
Simultaneous incoming calls

Posted on 2009-12-01 05:51 UTC by Jack Windham. Status: Under consideration

If multiple VOIP clients receive a call at the same time there needs to be a way to select which

service to answer.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Display a list of calls (Busy option)

Posted on 2010-04-09 23:30 UTC by asset burned.

This problem is not only limited to VoIP calls as suggested in the forum.

If more then one call arrives on the phone, a list should be displayed to let the user select which one to answer. All other calls should get a busy signal (or be forwarded to a voice box or whatever else the protocol allows and is set up by the user)


Solution #2: Display a list of calls (all answer option)

Posted on 2010-04-09 23:33 UTC by asset burned.

A list of the calls should be displayed, but instead of just answering just one and sending the others into the nirvana, the user should be able to answer one after another. In this case the phone is still sending a "phone is ringing" signal back to the caller. But the phone it self is not hearable ringing (it would confuse everyone while talking to someone else on another line).

Solution #3: Display a list of calls (all answer option, on hold)

Posted on 2010-04-09 23:38 UTC by asset burned.

Basically the Maemo phone is a phone with multiple lines. Similar to a phone in an office, so why not allowing the user to answer every call (one after another) and let him say "sorry i have another call on another line, but can i put you on hold?" So the list of incoming calls should have a button (for each of the calls) to hang it up, or taking it. And if you speak to someone, there should be a "on hold" button with the ability to switch to another call.

Solution #4: Conference calls

Posted on 2010-04-09 23:40 UTC by asset burned.

in addition to all the solutions above... if the phone already has the ability to handle multiple lines (at least virtual lines) why not giving the user the chance to put them all together, such as in every good office phone system? let the user create conference calls.

Solution #5: First come, first serve (drop all other calls)

Posted on 2010-04-09 23:43 UTC by asset burned.

if you have multiple incoming calls just show the first call and send a busy signal to all other calls. (not my preferred solution, but i guess the easiest to implement and because i write this solution i automatically vote for it)

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