
bergietoday's meeting will be a bit challenging... I'm behind a 6KB/s 3G connection in Lapland ;-)14:47
-!- bergie_ [n=bergie@] has joined #maemo-meeting14:48
-!- timsamoff [i=46f57117@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-945e121594e395f6] has joined #maemo-meeting14:48
X-Fadebergie_: At least it works a little ;)14:49
timsamoffAnyone: Will be here asap -- hopefully on time. ;)14:49
-!- bergie__ [n=bergie@easy-ff18c200-46.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #maemo-meeting14:53
bergie__all right, I managed to social engineer myself some WiFi access :-)14:53
timsamoffOk, I'm here too -- having shotty wifi issues myself, so I may pop in and out intermittently.14:59
-!- bergie [n=bergie@gprs-prointernet-ffc6c200-3.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]15:00
X-FadeWho is going to chair?15:01
-!- Reggie [i=a6d9cab1@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-33cf9583cb54cde7] has joined #maemo-meeting15:01
bergie__is dave coming?15:01
Reggiehey all15:01
X-FadeHey planned it? :)15:01
timsamoffHi, Reggie!15:01
bergie__hi Reggie15:01
bergie__I hope he isn't too late, I still need to drive a bit to catch my flight15:01
X-FadeI pinged him..15:02
bergie__the distances here in the North are something ;-)15:02
X-FadeHe is online..15:02
-!- dneary [n=dneary@mne69-9-88-163-116-163.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #maemo-meeting15:02
timsamoffHi, dneary!15:02
bergie__all right, shall we begin?15:03
dnearyhey ho15:03
dnearyJust in - I'm taking off my coat. Give me a sec :)15:03
timsamoff(Someone's antsy: bergie__) :p15:03
bergie__timsamoff: sorry about that, the travel schedule for next couple of days is a bit hectic15:04
timsamoff(Just teasin'.)15:04
X-Fadedneary: One of these days we really need to plan your meetings at *:50 ;)15:05
-!- GAN800 [n=ryan@c-69-244-211-19.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #maemo-meeting15:06
dnearybergie__: Can you give us an update? Where you're at, where we can find what you've done so far, what you need from us?15:07
dneary(us = tim & I, INdT)15:07
bergie__ok... so, we got the designs last week15:08
bergie__and Neithan made the new HTML+CSS on Monday15:08
dnearyIs Neithan here?15:08
bergie__then Niels started experimenting with a fluid version15:08
bergie__dneary: nope, he is busy with other stuff now15:08
bergie__so one thing we need to decide on is fluid vs fixed, as both exist at the moment15:09
bergie__but other than that, I think we have all the necessary building blocks15:09
bergie__there is a new Midgard host that can be synchronized with templates from SVN15:09
timsamoffbergie__: Explain fluid/fixed... I've only seen designs for fixed/centered.15:09
bergie__and I have the same setup on my local machine, as connectivity will be spotty in next couple of days15:09
bergie__timsamoff: fluid can stretch with screen size, with some min and max widths15:10
X-FadeI have created this quick mock up based on the html. (Didn't touch fixed background images yet.)15:10
timsamoffbergie__: I understand fluid/fixed -- I'm talking about design-wise, I've only seen fixed.15:10
bergie__personally, I'd prefer the fluid version15:10
X-Fadetimsamoff: Yes, but the content portion of the fixed design is so narrow that it is hampering content.15:11
timsamoffX-Fae: Ah, ok.15:11
bergie__HTML-wise the difference between the two is minimal, so we can even postpone that decision15:11
timsamoffI think I like the fluid version myself!15:11
dnearyX-Fade: re. your mock up15:11
timsamoffShould we vote?15:11
-!- Jaffa [n=andrew@badger.bleb.org] has joined #maemo-meeting15:11
dnearyOne of the things in the design was a margin on the left & right15:11
X-FadeAnd because we need a fluid layout for garage and wiki _and_ need one look for everything..15:11
X-Fadedneary: Sure, I can add that..15:12
dnearyThat shouldn't be incompatible with a fluid layout, should it?15:12
X-FadeIt has about 5% now ;)15:12
dnearyShould be bigger :)15:12
JaffaSorry I'm late. Are we on fluid-vs-fixed layouts again?15:12
timsamoffI'm all for going fluid, though.15:12
dnearyI'd be tempted to make it fixed (say 50px)15:12
timsamoffJaffa: Hand-slap. :p15:12
bergie__Jaffa: yeah, as now we have proper HTML+CSS for both options15:12
X-FadeThe way I have it now is that the sidebar is kind of fixed and the content part scales.15:13
timsamoffJaffa: Check X-Fade's mockup: http://breet.com/maemo/mock/base2.html15:13
dnearyX-Fade: Where does the text come from, though? I can't understand a word15:13
dnearyDid you write it in Dutch?15:13
bergie__dneary: http://loremipsum.net/ ;-)15:13
dneary(that is: fixe width margin, fluid layout within it)15:13
JaffaGood. Fluid gets my vote, FWIW.15:13
JaffaI think it behooves us as tablet owners to advocate fluid layouts, given the various viewport sizes we see daily.15:13
bergie__+1 for fluid from here too15:13
dnearybergie__: I think it's Finnish.15:13
X-Fadedneary: I think we need to kill the margin for the tablet.15:14
dnearyWe still need s/Documentation/Talk in the mock-ups15:14
timsamoffIt's actually American -- I can read every wordf.15:14
dnearyI think it would be good to get into the habit of doing that ASAP15:14
bergie__dneary: yeah, many parts of *.maemo.org still lack designs15:14
X-Fadedneary: Wasting 100px out of 800 on the tablet is just too much ;)15:14
timsamoffGlaubert's not here yet.15:14
bergie__but I think best start by adapting the base design to them, and then seeing what needs more love15:14
JaffaX-Fade: ce?15:14
JaffaX-Fade: what if margin was %ge?15:15
X-FadeJaffa: Re dave's fixed 50px margins..15:15
timsamoffAgree with Jaffa: Make it 2% or something.15:15
X-Fadetimsamoff: It is 5% now ;)15:15
timsamoffAh.... I like it myself./15:15
dnearybergie__: Well, we need a list of deliverables that we can ask for15:15
X-Fadedneary: And a lot of designs we got are not really _new_ designs.15:16
bergie__dneary: true, but the question is whether we want to really *design* stuff like mediawiki, or just adapt the standard template15:16
dnearybergie__: I think that a majority of maemo.org can follow after the midgard update15:16
X-FadeFor example the downloads one is just a 'translation' to the new style.15:16
dnearybergie__: I think adapt the standard template15:16
Reggiefyi on the latest news block below: http://img.skitch.com/20090121-g24hnrjfayq3cmh9sp8esbr6ut.jpg15:17
dnearybergie__: Same for ITt, gforge15:17
bergie__so... this week I'll tweak the Midgard templates we have (the maemo2009 style in maemo2midgard SVN) to the base layout15:17
GeneralAntillesReggie, yeah, the background images still need to made fluid.15:17
X-FadeReggie: I said I didn't scale the background images yet ;)15:17
dnearybergie__: Going back to the midgard host15:17
X-FadeReggie: Didn't want to spend time on graphics before we agreed.15:17
Reggienp ;)15:18
* Jaffa thinks that's pretty spot on15:18
-!- bergie_ [n=bergie@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]15:18
dnearyHow do I get to see the newly themed Midgard? Where can I get the current status of the site?15:18
bergie__dneary: the new template is not in Midgard yet15:18
X-Fadedneary: duh ;)15:18
bergie__dneary: as we needed to have HTML+CSS first ;-)15:18
bergie__dneary: "this week I'll tweak the Midgard templates we have (the maemo2009 style in maemo2midgard SVN) to the base layout"15:18
X-Fadedneary: newstyle.maemo.org has been mentioned a lot of times already. I suggest you bookmark it and check it out next week ;)15:19
dnearyIs there a way to see the site with the maemo2009 style applied to the site?15:19
X-Fadedneary: That is it..15:19
dnearyX-Fade: mentioned here? On the mailing list?15:19
dnearyI missed that15:19
X-FadeThere is no actual template done yet.15:19
bergie__it just doesn't have the new style yet ;-)15:19
X-Fadedneary: meetings, progress reports.. whatever..15:19
X-FadeAnyway, we have enough to do the basic style.15:20
dnearyX-Fade: Missed it. Which is odd.15:20
X-FadeBut there are still a lot of pages that need to be layed out.15:20
dnearyFunny, can't find it in my mailing list archives either15:21
dnearyAnyway - doesn't matter. I'll minute & bookmark it15:21
dnearyX-Fade: Such as?15:22
bergie__if you want to track progress with more granularity, the maemo2midgard commit list is a useful thing15:22
Jaffa Stskeeps: BTW, when is the '1:' prefix required on the version numbers?15:22
dnearyX-Fade: My understanding was that we would do our best not to be changing the vast majority of Midgard pages15:22
dnearyThat we'd "simply" be applying a new stylesheet15:22
X-FadeNews, planet, downloads etc.15:22
X-FadeDo we like what we have for that now?15:23
dnearyGlaubert's telling me on IM that he's having trouble connecting15:23
bergie__dneary: well, the HTML stuff will change a bit in many places15:23
ReggieIf I may suggest, can we name div IDs in the template with a 'maemo_' prefix like 'maemo_content' and 'maemo_footer' rather than just 'content' and 'footer'? this will be easier later on to incorporate other modules since they might be using the same div IDs15:23
bergie__as now we have a layout really designed for proper CMS usage, and not just slapped together like the maemo2007 one is15:23
bergie__Reggie: sounds dirty, but is doable15:24
* Jaffa is very keen on having the maemo.org/community/maemo-*/ forums have a very very similar look & feel to Talk.15:24
Jaffa(not that those forua seem to be up-to-date/working)15:24
bergie__Jaffa: agreed, would be great if there is some general "discussion thread" design15:24
X-FadeJaffa: Well, we need a design for that too then ;)15:24
JaffaX-Fade: indeed :-)15:24
dnearybergie__, X-Fade: Let me be sure I understand - we'll need to change some individual pages for the new style, and you would like a designer to have a look at those pages & lay them out?15:25
X-FadeAnd I also haven't seen the mini profile widget design yet?15:25
bergie__yeah, the profile widgets are missing AFAIK15:25
bergie__so obviously there is no CSS for them either15:25
bergie__we have some things... normal content, news item, application15:26
bergie__but other things like "forum post/thread" and profile widgets have not been designed15:26
timsamoffHas anyone taken anytime to document these things on the wiki (seems like a good job for those intimate with the current site).15:26
dnearyIs there a list? X-Fade: is the list you gave complete? News and downloads have been styled15:26
X-Fadedneary: Do you really think downlaods has been styled?15:27
dnearyGlaubert started working on Planet, but moved to a basic page when I told him it was a higher priority15:27
dnearyHe also finished it, afterwards, though15:27
X-Fadedneary: I think it only has the template slapped on it ;)15:27
bergie__BTW, I need to drive to the airport in about 15min15:27
dnearyX-Fade: I think that's all we're going to be doing15:27
X-Fadedneary: Well, you can shuffle page elements around ;)15:28
bergie__yeah, not everything needs to be designed15:28
bergie__we have some reusable UI concepts15:28
X-FadeIt doesn't have to be like I created it, without any design ;)15:28
timsamoffWho can commit to documenting site "needs" on the wiki? (This was mentioned last meeting.)15:28
dnearyX-Fade: If you would like a dramatic redesign of some pages, put together a list & propose on the list - otherwise, I was pretty clear on the scope - we're not re-writing maemo.org, we're changing the look & rewriting the front pages15:28
dnearyI listed the graphics on the site - is the list complete?15:29
X-Fadetimsamoff: https://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Improving_maemo.org/Graphics15:29
dnearyI think that most of them don't need changing, or are deprecated15:29
X-FadeThat is the graphics list..15:29
timsamoffOk, but pages list, etc.15:29
timsamoffSpeaking of which -- I like the new standard layout design Glaubert sent last night.15:30
X-Fadetimsamoff: I think the sidebar is too wide..15:30
timsamoffEasy to change via CSS, though -- and if the pager were fluid.15:30
X-FadeWe could make it a bit narrower by shrinking the searchbox a bit. As it is aligned with it.15:30
X-Fadetimsamoff: Well, banners need a fixed width.15:31
timsamoffThat corresponds with the main page layout, though -- consitent widths.15:31
ReggieI might need some more graphics for Talk later on15:31
X-FadeSo we need some kind of default width.15:31
timsamoffReggie: Could you compile a list like: https://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Improving_maemo.org/Graphics15:31
X-FadeReggie: Just add them to the wiki if you need some..15:31
Reggieok, I will15:31
bergie__Reggie: do we want to sync the look of person avatars? image sizes etc15:32
timsamoffbergie__: I think so.15:32
timsamoffThe site should be a consitent as possible. imho.15:32
bergie__the profiles are separate between talk and maemo.org, though15:33
Reggieyes we should.15:33
bergie__at least for now15:33
Reggiewe can sync the sizes for the meantime15:33
X-FadeSure, but basic things can look the same.15:33
dnearyX-Fade: So if you need some design work for some pages, we should have a list15:33
dnearyAnd I'd like you to bring it up on the list, if you don't mind15:33
X-Fadedneary: Agreed..15:33
bergie__dneary: for now, planet, forum, avatar widgets and profile page15:34
ReggieI think I can work with the CSS that we have. I'll start working on a vBulletin template15:34
X-Fadedneary: But I'll take the downloads redesign in another task: https://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Downloads_catalog_improvements15:34
timsamoffReggie: Great!15:34
bergie__Reggie: great... try to keep that CSS as-is, and load additional CSS for the stuff you use15:34
dnearybergie__:  Does the forum really need designing?15:34
timsamoffWere anyone from INdT supposed to be here today?15:34
dnearyAvatar widgets?15:34
bergie__dneary: yeah, how a person should be displayed with bigger size box, and how inline (as author of news item for instance)15:35
dnearyAnd for Planet, is this enough? http://wiki.maemo.org/Image:Planet_Maemo.png15:35
timsamoffOr how it shows up in "Edit Profile"?15:35
X-Fadedneary: Name with avatar can be displayed in a lot of ways..15:35
dnearyhttp://wiki.maemo.org/Image:Download.png <- Downloads15:35
bergie__dneary: yes, for planet that is15:36
timsamoffI think Downloads needs some work (commented on the List.)15:36
bergie__and of course we can tune the planet design to be used for forums15:36
X-Fadetimsamoff: Agreed.15:36
Jaffabergie__: I suppose it is a base of it, yes.15:36
bergie__so theoretically I have everything I need to work with15:37
bergie__X-Fade: can you deal with the Downloads stuff?15:37
X-Fadebergie__: Yes, if we apply the general style it is already done ;)15:37
X-Fadebergie__: current design is no change.15:37
bergie__ok... I'm signing off now15:37
X-Fadebergie__: I'll fill you in later..15:38
bergie__expect some maemo2midgard commits this week :-)15:38
timsamoffHave a good flight.15:38
-!- bergie__ [n=bergie@easy-ff18c200-46.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit []15:38
dnearytimsamoff: etrunko is here15:38
dnearytimsamoff: OK15:39
timsamoffYes. Sorry. :)15:39
dneary(that is, "OK, downloads could use some work")15:39
timsamoffBut, he hasn't really be involved in the design process.15:39
etrunkoyou need me to call the other guys?15:39
timsamoffUnless you want to speak for Galubert! :)15:39
dnearyetrunko: Glaubert's been locked out of the meeting, he can't get on the channell15:39
dnearyNo idea why15:39
Reggiehave him use http://www.mibbit.com/ if he's having trouble connecting via his IRC client15:40
timsamoffThat's what I use. ;)15:40
Reggieyeah me too15:41
timsamoffIn any case... There may be a bulk of work to be done if Glaubert needs to "shrink" the sidebar a little (e.g., banners, search box, etc.).15:41
X-Fadetimsamoff: Only banners.15:41
timsamoffOk. Then, it's not an issue, but... Is that a;;?15:42
X-FadeThe rest can be done by cutting a slice off the image ;)15:42
timsamoffOk. I'll need to go back and look at the main page design again, then.15:42
X-Fadetimsamoff: Well you have boxes etc, but those will be cut into pieces anyway.15:43
dnearyReggie: Suggestion passed along15:43
-!- glaubertsouza [n=glaubert@] has joined #maemo-meeting15:43
Reggiethere you go15:43
glaubertsouzaHi Everyone15:43
timsamoffHi, glaubertsouza!15:43
timsamoffSo, in speaking of the Downloads page: I mentioned this on the List, but I'd like to see it designed more like the main page.15:44
timsamoffAny opinions on that?15:44
dnearyglaubertsouza: Did you use mibbit?15:44
dnearyglaubertsouza: That was a reply to your mail on the standard content page15:44
glaubertsouzayes I`ve made a nw proposal following that previous concept15:44
dnearyTim said: "This also goes for the Planet/Download pages). For Downloads in15:45
dnearyparticular, I'd like to keep the two "bog boxes" from the main page on top15:45
dnearyof the main content area -- I like how they look (and work!).15:45
X-Fadetimsamoff: Sure, it is a frontp page by itself.15:45
timsamoff(With the two featured boxes on top, etc.)15:45
JaffaReggie: are you going to be able to produce new icons for "thanks" matching those of the heart/thumbs up for planet? And any other iconography in the same style? Or will you need glaubert to do that?15:45
X-Fadetimsamoff: Although the featured boxes need a lot of code behind the scenes.15:45
X-FadeSo we might want to go to something where we can overlay the header over a default screenshot.15:46
timsamoffSure, but it could be reused, right?15:46
timsamoffOr not?15:46
ReggieI would need help creating those icons. there are a lot more like the smilies, quote, reply, etc15:46
glaubertsouzaDave has listed lots of icons15:48
glaubertsouzaI`ll start to work on them15:48
ReggieFor thanks, I was thinking of using the thumbs up for the meantime, which might work. I'll add to the list in the wiki15:48
dnearyglaubertsouza: Yes, we need to figure out which we can reuse, and which don't fit in with the theme15:48
dnearyglaubertsouza: I'm interested in your opinion on that15:48
X-Fadeglaubertsouza: Reggie would need a lot more for Talk. (itT)15:48
dnearyX-Fade: Reggie can't use the same ones for itT?15:49
X-Fadedneary: He has a boat load more icons ;)15:49
timsamoffdneary: And X-Fade is underestimating. :p15:50
glaubertsouzaI Think as we are changing the site theme!, icons are suppose to follow a design line15:50
timsamoffglaubertsouza: Agreed.15:50
dnearyglaubertsouza: Ok - so which icons do you think need to be changed, and which are nice to do, but not necessary?15:51
dneary(a star is a star after all)15:51
timsamoffdneary: I can find a hundred art students who would disagree. :p15:52
JaffaIf bergie/X-Fade/Reggie are doing HTML & CSS, glaubertsouza could just churn out designs & icons from a wiki page list15:53
glaubertsouzaOk we can make priority list, wich icons need to be changged first, (but all them will have to change, even the RSS icon if necesary.!)15:53
timsamoffJaffa: I think that was the plan from last meeting.15:53
dnearyJaffa: Yes, that's the idea15:53
Jaffatimsamoff: indeed, so all the icons can just be added to the list15:53
Jaffain order of priority15:54
dnearyglaubertsouza: Will you look over the list & prioritise based on what you think is needed, please?15:54
JaffaMany of them may just be requirements of the forum page design - the Talk forum is higher priority than maemo.org/community/ fora as that's effectively a subset of Talk.15:54
X-FadeJaffa: Even better, that design can be copied from Talk ;)15:55
X-FadeReggie: Will talk only be a forum or will other parts need to be included somewhere else too?15:56
dnearyJaffa: Sorry?15:56
glaubertsouzaif the html / css, need icons to complete the content & graphic implementation(thats where the priority comes)15:56
dnearythe Talk forum is higher priority than community/?15:56
X-Fadedneary: *design*15:57
ReggieX-fade: I usually create a module to list the active topics, just in case we need to list them in other pars of the site15:58
X-FadeReggie: yeah, we'll talk about that integration in a separate thread ;)15:58
Jaffaimilar. Since they're a) a subset, b) seem to be broken; they shouldn't get any priority over Talk - which would deliver all the requisite elements.15:58
Jaffadneary: the mailing list-based fora under /community/ have a subset of features of Talk. But should look very very similar. Since they're a) a subset, b) seem to be broken; they shouldn't get any priority over Talk - which would deliver all the requisite elements.15:58
dnearyJaffa: Not quite a subset15:59
* Jaffa goes - to find somewhere with a better connection15:59
dnearycomments on downloads or news, perhaps, but the mailing lists are sufficiently different from the forum, and so is IRC16:00
Jaffadneling list16:00
dnearyDo you mean that theming mailman is a lower priority than theming Talk?16:00
X-Fadedneary: mailinglist is a threaded forum ;)16:00
JaffaOh FFS16:00
-!- timsamoff [i=46f57117@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-945e121594e395f6] has quit ["http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client"]16:00
JaffaX-Fade: can you explain? I'm too broken on this n/w16:01
X-FadeJaffa: Heh, will do that afer the meeting. Let's move on ;)16:01
dnearyIf you mean that doing a theme for mailman is less important than doing a theme for Talk, then I agree16:02
X-Fadedneary: Have you ever looked at the maemo.org forums?16:02
dnearyBut I didn't understand what you mean16:02
X-Fadedneary: Clearly not ;)16:02
dnearyX-Fade: You mean itT?16:02
X-FadeLet's just drop this.16:03
dnearyX-Fade: Or do you mean the web portal to the mailing lists that was done earlier this year?16:03
ReggieI think they are both important, the only thing is, who is responsible in themeing mailman?16:03
X-FadeReggie: I will do that.16:03
X-FadeBut that theming is pretty limited, so no separate design needed.16:03
-!- timsamoff [i=46f64f16@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8bbb3c42e0465f43] has joined #maemo-meeting16:03
timsamoffSorry: wifi issues. :(16:04
glaubertsouzaI`ve just uploaded a new proposal for download page: http://wiki.maemo.org/Image:Download_v_02.png16:04
dnearyX-Fade, Jaffa: No need to belittle me. You obviously know what you were talking about, but it wasn't clear to me. So rather than sniggering, you could explain. I've been asking what you mean.16:04
timsamoffglaubertsouza: Cool, I like everything but the sidebar -- which could work, but I think the buttons need to be smaller (width).16:05
dnearySo I assume you were talking about http://maemo.org/community/maemo-users/?16:05
X-Fadedneary: Yes.16:05
dnearyI think they're mostly useless duplicates of the mailing lists16:05
dnearyX-Fade: See, how hard would it have been to point to a URL at 15:57?16:06
dnearyanyway - let's move on16:06
X-FadeReggie: Do you need glaubert to look at a specific design items for Talk or do you think you have enough for the general theme?16:07
ReggieX-Fade: I think I can work with the current CSS. I'll try to make a working theme and go from there.16:08
X-FadeOk, now another question:16:08
X-FadeDo we want to work in public while we create all the styles for all services.16:09
dnearyWhy wouldn't we?16:09
X-FadeOr do we want to show it only to the team that is working on it and do a big synchonised release ;)16:09
X-Fadedneary: I guess you are more into marketing than I am?16:10
GeneralAntillesMost people wont notice anyway.16:10
dnearyTo anyone outside maemo, it'll be a big synchronised release, and to people within maemo, they'll be getting regular updates & sneak peeks16:10
X-FadeOr do we say we don't care about that..16:10
ReggieMy initial plan was to work on a 'secret' URL ;)16:10
GeneralAntillesSo they'll be wowed enough when the real site is updated.16:10
dnearyI agree with GeneralAntilles, and I don't think there's much to win by doing a tadaaa!16:10
X-FadeOk, well it seems that is clear then ;)16:10
dnearyLet's finish up with this:16:10
dnearyList of decisions & actions16:11
dnearyHenri, Lauris, Niels: continue working on migration to midgard, new site to be updated live at newstyle.maemo.org16:12
dneary(is that the right list of people?)16:12
X-FadeFor now, yes.16:12
dnearyGlaubert: Work on providing new versions of icons on http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Improving_maemo.org/Graphics16:13
dnearyReggie: Start working on vBulletin theme16:13
X-FadeProgress, problems, specifics can be recorded here: http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Implement_new_maemo.org_layout_and_style16:13
dnearyNiels: Propose list of pages which need new(er) designs from maemo.org16:13
dnearyX-Fade: You think a new wiki page is needed? How about using the Sprint page?16:14
dnearyOK - reading that page16:14
dnearyYeah, there's a lot of info in there16:14
X-Fadedneary: It has been there for a while ;)16:14
X-Fadedneary: It will help us with synchronising the efforts and see the progress of the complete project.16:15
dnearyDave & Tim: Revise content proposal for Support (gah!!)16:15
dnearyDave: Track progress of everyone16:15
dnearyDid I miss anyone?16:15
X-Fadeglaubertsouza: Follow up on icons and requested designs?16:16
X-FadeOther than that, I think we got it?16:16
timsamoffdneary: I did some work on Support last night.16:16
dnearytimsamoff: I saw that16:16
dnearyglaubert: Prioritise the icons16:17
dnearyFor the requested designs: I think you should propose them to the list first16:17
dnearyI want to evaluate how much work is involved before committing to adding new stuff to the design workloads16:17
X-FadeSure and subscribe to the wiki page, so you can see the changes..16:18
dnearyOK - thanks everyone! As with last week, I'll post minutes, and I'd like us to meet again at 14h UTC next Tuesday16:18
Reggiethanks all16:18
dnearyX-Fade: I'm subscribed to many wiki pages16:18
dnearyX-Fade: Do you know a way to subscribe to a hierarchy, like in MoinMoin?16:18
X-Fadedneary: Yeah, just a reminder for others too.16:19
X-Fadedneary: Ask our mediawiki guru..16:19
* X-Fade points at GeneralAntilles 16:19
* GeneralAntilles hides in the corner.16:19
GeneralAntillesI just watch the recent changes list.16:19
GeneralAntillesWhat do you mean by "hierarchy"?16:19
X-FadeYeah, me too.16:19
X-FadeEverything under a page..16:20
GeneralAntillesUh, dunno.16:20
GeneralAntillesI doubt there's a way.16:20
timsamoffThere may be a MW plugin for that.16:20
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Everything under Task:Improving_maemo.org for example16:20
X-FadePut recent changes in your rss reader and you'll know too.16:20
dnearyGeneralAntilles: In MoinMoin, you would watch Task:Improving.*16:20
GeneralAntillesRecent Changes is pretty quite, usually.16:21
dnearyor Task:Improving_maemo.org.*16:21
GeneralAntillesEspecially if you turn on the js for histories.16:21
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Do you have a condensed version or something?16:21
dnearyAt one stage I was at over 100 changes in the RSS feed per day16:21
GeneralAntillesClick on "Recent changes"16:21
GeneralAntillesCheck "Enhanced recent changes (JavaScript)"16:21
GeneralAntillesThen viewing https://wiki.maemo.org/Special:Recentchanges is a lot less painful.16:22
GeneralAntillesI don't use the RSS, sooo. . . .16:22
X-FadeYeah, the javascript one hides multiple edits by the same person of the same page.16:23
X-FadeVery nice.16:23
dnearyOK, thanks for the tip16:24
dnearyAnd thanks everyone for the meeting16:24
dnearyI feel like we're getting closer!16:24
dnearytimsamoff: Thanks16:25
timsamoffJust need someone to install it. ;)16:25
dnearyX-Fade: Any chance that I might get a provisional schedule (breakdown of work with guesstimate delivery dates) for the maemo2009 style?16:25
X-FadeNext meeting you will see a styled site.16:25
X-FadeBut there will be a lot of issues then.16:26
X-FadeWhich we can then discuss.16:26
dnearyNext meeting: Tuesday 27th16:26
dneary14h UTC16:26
dnearyBye all16:26
X-Fadedneary: You can plan an event for that on the site.16:27
X-FadeUnless people think that clutters the events list?16:27
dnearyX-Fade: Link?16:27
-!- GeneralAntilles changed the topic of #maemo-meeting to: Web Design meeting 2009-01-27 @ 14:00 UTC | http://openbossa.andrecunha.com/maemo/ | https://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Improving_maemo.org16:27
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, what else do we have in there? FOSDEM? :P16:28

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