
timsamoff"Morning." ;)15:00
timsamoffAnyone here?15:01
dnearyLooks like there are a few people15:06
dnearyI didn't sent out a reminder, though15:06
dnearyAnd after the disaster that was last week, I get the feeling people are kind of skipping these meetings...15:07
timsamoffWell... It's been pretty regular.15:07
dnearyLet me drop a mail to the list15:07
timsamoffWe're starting to reach a crucial point, I think -- like, this thing needs to get done! :)15:07
-!- bergie [n=bergie@staticline12608.toya.net.pl] has joined #maemo-meeting15:09
bergiesorry, I wasn't aware of this meeting :-/15:11
dnearyIt's been the same time & same place every week for the last month15:12
dnearyApart from one week when we had it on wednesday15:12
-!- glaubertsouza [n=glaubert@] has joined #maemo-meeting15:12
dnearyHi glaubertsouza15:12
glaubertsouzaHi 15:12
timsamoffHi, Glaubert.15:12
glaubertsouzaHi Everyone!15:13
dnearySo - henri, you're first under the spotlight: there was a bug last week preventing Niels from updating newstyle.maemo.org - it's obviously important for me to know where you stand in progress 15:13
dnearyAny progress on resolving that?15:13
bergieyes, the bug has been fixed and so there are no blockers15:14
dnearyDo you know if Niels has been updating newstyle? is it up to date now?15:14
bergiedneary: I'm not sure... unfortunately he is offline this week15:15
timsamoffdneary: Doesn't look like it.15:15
bergieI will look at some of my templates later this week when I get back from Poland15:15
dnearyOK. Also, and this time I really do have to insist... I need some kind of breakdown of work from yourself & Niels on the migration15:15
dnearyI have no idea if we're 10% done, 20% done, what needs to be done for the front page, what needs to be done for community, development, support...15:16
dnearyIt's a priority issue for me at this stage. I'm in the dark on when we're going to be done (which is a recipe for running over)15:16
dnearyI know it's a pain, all I can do is promise you that I'm not going to use a breakdown of work as a stick to beat you with later15:17
dnearyI will, however, use its absence as a stick to repeatedly beat you with, until I have it :)15:17
bergieI'll try to prepare my part of it on the flight home tomorrow15:18
dnearyOK, great15:18
dnearyNow - is there anything that you're waiting for in terms of deliverables from others (inc. myself)?15:19
bergieI don't know exactly when X-Fade is back on duty, but I hope early next week15:19
dnearyAny roadblocks we should know about?15:19
timsamoff(I will have some free time this week if anything is needed.)15:19
bergiedid we have a design for the profile page yet?15:19
bergie...or profile list?15:19
dnearyWhich brings us to glaubertsouza15:20
dnearyglaubertsouza: Looking through your TODO list:15:21
dneary - Finish redesign of the icons 15:21
dnearyIs that done?15:21
glaubertsouzaI`ve got some difficult while trying to fix the support page, then I asked Tim for some Help, and `ll post them by the end of the day15:22
dnearyglaubertsouza: First, the icons15:22
dnearyLooking at http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Improving_maemo.org/Graphics15:22
dnearyWe'd need all of the icons cut into appropriately-sized pngs or xpms15:23
dnearyThere was some feedback about the install arrow from Tim, did you see it?15:23
glaubertsouzaso I`ll export them asap15:23
dnearyIdeally, we would have either a .tar of all of the icons or the individual icons in the right hand column of the table in the Graphics page15:24
timsamoff(And the Add New App button.)15:24
glaubertsouzathe install arrow was supposed to be green !15:24
dnearyI tend to agree with Tim that all orange isn't necessary.15:24
glaubertsouzafixed allready15:24
dnearyOK, thanks15:25
dnearyNow - the Support page design & layout15:25
glaubertsouzaand App button too15:25
dnearyYou don't feel it's finished?15:25
dnearytimsamoff: Thoughts?15:25
timsamoffI thought it was too big.15:25
timsamoffBut... We can try out in new layout, etc. We'll see. If Glaubert fixed it, though, that's good.15:26
glaubertsouzaI didnt put any word inside it, do you think its necessary.?15:27
timsamoffWhich one?15:27
glaubertsouzathe arrow.?15:27
* timsamoff thought it would be necessary.15:27
timsamoffYour thoughts on putting text in the download button?15:28
dnearyI liked "Click to install"15:28
glaubertsouzaMaybe not, I think its intuitive enough15:28
dnearyBut it's not locxalisable15:28
dnearyBut I liked it15:28
dnearyI don't think that the naked arrow is intuitive enough myself15:29
glaubertsouzaok I`ll try "" Click to Install"15:29
* timsamoff agrees.15:29
timsamoffOne more thing: Re: New App button... I talked about using Title Case.15:29
glaubertsouzaAny comments about Default avatar.?15:30
timsamoffI like it.15:30
glaubertsouzaAnd I got online button green as well15:31
glaubertsouzaIf we are going to use more colors I`ve tried to divide the scheme color, its nice!, works "ok" in the gray Background.15:33
glaubertsouzagreen and orange and gray itself15:33
timsamoffGreen/Orange always good together.15:34
glaubertsouzathats true15:34
glaubertsouzaAbout support, as I told you, I got some difficults, but Tim has helped me on that!15:35
dnearyOK - on to Support15:35
dnearyYou have some difficulties - what, exactly?15:35
glaubertsouzahow to put the content proposed by you in the best place15:37
glaubertsouzaAnd one more page can be created15:38
glaubertsouzaa result page!15:38
timsamoffdneary: I proposed to glaubertsouza that he break the Support page into two pages: (1) Main Content & (2) Search results.15:38
timsamoffHe was having trouble parsing the dynamic content and the search results on the same page.15:39
dnearyAnd after the Support page, you're clear on what the top priority is?15:40
glaubertsouzaProfile page must be done..15:41
dnearyTop priority is the person "widget" (big format & small format) 15:43
dnearyAnd the application "widget"15:43
dnearyThey're the main things that need graphic design, in my mind - the design of the big person widget will go nicely with the layout of the Profile page15:44
dnearyAfter that, what's on your plate?15:48
dnearyProfile page, and then what?15:49
glaubertsouzaI Thought person widget and avatar was the same15:49
dnearyglaubertsouza: No15:51
dnearyThe default avatar is the image that appears in the person widgets when someone hasn't set a photo on their profile15:51
dnearyThe person widget is a compact piece of HTML which shows some information about them - their avatar, username (and link to their profile), their karma, whether they're online15:52
dnearyIf you look at the section "templates needed" you'll get an idea15:52
dneary"templates required" on the Graphics page15:53
dnearyFor applications, that might show a graphic showing its download activity, star rating, date added, and screenshot15:54
dnearyglaubertsouza: Just to be sure, are we clear on what is needed now?15:56
glaubertsouzawhile laying out the profile page it were going to be complete as well15:56
glaubertsouzaIcons, Person widget(Profile page), Support Page15:57
dnearyI would like something that could be reusable in, say, a page sidebar15:58
dnearyOr (for the small version) in comments on blogs, applications and more15:59
dnearyAnyone have anything else?16:00
dnearyOK, shoot16:00
glaubertsouzaFor applications16:00
dnearybergie: ?16:00
bergienot ATM16:00
glaubertsouzais Download activity like a progress bar.?16:01
dnearyglaubertsouza: I'm just thinking off the top of my head (bergie, I'm interested in your ideas here)16:02
dnearyraw "downloads" isn't a very good measure - a new app might have few absolute downloads, but be very popular16:02
dnearySo I was wondering if it mightn't be useful for apps to divide downloads by age, to get average downloads per month since release (or whatever) and use some kind of activity rating that could go from 0 to 10016:03
bergiedneary: that sort of falls into the "application karma" space that Hirvinen works on16:03
dnearyAnd then we could use that as the "Popularity" measure to go along with the "Rating" measure16:03
dnearybergie: Kind of16:04
dnearyIf we had application karma, it would make sense to include that in the application template/widget16:04
dneary(we really need to agree on & stick to a vocabulary for this kind of thing))16:04
dnearySo - widget? Template?16:07
dnearybergie: Is that nearly ready?16:07
dneary(application karma, that is)16:07
* timsamoff likes template.16:07
bergieI think in last meeting it was concluded it needs more discussion on the list16:07
-!- timeless [n=timeless@webwizardry.net] has joined #maemo-meeting16:08
dnearyglaubertsouza: Failing that, we can either just include the number of downloads, or a percentile rank in downloads (either as a graphic or a number, I'll leave that up to you)16:08
dnearybergie: Do you mean, whether to say template or widget, or application karma?16:08
bergieapp karma in general16:08
dnearyCause I have no problem with this little group deciding what we call those little reusable person & application things16:09
dnearyglaubertsouza: I'm a big fan of Tufte, so I'd favour a graphic16:09
dnearyLet's say that the basic stuff is downloads, stars, name, screenshot, with a link to the application's page16:10
dnearyAnd we can have big or small versions, as you can see in the Downloads page16:10
dnearyLet's stick with template16:12
dnearySo - no more questions?16:15
dnearyLet's adjourn then16:16
dnearyI think I still owe minutes for last week16:16
timsamoffThanks, Dave.16:17
dnearyThanks everyone!16:18
dnearyLet's try to get full attendance next week (I'll create an event & send out a reminder right away)16:18
glaubertsouzaThanks Dave!16:18
dnearyAnd bergie, I really can't insist enough how much I need some more visibility on where we're at16:19
-!- timeless [n=timeless@webwizardry.net] has left #maemo-meeting ["(sorry, confused)"]16:19
bergiedneary: fully agreed, you'll have that.16:19
dnearyglaubertsouza: You also promised me an email update last week, which I didn't get, by the way :)16:19
dnearyLet's all (including myself) try to be a little more transparent16:19
-!- glaubertsouza [n=glaubert@] has quit []16:20
timsamoffSounds good.16:21

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