
X-FadeOk, to time to start the meeting?15:30
danielwilmsyep :)15:30
X-FadeTasks for this month can be found here:
dnearyHey hey15:31
dnearyAndre just arrived here15:31
X-FadeAnybody wants to comment on DONE tasks?15:31
X-FadeOk, then let's move to the 'Must' tasks for June.15:32
X-Fadeandre__: Do you have anything to add to 9.02-01 ?15:32
NetBladeX-Fade: andre__ is just firing up his computer15:32
X-FadeAh, ok well then we'll pick NetBlade :)15:33
andre__yeah. mom15:33
X-FadeHow's the summit registration task coming along?15:33
andre__X-Fade, not really progress with 9-02.01 since last meeting15:34
NetBladeX-Fade: I talked about it with Quim yesterday and now I got a clear view about things15:34
X-Fadeandre__: You realise it is a 'Must' task right?15:34
NetBladeI think that I have things finished on the internal at the latest on tomorrow15:34
NetBladeX-Fade: and after that we can move the changes to live-server and test the mails there15:35
X-Fadeandre__: If you are sure you are not going to make progress, chop it up in smaller parts. But at least try to get something done.15:35
X-Fadeandre__: Having tasks standing without updates is something we need to avoid.15:36
NetBladeX-Fade: I'll test all the mail-issues on the internal, but at the moment I don't want to rely on everything working the same on the live server15:36
sopiandre__: would you need a hand with this?15:36
andre__sopi, i would not say no :)15:36
X-Fadeandre__: And cry for help if you can't get it done, please ;)15:36
sopiandre__: ok, let's chat about this offline then.15:36
andre__sopi, sounds good15:37
X-Fadesopi: It would be great if you can help Andre. I know he is doing a lot of other good work. :)15:37
X-Fadeandre__: And the 9.04-05 task?15:38
sopiX-Fade: okay. i finish my "should" task and will help Andre.15:38
X-Fadeandre__: What is blocking progress there?15:38
andre__9.04-05: Started with it, see (no idea if that is a public URL though, please don't try to trigger mail :-P )15:38
X-Fadeandre__: Ok, what is needed to get this task done?15:39
andre__more changes to the CSS, dropping stuff we don't need anymore and moving additional stuff (that's *bugzilla* only) into a separate CSS file. started with it15:40
X-Fadeandre__: Ok, if you need any help with CSS oddities, I can help you with that next week.15:40
NetBladeandre__: I'm also able to help with CSS-issues15:41
andre__i think my css skills should be okay to do this - the current (old) bugzilla CSS files are just a bit... complex.15:41
X-FadeLet's get both these tasks done the month as they are 3 and 5 months old.15:41
X-FadeWhich is way to long for sprints :)15:41
X-FadeOk, let's continue with NetBlade.15:42
X-FadeDid you agree on a timeframe with Quim?15:42
NetBladeX-Fade: yes15:42
NetBladeQuim wants things to be there at the latest next week15:43
X-FadeOk, good. I know he won't let you slip :)15:43
NetBladeand because quim is on a holiday next week, he asked me to just make sure that things work and then publish it15:43
NetBladeX-Fade: I need a bit of your time when moving things to the live server15:43
X-FadeNext up would be jeremiah. But he seems to be MIA?15:44
X-FadeNetBlade: Sure, no problem. I can do that.15:44
NetBladeX-Fade: so I contact you when I have things in the next phase15:44
X-FadeNetBlade: ok.15:44
NetBladeI'm also in amsterdam next weekend and also on monday, so maybe I could come to Tilburg15:44
NetBladeat some point15:45
NetBladebut that's another topic and we can discuss it later on15:45
X-FadeHehe, well you are welcome. ;)15:45
X-FadeIt seems that the only MUST task that is still left is mine.15:45
X-FadeI'm working non-stop on the package QA and promotion interface.15:45
X-FadeIt is starting to work nicely and I expect to be testing internally this week. And some limited public(with some hardcore developers) testing near the end of the week.15:46
X-FadeI expect to finish this task during the next Sprint, as I said at the last meeting.15:47
X-FadeNow for the 'Should' tasks.15:48
X-Fadedanielwilms: How is the SSO task going?15:48
danielwilmsIt's is as far as we agreed15:48
danielwilmsthe test-environment is as far as we can start to integrate the services15:49
danielwilmscas running15:49
X-FadeGreat, I have seen nice reports on it on #maemork.15:49
danielwilmswiki integrated15:49
danielwilmsworking with alexey on midgard15:49
bergiedanielwilms: how about the LDAP?15:49
danielwilmswe decided to first integrate the sign the moment is just a test ldap without the integration15:50
danielwilmsjust username/pw to test cas15:50
danielwilmsi will look at gforge in the next sprint15:51
X-FadeOk, so no real roadblocks at the moment?15:51's ok up to now15:52
danielwilmsand one comment: #maemork is much nicer than the wiki!15:52
X-Fadedanielwilms: let's create a different task for each item to integrate.15:52
X-FadeI'll create the july page after the meeting. If you can add your tasks there?15:53
danielwilmsI will15:53
X-FadeOk, let's move to dneary.15:53
dnearyI sent my report, not very satisfactory I know15:54
X-FadeHow's the library?15:54
dnearyLast 2 weeks I've done a lot for GUADEC15:54
dnearyThis week, I'm in GUADEC, and in 2 weeks in OSCON15:54
X-Fadedneary: So move it to next Sprint as 'MUST' ?15:54
dnearyThen I'm on holidays in August15:54
X-FadeOr aren't you able to do it.15:54
dnearyX-Fade: Library is working fine locally here for me15:54
dnearyAnd I've started modifying it15:55
dnearyFred Peters hasn't started working on it yet15:55
X-Fadedneary: It now shows 0%. Which means you haven't touched it.15:55
dnearyI have broken it down into pieces - I anticipate making progress on getting library using .debs this month, but it's not going to be finished before I go on holiday15:55
X-Fadedneary: It might be a good idea to indicate that you did something, so others can see that too.15:55
Andy80dneary, you're one of the few people that comment Guadec :) except few twit, nobody seems to blog anything :\15:56
dnearyX-Fade: "Get library working locally" shows "DONE"15:56
X-Fadedneary: Yeah, true. Sorry. duh.15:56
dnearyAndy80: Internet's really bad here15:56
dnearyX-Fade: I'll finish getting a local repository done on the way home - it's mostly working here15:56
VDVsxAndy80, try planet gnome ;)15:56
dnearyI'm still learning Debian stuff15:57
X-Fadedneary: So library is something for September then?15:57
dnearyX-Fade: So my MUST for July is that, and "get to 50% on lgo using .debs"15:57
dnearyX-Fade: My goal is a working for the summit15:57
X-Fadedneary: Ok.15:57
dnearyThere's a fair amount to do there, but July & August are tough months15:58
X-Fadedneary: make sure you ask for resources etc in time.15:58
dnearyX-Fade: I'm in communication with Tero15:58
X-Fadedneary: Good.15:58
dnearyPlus, the Summit organisation's going pretty well, I think, and aside from some of the comments on Talk which annoyed me, the proof-reading task was a success I think15:59
dnearyThe comments which annoyed me were the finglish & "this is terrible, it doesn't need proof-reading it needs re-writing" comments15:59
X-Fadedneary: Ok. So I'll add those 2 tasks to july.15:59
dnearyI met one of the Igalia guys who worked on the HIG here, he was quite upset with the comments.16:00
VDVsxdneary, Joaquim ?16:00
dnearyAs you know, there isn't much time allocated to these things, and he was really happy to see the community joining in, but then the Talk comments just trashed his work16:00
dnearyVDVsx: Yeah16:00
X-FadeLet's try to keep to progress reporting.16:00
X-Fadesopi: How about your 'Should' task?16:01
sopiit is a MUST for July.16:01
VDVsxdneary, was my university colleague :)16:01
X-Fadesopi: Ok.16:01
X-FadeAnything you want to add for July?16:02
sopiX-Fade: and then please add my name to andre__ 's bugzilla patchset work.16:02
dnearyX-Fade: Well, the other stuff is important for Maemo too, I don't want to take too much meeting time16:02
dnearyI'd like us all to be aware that the people doing the work as best they can are reading what gets written on Talk16:02
X-Fadedneary: Yeah, it is important. But let's it doesn't help to discuss it here as we all agree with you ;)16:03
sopiX-Fade: these two tasks will be enough for me, as I will spend quite a lot of time driving this month.16:03
X-Fadesopi: Ok. Thanks.16:03
sopithanks you too.16:03
X-FadeJimiDini: How about your task?16:03
X-FadeJimiDini: The karma formula one?16:04
JimiDiniX-Fade: as it was talked previously, karma formula can be tuned/discussed after we have statistics and we are stuck there16:05
X-FadeJimiDini: Can you push more people to get that task unstuck?16:05
JaffaJimiDini: I thought you said in the last meeting that statistics collections was in place?16:05
JimiDiniwe should make a task about resolving problem with cron16:05
sopiJimiDini: what is missing there? you are not getting data?16:05
sopiJimiDini: what should the cron job do?16:06
X-FadeJimiDini: I asked mutiple people to look at the issue. Nothing seems to have happened there. Somebody at your end should take this on.16:06
JimiDinisopi: yes. there is some configuration-issue with a cron-job, which gets data. it works on my test-machine, but silently doesn't work when X-Fade deploys it16:07
bergieI suspect the mgdschema isn't correctly loaded16:07
X-FadeAnyway, I suggest we make it a 'MUST' task. Implemented this month.16:07
X-FadeThis too is dragging on for way too long.16:08
bergieok... I should be able to help when I get back from GCDS and SoTM16:08
X-FadeOk, thanks.16:09
bergieX-Fade: actually, if you have time to hop over to Amsterdam this weekend we could discuss this over a beer16:09
X-Fadebergie: Don't have time for that, I'm afraid.16:09
NetBladeX-Fade: monday is also an option for me and bergie16:10
X-FadeStskeeps: Do you want to talk about your task?16:10
NetBladeX-Fade: because we are leaving on monday evening16:10
X-FadeNetBlade,bergie let'd discuss that in PM.16:10
NetBladeX-Fade: yep16:10
StskeepsX-Fade, got nothing done due to festival and thesis issues sadly.16:11
X-FadeStskeeps: Nobody is forcing you to do it. I just follow the list :)16:12
Stskeepsyep, i know :)16:12
X-FadeStskeeps: Anyway, I don't think you will get much response from inside Nokia the coming month.16:12
Stskeepsyeah, all on hols16:12
Stskeepswe'll focus on mer getting to 1.0 - going quite well now16:13
X-FadeStskeeps: If there is any help you need from us or need to get somehing done. Just suggest it as tasks.16:14
X-FadeI guess that concludes the 'Should' tasks.16:14
X-FadeI don't think there is much use in discussing the 'Could' tasks?16:15
X-Fadedneary's task seems to head for green and the others are standing due to lack of time?16:16
dnearyX-Fade: Pretty much16:16
X-FadeOk, are there any tasks that need to be added for the next sprint?16:16
X-FadeIn either or ?16:17
danielwilmsit seems that we all have plenty of things to do and not as much time ;)16:19
X-FadeOk, then one thing I want to discuss is the reporting.16:19
X-FadeHow are you all liking the #maemork reporting? Is this better than the wiki was?16:19
danielwilmsX-Fade: good point...I like it much more16:20
bergieI think this says something :-)
sopiX-Fade: I also like #maemork more than the wiki.16:20
danielwilms X-Fade: and it's nice that things are commented by others16:21
X-FadeI like it because you can see what your 'colleagues' are doing. Who are in my case a minimum of 500km away ;)16:21
* andre__ got a qaiku account and will also migrate to it16:21
Stskeepsi'm glad to see adopt workstreaming. we have enjoyed it in mer since day one16:21
X-FadeAt least we see more than daily reports now, where we saw none on the wiki sometimes.16:23
NetBladeX-Fade: one thing that could be added to the next sprint is improving brainstorm16:24
NetBladeX-Fade: I talked about it with Quim yesterday and he had some pretty good ideas16:24
X-FadeNetBlade: That task is too broad.16:24
X-FadeNetBlade: Add each idea as task ;)16:24
NetBladeX-Fade: ok, I will16:25
X-FadeNetBlade: 'Improve brainstorm' can't be measured.16:25
NetBladeX-Fade: Quim hoped that we get all the changes done before summit16:25
X-FadeNetBlade: Which doesn't seem too unreasonable?16:25
NetBladeX-Fade: but I write all the changes and add those tasks16:26
X-FadeWe have more than 2 sprints still.16:26
X-FadeOk, does anybody want to add anything?16:27
X-FadeOpen floor now :)16:27
sopiThanks for chairing the meeting Niels!16:28
NetBladeI think me and bergie have to leave, bergie is having his presentation in one hour and it takes about 20 minutes to walk from here16:28
bergieyep... see you on Qaiku!16:28
X-FadeNetBlade: I think that we are done ;)16:28
NetBladesee you16:28
danielwilmsok...thanks...bye bye16:29
-!- bergie [] has quit []16:29
-!- NetBlade [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]16:29
sopibye guys!16:29
andre__also having another meeting now...16:29
-!- sopi [] has left #maemo-meeting []16:30
-!- fr01b [n=fr@] has left #maemo-meeting []16:32
JaffaX-Fade: thanks16:33

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