_CgConnectionInfo Struct Reference

The struct that contains information on Connection Manager instances. More...

#include <cconnectioninfo.h>

Data Fields

BOOL headFlag
CgList * prev
CgList * next
int connectionId
int peerConnectionId
int renderingControlId
int avTransportId
CgString protocolInfo
CgString peerConnectionManager
CgString direction
CgString status

Detailed Description

The struct that contains information on Connection Manager instances.

In reality, these aren't really instances of a particular entity or class as commonly understood in the OO world. They are rather collections of connection-specific information that are usually spoken of as instances of the single connection manager service.

Field Documentation

int _CgConnectionInfo::avTransportId

The ID of the AV Transport instance used in this connection

int _CgConnectionInfo::connectionId

The ID of the current connection manager instance

CgString _CgConnectionInfo::direction

Connection direction

BOOL _CgConnectionInfo::headFlag

CgList* _CgConnectionInfo::next

int _CgConnectionInfo::peerConnectionId

The ID of the peer's connection manager instance

CgString _CgConnectionInfo::peerConnectionManager

UDN/Service-Id pair for obtaining the ConnectionManager's description and CM service description.

CgList* _CgConnectionInfo::prev

CgString _CgConnectionInfo::protocolInfo

Comma-separated list of supported protocols

Is there need for separate source & sink infos?

int _CgConnectionInfo::renderingControlId

The ID of the rendering control service used in this connection

CgString _CgConnectionInfo::status

Connection status

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Aug 14 10:23:34 2006 for CyberLinkC-AV by  doxygen 1.4.6