
GeneralAntillesAlright, shall I take the wheel for this one? :)21:09
etrunkoso, who's driving21:09
etrunkoGeneralAntilles: you got it21:09
GeneralAntillesWaiting on qgil21:09
timsamoffSlacker -- probably on another phone call./21:10
-!- qgil [] has joined #maemo-meeting21:10
GeneralAntillesHi, qgil. Mind if I drive today? :)21:10
timsamoffSeat belts everyone./21:11
GeneralAntillesOK, let's run through the unfinished tasks from November.21:11
GeneralAntillesAndre? bugzilla reorg and Feature Jar?21:11
andre__after several emails with nokians, and trying to find a date where someone(TM) can disable access for others, reorg will happen this saturday21:12
andre__draft is done,21:12
-!- glaubertsouza__ [n=glaubert@] has joined #maemo-meeting21:12
andre__nearly all stuff is prepared, so i'm looking forward to it and hope that i won't break anything :-P21:12
andre__feature jar... uhm, i didn't prepare another yet, because it's really easier after the reorg21:12
glaubertsouza__Hi, Everyone21:13
GeneralAntillesAlright, sounds good.21:13
andre__will be the first thing to do on next tuesday for me (i'm off next monday)21:13
GeneralAntillesdneary? styles/layouts/content?21:13
timsamoffandre__: Were you looking for ideas for presenting the feature jar in a different way?21:13
andre__timsamoff: sure, i'm always open for ideas21:13
timsamoffI may have some... I'll talk with you via the List.21:14
andre__timsamoff, great, yeah!21:14
dnearyGeneralAntilles: We've got design updates that are close to the final ones21:14
dnearyThis is taking longer than I expected, but we've made really good progress in the last 2 weeks21:14
bergiedneary: though, would be great to see sketches for more areas... news, app catalog, ...21:14
dnearybergie: Indeed21:14
GeneralAntillesYeah, I'm really liking the look of the latest set up mockups. :)21:15
bergienow we have only front page and "developers" section AFAIK21:15
bergiebut yeah, they look very promising21:15
dnearybergie: The general goal is: finalise look, start working on different pages.21:15
timsamoffI've also asked for a Planet comp.21:15
bergieok, good21:15
dnearyAndre has a point when he says that if he does that on a design proposal, he'll have to redo everything for the final proposal21:15
bergiedneary: just reminding about them so they don't end up being forgotten, forcing me to "design" something ;-)21:15
dnearyAnd it's a lot of work21:15
timsamoffglaubertsouza__ is here... I'd say we'll have final design by the weekend. Do you feel good about this?21:16
timsamoff(Main Page design)21:16
GeneralAntillesOK, bergie, itT app feeds? I guess that may be somewhat dependent on more developments with Talk?21:17
glaubertsouza__I`ve worked with andre21:17
bergieGeneralAntilles: *most* of the feeds are there, but not all. I kind of stopped working on that when I hear about talk integration21:17
bergieas I suspected there will be some changes and new ideas because of that21:17
GeneralAntillesbergie, do we want to push it to the backlog until we're closer to that move?21:17
bergieeither kill it and revive it if it is needed again, or keep it in backlog21:18
glaubertsouza__I feel good! :), I think its close to the final version!21:18
GeneralAntillesLet's drop it the backlog, I'm thinking Reggie has some more ideas on that, so we'll wait until we get a clearer picture of exactly what we want.21:18
timsamoffglaubertsouza__: Me too.21:18
GeneralAntillesHirvinen, karma for applications?21:19
bergieGeneralAntilles: ok. I'm happy to keep working on it, as soon as the plans clear a bit21:19
bergieGeneralAntilles: unfortunately I think Hirvinen was caught up with the off-Sprint documentation import stuff21:19
GeneralAntillesAlright, that's fine.21:19
bergiethings would be a bit clearer if those tasks were also part of the sprint plan21:20
HirvinenI've had almost zero time to look at application karma21:20
bergieHirvinen: continue with app karma with Dec sprint?21:20
qgilHirvinen: bergie request your @nokia contact to align those tasks with thse sprints21:20
-!- acunha_ [n=acunha@] has joined #maemo-meeting21:20
tekojoThat's me21:20
tekojoI'll do it and add the doc stuff to next sprint21:21
bergieqgil: yep, will do21:21
qgilah, didn't know it was you tekojo  :)21:21
HirvinenMy time with maemo went mostly to the docimport tool and email->forum bugs21:21
tekojoWell, not directly, but ok'd it21:21
GeneralAntillesOK, X-Fade? Still dead? ;)21:22
bergieok, so anyway... move app karma to the new sprint?21:22
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Here..21:22
GeneralAntillesReducing 3rd party repositories is a long-term deal.21:23
X-FadeI really think we need some community campaigning for this task.21:23
GeneralAntillesThere'll be progress whenever those owners get to work. I guess we could send out another barrage of emails this month?21:23
X-FadeWe _must_ make it better before Fremantle gets released.21:23
lardmanIs there infrastructure in place for 770 software to be included in Extras?21:23
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X-Fadelardman: Sure, always has been?21:24
qgilGeneralAntilles: remember to add "Nokia is forcing you to..." in those emails  :P21:24
X-Fadelardman: Just no autobuilder.21:24
lardmanX-Fade: I don't use it, so no idea ;)21:24
GeneralAntillesqgil, shall I also threaten bodily harm? :D21:24
X-FadeBut I made no progress on this task as I was working on the Fast server task.21:24
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, yeah, that's fine, we'll carry it over to December and I'll get the Council more involved.21:25
bergieI marked "Fast Server" as done after we got static.m.o running, was that OK for everybody?21:25
lardmanX-Fade: I agree with the community campaigning, and think it's actually working, just don't want a backlash due to lack of 770 support21:25
X-Fadebergie: Yeah, there is always some tuning left. But I consider it done.21:25
GeneralAntilleslardman, Extras is there for 770.21:26
bergieX-Fade: yes... there will be "Fast Server v2" in spring I think :-)21:26
GeneralAntillesWe can pick up some more specific stuff is there are additional performance issues?21:26
lardmanGeneralAntilles: cool, was just giving my reason for asking21:26
bergieGeneralAntilles: agreed, it should be more specific and actionable next time :-)21:26
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Sure, file bugs or propose tasks?21:26
GeneralAntilleslardman, emphasizing to repository owners that there are still 770 owners. We'll discuss it later, though.21:27
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I guess it may depend on the size of the performance issue?21:27
lardmanGeneralAntilles: ok21:27
GeneralAntillesWe can just pick them up as bugs if that works for you.21:27
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Priority can be determined later..21:27
GeneralAntillesRight, sounds good.21:27
GeneralAntillesOpen Source and
qgilnothing to add21:28
qgilto what is rported there21:28
qgilI was busy with other stuff and this goes to next sprint21:28
GeneralAntillesSounds fine, I'm planning on taking another look at
GeneralAntillesOK, my turn.21:28
qgilJussi sits next to me and is politely about those texts regularly...  :)21:28
glaubertsouza__would be nice if you  could send me,  today or tomorrow mornig, a list of modifications to be made in the two pages.21:29
GeneralAntillesI pushed the policy changes to the appropriate people21:29
timsamoffglaubertsouza__: Will do.21:29
GeneralAntilles"policy follows tools", so any policy updates are dependent on a h-a-m update being pushed21:29
GeneralAntillesI sent mvo the translations yesterday, so we're down to seeing whether the update will make it into the next SSU. . . .21:29
GeneralAntillesI'm inclined to mark the policy changes as DONE since it's mostly out of my hands.21:30
GeneralAntillesAny objections?21:31
bergiego for it... if you have no actions left there it is done21:31
GeneralAntillesAlright, sounds good.21:31
GeneralAntillestekojo? Git for Garage?21:31
tekojoLeft it at 80% as there might still be some ideas floating around21:32
tekojoBut nothing stopping from letting ferenc do actual work21:32
qgilsome fundamental discussion still at
ferenctekojo: we need some stuff "prepared", let's discuss those offline21:32
tekojoqgil: exactly :-)21:33
GeneralAntillesI can bug some of the people who have requested git support in the past and see if they have more to add.21:33
ferencqgil: the discussions there do not stop me to get started. i just need a server ;)21:33
qgilferenc: great21:33
GeneralAntillesOK, anybody have anything to add to the DONE tasks?21:33
ferencGeneralAntilles: that would be higjly appreciated.21:33
timsamoffdneary: Did you get any help with fleshing out the Development page stuff?21:34
dnearyNot yet :)21:34
timsamoffShould we consider it "Done"?21:35
dnearyI'm close to saying it's "DONE" and waiting until complaints flood in to fix it21:35
timsamoff+1 for DONE from me.21:35
GeneralAntillesThen does anybody want to pick a task up from the backlog?
timsamoffdneary: Then we can move on to Support -- which, unfortunately, my latest predicament forced me to ignore for a while.21:36
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: You forgot etrunko :)21:36
GeneralAntillesEheh, that I did.21:36
GeneralAntillesetrunko! Progress? :P21:36
bergieGeneralAntilles: I don't want to take big new tasks for next sprint... there are some odds-and-ends in bugzilla that I want to work on, an then there is the new layout21:37
etrunkosorry about that, i could not dedicate much time on the task.21:37
etrunkoand i suspect i won't be able to do it this month also21:37
dnearytimsamoff: I can put some time into the content, but I really feel like content + layout are going hand in hand here...21:37
etrunkobetter to put it back to the backlog21:37
GeneralAntillesOK, do we want to drop it to the backlog, or does anybody else want to carry the torch?21:37
qgilprogreso requires liberdade  :P21:37
etrunkounless someone want to get it21:38
etrunkoqgil: exactly21:38
timsamoffdneary: True. That's what I mean.21:38
GeneralAntillesNope? Then we'll backlog it for now.21:38
etrunkoand a 44h per week job doesn't help much either21:38
qgilat least the git implementation is real progress to get the collaboration setting21:38
GeneralAntillesI was discussing the collaboration with Stskeeps, he may have some input.21:39
GeneralAntilles(at least as far as the community edition is concerned)21:39
GeneralAntillesOK, back to the backlog. Anybody want to pick something up?21:39
etrunkoi would like to propose something else, like gitorious, but the garage plugin seems a natural step21:39
bergieetrunko: well, if garage will do git...21:40
GeneralAntillesNothing from the backlog. Anything from proposals?
dnearyI will have to have a light month - I have several other committments this month21:40
qgilI'd like to take both proposals listed there on my name21:40
etrunkobergie: yup, thats subject for another meeting21:40
dnearyI'm in the Canary Islands organising GUADEC in 2 weeks, and in London for a conference 3 days next week21:40
qgilthe contribution guidelines are actually quite ready21:41
qgilthis is an official call for revision21:41
qgilthe community localization thing is because21:41
* GeneralAntilles shudders at the package categories mess.21:41
qgilit has been accepted in the roadmap21:41
bergieGeneralAntilles: from proposals SingleSignOn is something to be worked on, but closer to spring I guess21:41
dnearyI plan to follow the design & site work & do the Support page, and also help with the voting system.21:41
qgiland it would be good to have a common basic understanding of what are we expecting and talking about21:41
tekojobergie: agree SSO is something for after new year21:42
GeneralAntillesbergie, feel free to start fleshing out the wiki page.21:42
bergieGeneralAntilles: and *implementing* the new layouts is a new task (or better: a bunch of tasks, one per system)21:42
-!- Semilia [] has joined #maemo-meeting21:42
timsamoffQuestion re: Backlog/Feature Brainstorm... Is a conclusion near?21:42
bergiealso, we were asked to prepare a scalability roadmap for the post-Fast Server times, so that is a new task21:43
bergiehey Semilia21:43
GeneralAntillesOK, the new layout. One task per system? News, Bugzilla, Wiki, Downloads, Garage, front page, Development/Community/Support pages?21:43
Semiliahey everybody, sorry I'm late21:43
bergieGeneralAntilles: yep, something like that21:44
bergiewhen those can be done depends when the layouts are ready, and then when the XHTML+CSS is ready :-)21:44
bergiebut I hope we can do something during Dec. dneary?21:45
GeneralAntillesbergie, X-Fade, do you two want to decide amongst yourselves how to divide it? Since X-Fade's down for the count he'll probably want to discuss that when he's feeling better. ;)21:45
timsamoffWe're planning on getting the 1st draft html/css for the main page by next week.21:45
bergieGeneralAntilles: sure21:45
dnearyI will follow the site design work, and I am hoping that with Glaubert we can get you HTML+CSS for the front page next week21:45
dnearyglaubertsouza__: Does that sound OK?21:45
bergiedneary: yep... I booked time from Joonas for reviewing the HTML drafts... as they will need to fit a bunch of different systems with different templating possibilities21:46
bergieso glaubertsouza_, if possible, be prepared for some suggestions/comments on the HTML then21:46
GeneralAntillesAlright, shall we move on to bugs?21:47
GeneralAntillesAny changes to the HIGH bugs?
bergieapp karma (#2179) should continue in Dec sprint, so keep in high21:48
lardmanand discussion karma? ;)21:49
dnearyGeneralAntilles: It looks like we've agreed that 3178 is on its way to being closed21:49
ferencRSS feeds ( is being worked on. let's keep on pushing it to Dec sprint.21:49
ferencdneary: thanks for the bugzilla feed link!21:49
_marcell_I will take a look on 379621:49
timsamoffDoes need to be set as HIGH, though? With the redesign happening and all?21:49
timsamoffJust wondering.21:49
qgil appears as assigned to Marcell - however it doesn't look like it's true?21:50
bergielardman: discussion karma is fixed, and will be in next Midgard update21:50
lardmanbergie: just pulling your leg, I know you're sorting it :)21:50
_marcell_yep, I can not commit to that one. lack of time mostly21:50
bergielardman: we just didn't have time to apply it as a patch with X-Fade so we wait for package release21:50
ferenctimsamoff: i will not have anything high then. X-Fade is keep on fixing my bugs ;)21:51
* X-Fade is a patch monkey lately.21:51
lcuka poorly patch monkey21:51
timsamoffferenc: Then leave it, by God!21:51
dnearylardman: Discussion karma? I thought we'd fixed that21:51
ferencX-Fade: thanks again for the last help!21:51
GeneralAntilles_marcell_, shall we drop 1660 to MEDIUM, then, or does somebody else want to pick it up? I guess this kinda needs to be a Nokia person?21:51
bergiedneary: we fixed but didn't fully deploy21:51
lardmandneary: not for my particular case afaict21:51
X-Fadebergie: And we need to add -community still.21:52
bergieX-Fade: agreed... can you post a bug about that?21:52
tekojoCan you dump 1660 on me?21:52
qgil_marcell_: in any case de-assign it to you so it's clear nobody handles it atm21:52
_marcell_GeneralAntilles: qgil commented to that bug once that he will take it21:52
GeneralAntillestekojo, OK, will do.21:52
_marcell_qgil: ok21:52
_marcell_tekojo: gladly :)21:52
GeneralAntillestekojo will pick up #166021:52
qgil_marcell_: wasn't that before funding 3-4 people in the team?  :)21:52
GeneralAntillesAnything in MEDIUM anybody wants to take?
_marcell_qgil: actually no, but tekojo alrady volunteered21:53
qgilonly to highlight that is a weird and nasty one21:54
GeneralAntilles I need to review again, as I think there are two login templates, one of them mentions Garage but the other doesn't.21:54
bergieGeneralAntilles: I'll take 3692 as it is fixed but not deployed21:54
bergieI will also take 390621:54
GeneralAntillesbergie, the code's in the pipeline, though?21:54
bergieit is, yes21:54
GeneralAntillesbergie, then you can go ahead and mark it FIXED21:55
bergiein SVN stable branch even :-)21:55
GeneralAntillesOK, 3906 going HIGH21:55
GeneralAntillesThat wraps it up then, anybody want to add anything else?21:56
bergiealso 387721:56
qgilGeneralAntilles: I want to add that you did very well as facilitator :)21:56
HirvinenWell, I could take stuff but I wonder what would be good to take...21:56
bergieand 385421:57
GeneralAntillesqgil, thanks! The outline on the wiki helped a lot. :)21:57
bergieHirvinen: app karma will keep you busy, I promise :-)21:57
ferenc qgil:  +121:57
bergiebut we can work on some of the bugs together21:57
dnearyThere are a couple of Mediums I'd like to take21:57
GeneralAntillesHirvinen, no need to commit anything to work on it. If you want to work, work. ;)21:57
dnearyBut let me have a browse and add them after the meeting21:58
Hirvinenbergie: k21:59
timsamoffGotta go everyone... Thanks. I will work on a redesign update doc later tonight.22:01
bergieok, we're taking 3911 also together with X-Fade22:02
glaubertsouza__i sent to the list, the modifications in the layout that Tim`s asked me for!22:08
tekojoBye all!22:08
GeneralAntillesYeah, we're done. Thanks everybody! :)22:09
andre__ah. gnight!22:09
glaubertsouza__bye everyone!22:09
ferencthanks. bye!22:09
dnearyNight everyone22:09

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