Detailed votes for the Referendum fixing Council election rules and integrating Council as body of MCeV

Please look at the automatic results to have a summary of the votes. You can also download the ballots in the OpenSTV .blt file format and verify the results.

Please note that these results are automatically calculated and are thus not the official results.

In order to finalize our move from Hildon Foundation to the Maemo Community e.V. (MCeV), a referendum is called which is supposed to fix deficiencies in the Council Election Rules as well as in the Articles of Association of MCeV. There are two options in the election: Yes, I accept MC eV Association Rules as our Community Council's Rules and I endorse the amendment of MCeV Articles of Association. No, I do want Council rules to stay outside of MCeV and its ruleset and have them as originally described. I’m aware that Council then will have no say in any MCeV or matters. Please see the TMO thread for details.

Anonymous tokenVote(s)
pTrTImujFku7EBOgJBDYf0qYOatNN5X1 This member chose to vote for
none of the possible choices.
ZHgbRhstapNvxpYDC7OvX9TckVmVAxUA This member chose to vote for
none of the possible choices.