ccontrolpoint.h File Reference

#include <cybergarage/util/cstring.h>
#include <cybergarage/util/cmutex.h>
#include <cybergarage/util/ccond.h>
#include <cybergarage/xml/cxml.h>
#include <cybergarage/net/cinterface.h>
#include <cybergarage/upnp/cdevice.h>
#include <cybergarage/upnp/cargument.h>
#include <cybergarage/upnp/cupnp_status.h>
#include <cybergarage/upnp/ssdp/cssdp_server.h>
#include <cybergarage/upnp/event/cevent.h>
#include <cybergarage/upnp/event/cnotify.h>

Data Structures

struct  _CgUpnpControlPoint


#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpserverlist(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpServerList)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpresponseserverlist(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpResServerList)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_gethttpserverlist(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->httpServerList)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdplistener(ctrlPoint, func)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpListener = func)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdplistener(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpListener)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdpresponselistener(ctrlPoint, func)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpResListener = func)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpresponselistener(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpResListener)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setdevicelistener(ctrlPoint, func)   (ctrlPoint->deviceListener = func)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicelistener(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->deviceListener)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_addeventlistener(ctrlPoint, listener)   (cg_upnp_eventlistenerlist_add(ctrlPoint->eventListeners, listener))
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_removeeventlistener(ctrlPoint, listener)   (cg_upnp_eventlistenerlist_remove(ctrlPoint->eventListeners, listener))
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_seteventlistener(ctrlPoint, evlistener)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventlistener(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->eventListeners->next->listener)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventlisteners(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->eventListeners)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdpresponseport(ctrlPoint, port)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpResPort = port)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpresponseport(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpResPort)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_seteventport(ctrlPoint, port)   (ctrlPoint->httpEventPort = port)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventport(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->httpEventPort)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_seteventsuburi(ctrlPoint, uri)   cg_string_setvalue(ctrlPoint->httpEventURI, uri)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventsuburi(ctrlPoint)   cg_string_getvalue(ctrlPoint->httpEventURI)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdpsearchmx(ctrlPoint, value)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpSearchMx = value)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpsearchmx(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->ssdpSearchMx)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_sethttplistener(ctrlPoint, func)   (ctrlPoint->httpListener = func)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_gethttplistener(ctrlPoint)   (ctrlPoint->httpListener)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setuserdata(ctrlPoint, value)   (ctrlPoint->userData = value)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getuserdata(dev)   (ctrlPoint->userData)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevices(ctrlPoint)   cg_upnp_devicelist_gets(ctrlPoint->deviceList)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getndevices(ctrlPoint)   cg_upnp_devicelist_size(ctrlPoint->deviceList)
#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_adddevice(ctrlPoint, dev)   cg_upnp_devicelist_add(ctrlPoint->deviceList, dev)


typedef enum _CgUpnpDeviceStatus CgUpnpDeviceStatus
typedef void(*) CG_UPNP_DEVICE_LISTENER (char *udn, CgUpnpDeviceStatus status)
typedef _CgUpnpControlPoint CgUpnpControlPoint


enum  _CgUpnpDeviceStatus { CgUpnpDeviceStatusAdded = 0, CgUpnpDeviceStatusUpdated, CgUpnpDeviceStatusInvalid, CgUpnpDeviceStatusRemoved }


CgUpnpControlPointcg_upnp_controlpoint_new ()
void cg_upnp_controlpoint_delete (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_start (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_stop (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_lock (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_unlock (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint)
CgUpnpDevicecg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicebyexacttype (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, char *exacttype)
CgUpnpDevicecg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicebytype (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, char *type)
CgUpnpDevicecg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicebyudn (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, char *udn)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_search (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, char *target)
void cg_upnp_controlpoint_httprequestreceived (CgHttpRequest *httpReq)
void cg_upnp_controlpoint_updatestatetablefromproperty (CgUpnpService *service, CgUpnpProperty *prop)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_parsescservicescpd (CgUpnpService *service)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_parseservicesfordevice (CgUpnpDevice *dev, CgUpnpSSDPPacket *ssdpPkt)
void cg_upnp_controlpoint_adddevicebyssdppacket (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpSSDPPacket *ssdpPkt)
void cg_upnp_controlpoint_removedevicebyssdppacket (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpSSDPPacket *ssdpPkt)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_subscribe (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpService *service, long timeout)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_resubscribe (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpService *service, long timeout)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_unsubscribe (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpService *service)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_subscribeall (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpDevice *dev, long timeout)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_resubscribeall (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpDevice *dev, long timeout)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_unsubscribeall (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, CgUpnpDevice *dev)
void cg_upnp_controlpoint_expirationhandler (CgThread *thread)
BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_ipchanged (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlpoint)
char * cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventsubcallbackurl (CgUpnpControlPoint *ctrlPoint, char *ifaddr, char *buf, int bufLen)

Define Documentation

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_adddevice ( ctrlPoint,
dev   )     cg_upnp_devicelist_add(ctrlPoint->deviceList, dev)

Add a device to the control point's list of devices. Do not call this from user applications.

ctrlPoint The control point in use
dev The device to add

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_addeventlistener ( ctrlPoint,
listener   )     (cg_upnp_eventlistenerlist_add(ctrlPoint->eventListeners, listener))

Set an event listener for the control point. Use this function to get event notifications to user-space applications.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
listener A callback function that is of type CG_UPNP_EVENT_LISTENER

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicelistener ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->deviceListener)

Get the device listener for the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
A callback function that is of type CG_UPNP_DEVICE_LISTENER or NULL

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevices ( ctrlPoint   )     cg_upnp_devicelist_gets(ctrlPoint->deviceList)

Get the head of the control point's list of devices (use for iteration)

ctrlPoint The control point in use
The head of the device list

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventlistener ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->eventListeners->next->listener)

Get the single event listener for the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
The callback function, that is of type CG_UPNP_EVENT_LISTENER, or NULL if there is no listener

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventlisteners ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->eventListeners)

Get the list of event listeners for the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
List of CG_UPNP_EVENT_LISTENER functions

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventport ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->httpEventPort)

Get the IP port number for the control point's event reception

ctrlPoint The control point in question

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventsuburi ( ctrlPoint   )     cg_string_getvalue(ctrlPoint->httpEventURI)

Get the URI used for the control point's event subscription notifications

ctrlPoint The control point in question

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_gethttplistener ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->httpListener)

Get the HTTP listener function for the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
The listener function, that is of type CG_HTTP_LISTENER

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_gethttpserverlist ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->httpServerList)

Get the list of HTTP servers associated to the control point

ctrlPoint The control point in question

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getndevices ( ctrlPoint   )     cg_upnp_devicelist_size(ctrlPoint->deviceList)

Get the number of devices known by the control point

ctrlPoint The control point in use
The number of devices in the control point's device list

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdplistener ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpListener)

Get the SSDP message listener for the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
A callback function that is of type CG_UPNP_SSDP_LISTNER or NULL

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpresponselistener ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpResListener)

Get the SSDP response listener for the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
A callback function that is of type CG_UPNP_SSDP_RESPONSE_LISTNER or NULL

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpresponseport ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpResPort)

Get the IP port number used for the control point's SSDP responses

ctrlPoint The control point in question

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpresponseserverlist ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpResServerList)

Get the list of SSDP response servers associated to the control point

ctrlPoint The control point in question

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpsearchmx ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpSearchMx)

Get the MX-parameter used for SSDP searches

ctrlPoint The control point in question
value MX; Time to wait

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getssdpserverlist ( ctrlPoint   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpServerList)

Get the list of SSDP servers associated to the control point

ctrlPoint The control point in question

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_getuserdata ( dev   )     (ctrlPoint->userData)

Get the user data pointer (arbitrary user data) from the control point.

dev The control point in question
Pointer to user data or NULL


Definition for HTTP event default port


Definition for default controlpoint event callback "location"

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_removeeventlistener ( ctrlPoint,
listener   )     (cg_upnp_eventlistenerlist_remove(ctrlPoint->eventListeners, listener))

Remove an event listener from the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
listener The callback function to remove, that is of type CG_UPNP_EVENT_LISTENER

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setdevicelistener ( ctrlPoint,
func   )     (ctrlPoint->deviceListener = func)

Set device listener for the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point
func A callback function that is type CG_UPNP_DEVICE_LISTENER or NULL

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_seteventlistener ( ctrlPoint,
evlistener   ) 


do {\
                if (evlistener == NULL) \
                        cg_upnp_eventlistenerlist_remove(ctrlPoint->eventListeners, ctrlPoint->eventListeners->next->listener); \
                else \
                        cg_upnp_eventlistenerlist_add(ctrlPoint->eventListeners, evlistener); \
        } while(0)
Set a single event listener for the control point. Use this function to get event notifications to user-space applications if you need only one listener.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
evlistener The callback function to set, that is of type CG_UPNP_EVENT_LISTENER, or NULL

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_seteventport ( ctrlPoint,
port   )     (ctrlPoint->httpEventPort = port)

Set the IP port number for the control point's event reception

ctrlPoint The control point in question
port The IP port number

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_seteventsuburi ( ctrlPoint,
uri   )     cg_string_setvalue(ctrlPoint->httpEventURI, uri)

Set the URI used for the control point's event subscription notifications

ctrlPoint The control point in question
uri The URI to set

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_sethttplistener ( ctrlPoint,
func   )     (ctrlPoint->httpListener = func)

Set an HTTP listener function to the control point. Use this function to get HTTP requests to user-space applications.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
func The listener function, that is of type CG_HTTP_LISTENER

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdplistener ( ctrlPoint,
func   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpListener = func)

Set an SSDP message listener for the control point. Use this function to get SSDP messages to user-space applications.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
func A callback function that is of type CG_UPNP_SSDP_LISTNER

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdpresponselistener ( ctrlPoint,
func   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpResListener = func)

Set an SSDP response listener for the control point. Use this function to get SSDP responses to user-space applications.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
func A callback function that is of type CG_UPNP_SSDP_RESPONSE_LISTNER

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdpresponseport ( ctrlPoint,
port   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpResPort = port)

Set the IP port number used for the control point's SSDP responses

ctrlPoint The control point in question
port The IP port number

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setssdpsearchmx ( ctrlPoint,
value   )     (ctrlPoint->ssdpSearchMx = value)

Set the MX-parameter used for SSDP searches i.e. Set the time to wait (in seconds) for device responses to an M-SEARCH

ctrlPoint The control point in question
value MX; Time to wait

#define cg_upnp_controlpoint_setuserdata ( ctrlPoint,
value   )     (ctrlPoint->userData = value)

Set the user data pointer (arbitrary user data) to the control point.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
value Arbitrary user data


Definition for SSDP default search MX


Definition for control point SSDP minimum delay


Definition for control point default response port


Definition for numeric constant to specify the max tries to open a SSDP Response Port (rosfran.borges)

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(*) CG_UPNP_DEVICE_LISTENER(char *udn, CgUpnpDeviceStatus status)

Prototype for control point's device listener callback.

udn The UDN of the device, that the status update concerns
status The new status

typedef struct _CgUpnpControlPoint CgUpnpControlPoint

typedef enum _CgUpnpDeviceStatus CgUpnpDeviceStatus

Device listener status parameters.

CgUpnpDeviceStatusAdded means a device has been added to local cache. CgUpnpDeviceStatusUpdated means a device description has been updated because its IP address or description has changed. The user should renew any active subscriptions if this has been received.

CgUpnpDeviceStatusInvalid is basically the same as CgUpnpDeviceStatusRemoved, but CgUpnpDeviceStatusRemoved is sent only when a device leaves the network in a proper way (i.e. with UPnP ByeBye messages). The user should immediately cease using the device, because it will be removed in both cases.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum _CgUpnpDeviceStatus

Device listener status parameters.

CgUpnpDeviceStatusAdded means a device has been added to local cache. CgUpnpDeviceStatusUpdated means a device description has been updated because its IP address or description has changed. The user should renew any active subscriptions if this has been received.

CgUpnpDeviceStatusInvalid is basically the same as CgUpnpDeviceStatusRemoved, but CgUpnpDeviceStatusRemoved is sent only when a device leaves the network in a proper way (i.e. with UPnP ByeBye messages). The user should immediately cease using the device, because it will be removed in both cases.


Function Documentation

void cg_upnp_controlpoint_adddevicebyssdppacket ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpSSDPPacket ssdpPkt 

Add a device on the basis of an SSDP packet. Do not call this from user applications.

ctrlPoint The control point, whose device list to handle
ssdpPkt The received SSDP packet

void cg_upnp_controlpoint_delete ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint  ) 

Destroy the given control point

ctrlPoint The control point struct to destroy

void cg_upnp_controlpoint_expirationhandler ( CgThread thread  ) 

Worker thread for handling expirations.

thread the thread in question

CgUpnpDevice* cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicebyexacttype ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
char *  exacttype 

Find a device from the control point by the exact type of the device. This function searches for devices, whose *complete type string* matches the given string, including version number. For example: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:FooDevice:1". If you need to disregard the version, use cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicebytype

ctrlPoint Controlpoint in question
exacttype Type of the device

CgUpnpDevice* cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicebytype ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
char *  type 

Find a device from the controlpoint by the type of the device. This function searches for devices, whose *type part* (i.e. not including the version) of the device type string matches the given string. For example: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:FooDevice". If you need to know the version of a device, use cg_upnp_devicetype_getversion

ctrlPoint Controlpoint in question
type Type of the device

CgUpnpDevice* cg_upnp_controlpoint_getdevicebyudn ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
char *  udn 

Find a device from the controlpoint by the UDN of the device.

ctrlPoint Controlpoint in question
udn Type of the device

char* cg_upnp_controlpoint_geteventsubcallbackurl ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
char *  ifaddr,
char *  buf,
int  bufLen 

Get the event subscription callback URI

ctrlPoint The control point in question
ifaddr Interface address
buf Buffer used to store callback url
bufLen Buffer length
Event callback url (pointer to buf)

void cg_upnp_controlpoint_httprequestreceived ( CgHttpRequest httpReq  ) 

The function that calls all HTTP listener callback functions. Do not call this from applications.

httpReq The received HTTP request

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_ipchanged ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlpoint  ) 

Notify the control point that any IP of the host has been changed.

ctrlpoint The control point in use
success of changing used interfaces

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_lock ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint  ) 

Lock the control point's mutex. The control point should be ALWAYS locked, when a CgUpnpDevice*, CgUpnpService*, CgUpnpAction* or other pointer has been taken into use from the stack. This effectively prevents devices/services from being updated/ removed or added while the control point is locked. You should release the lock as soon as possible with cg_upnp_controlpoint_unlock

Do NOT save any CgUpnp* pointers to user-space variables. Use them only as local variables (inside one function) after gaining a mutex lock. Release the lock as soon as you are done accessing the pointer, and then discard the pointer immediately.
ctrlPoint The control point in question

CgUpnpControlPoint* cg_upnp_controlpoint_new (  ) 

Create a new control point. Does not start any threads.

A newly-created CgUpnpControlPoint

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_parsescservicescpd ( CgUpnpService service  ) 

Parse the service description from the service's SCPD URL. Do not call this from user applications.

service The service in question
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_parseservicesfordevice ( CgUpnpDevice dev,
CgUpnpSSDPPacket ssdpPkt 

Parse the device's services using the received SSDP packet. Do not call this from user applications.

dev The device in question
ssdpPkt An SSDP packet

void cg_upnp_controlpoint_removedevicebyssdppacket ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpSSDPPacket ssdpPkt 

Remove a device on the basis of an SSDP packet. Do not call this from user applications.

ctrlPoint The control point, whose device list to handle
ssdpPkt The received SSDP packet

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_resubscribe ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpService service,
long  timeout 

Re-subscribe to a service's events (i.e. renew subscription)

ctrlPoint The control point in use
service The service to subscribe to
timeout Timeout for subscription expiration/renewal
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_resubscribeall ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpDevice dev,
long  timeout 

Re-subscribe to all of the device's services' events (i.e. renew subscription)

ctrlPoint The control point in use
dev The device to subscribe to
timeout Timeout for subscription expiration/renewal
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_search ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
char *  target 

Do an M-SEARCH to look for devices in the network.

ctrlPoint The control point in question
target The Search Target parameter (ex. "ssdp:all")

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_start ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint  ) 

Activate the control point. Starts listening for SSDP messages etc. You must call this function before you can actually use a control point.

ctrlPoint The control point to start
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_stop ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint  ) 

Stop the control point. Stops sending/receiveing/responding to any messages.

ctrlPoint The control point to stop
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_subscribe ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpService service,
long  timeout 

Subscribe to a service's events

ctrlPoint The control point in use
service The service to subscribe to
timeout Timeout for subscription expiration/renewal
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_subscribeall ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpDevice dev,
long  timeout 

Subscribe to all of the device's services' events

ctrlPoint The control point in use
dev The device to subscribe to
timeout Timeout for subscription expiration/renewal
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_unlock ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint  ) 

Release a previously locked control point mutex. See cg_upnp_controlpoint_lock for a more detailed description on the control point locking mechanism.

ctrlPoint The control point in question

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_unsubscribe ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpService service 

Unsubscribe to a service's events (i.e. cancel subscription)

ctrlPoint The control point in use
service The service to unsubscribe to
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

BOOL cg_upnp_controlpoint_unsubscribeall ( CgUpnpControlPoint ctrlPoint,
CgUpnpDevice dev 

Unsubscribe to all of the device's services' events (i.e. cancel subscription)

ctrlPoint The control point in use
dev The device to unsubscribe to
TRUE if successful; otherwise FALSE

void cg_upnp_controlpoint_updatestatetablefromproperty ( CgUpnpService service,
CgUpnpProperty prop 

When an event is received, update also the associated service's state table to include the evented state variable.

service The service, whose state table to update
prop The evented property from which to update

Generated on Tue Aug 8 14:56:29 2006 for CyberLinkC by  doxygen 1.4.7