Go to the source code of this file.
Cache the currently playing URI and track name to the renderer model
Create the "Now Playing" tuuba |
Create the "Now Playing" text view |
Create the renderer combo & model |
Helper function to get the currently selected renderer device's UDN
Timeout callback to update the now playing area |
Callback for selecting an item from the renderer combo |
Reset the timeout that updates the now playing bar
Set the maximum limit for the seek bar. If max_limit results in 0, the seek bar is disabled
Set the maximum limit for the seek bar.
Set the seek bar's position as a TrackDuration string |
Set the seek bar's position as a long representation (seconds) |
Checks for some actions from the selected renderer device and de/activates widgets according to their presence/absence |
Update the text displayed in the "Now Playing" area from local renderer |
Update the text displayed in the "Now Playing" area |
Update the list of available renderer devices |