Results for the Maemo Community Council elections, Q3 2010

Election title: Maemo Community Council elections, Q3 2010
Method: Fractional Transfer STV with Droop-Static-Whole threshold
Number of total ballots: 443
Number of invalid or empty ballots: 8
Number of ballots used in the count: 435
10 candidate running for 5 seats.

R Andrea Grandi (andy80) Tim Samoff (timsamoff) Rüdiger Schiller (chemist) Cosimo Kroll (zehjotkah) Andrew Flegg (Jaffa) Stephen Gadsby (sjgadsby) Felipe Crochik (fcrochik) Robin Burchell (w00t) Kathy Smith (revdkathy) Attila Csipa (achipa) Exhausted Surplus Threshold
1 64.000 38.000 7.000 31.000 129.000 34.000 17.000 24.000 41.000 50.000 0.000 56.000 73.000
Count of first choices. Candidate Andrew Flegg (Jaffa) has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
2 67.906 50.152 8.302 34.038 73.000 42.680 21.340 30.076 45.340 60.416 1.750 0.000 73.000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Andrew Flegg (Jaffa) with a transfer value of 56.000/129.000. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
3 67.906 50.152 0.000 37.038 73.000 43.548 21.340 31.076 46.340 62.850 1.750 0.000 73.000
Count after eliminating Rudiger Schiller (chemist) and transferring votes. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
4 69.340 51.586 0.000 42.472 73.000 45.284 0.000 32.510 49.774 66.284 4.750 0.000 73.000
Count after eliminating Felipe Crochik (fcrochik) and transferring votes. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
5 81.944 54.020 0.000 44.774 73.000 47.284 0.000 0.000 55.076 70.718 8.184 8.944 73.000
Count after eliminating Robin Burchell (w00t) and transferring votes. Candidate Andrea Grandi (andy80) has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
6 73.000 56.061 0.000 46.285 73.000 47.876 0.000 0.000 56.696 72.494 9.588 0.000 73.000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Andrea Grandi (andy80) with a transfer value of 8.944/81.944. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
7 73.000 60.038 0.000 0.000 73.000 56.094 0.000 0.000 70.938 81.388 20.542 8.388 73.000
Count after eliminating Cosimo Kroll (zehjotkah) and transferring votes. Candidate Attila Csipa (achipa) has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
8 73.000 61.700 0.000 0.000 73.000 57.899 0.000 0.000 74.181 73.000 22.220 1.181 73.000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Attila Csipa (achipa) with a transfer value of 8.388/81.388. Candidate Kathy Smith (revdkathy) has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes, but since candiates can be safely eliminated, the transfer of surplus votes will be delayed and candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
9 73.000 104.536 0.000 0.000 73.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 74.181 73.000 37.283 32.717 73.000
Count after eliminating Stephen Gadsby (sjgadsby) and transferring votes. Candidate Tim Samoff (timsamoff) has reached the threshold and is elected. The election is over since all seats are filled.

Winners are Andrea Grandi (andy80), Tim Samoff (timsamoff), Andrew Flegg (Jaffa), Kathy Smith (revdkathy), and Attila Csipa (achipa).

Please look at the list of all votes and verify that your vote is correct.