVFSCancellation* gnome_vfs_context_get_cancellation
                                            (const GnomeVFSContext *ctx);
#define     gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation(x)
const GnomeVFSContext* gnome_vfs_context_peek_current
gboolean    gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation_current



gnome_vfs_context_new ()

GnomeVFSContext* gnome_vfs_context_new      (void);

Creates a new context and cancellation object. Must be called from the main glib event loop.

Returns : a newly allocated GnomeVFSContext.

gnome_vfs_context_free ()

void        gnome_vfs_context_free          (GnomeVFSContext *ctx);

Free ctx and destroy the associated GnomeVFSCancellation.

ctx : context to be freed.

gnome_vfs_context_get_cancellation ()

GnomeVFSCancellation* gnome_vfs_context_get_cancellation
                                            (const GnomeVFSContext *ctx);

Retrieve the GnomeVFSCancellation associated with ctx.

ctx : context to get the GnomeVFSCancellation from.
Returns : ctx 's GnomeVFSCancellation.


#define     gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation(x)

x :

gnome_vfs_context_peek_current ()

const GnomeVFSContext* gnome_vfs_context_peek_current

Get the currently active context. It shouldn't be manipulated but can be compared to contexts module holds to determine whether they are active.

Returns : the currently active GnomeVFSContext.

gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation_current ()

gboolean    gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation_current

Check to see if the currently active context has been cancelled.

Returns : TRUE if the currently active context has been cancelled, otherwise FALSE.