
dnearyHi all21:02
lardmanhi Dave21:02
andre__hej hej21:02
dnearyDo we have a full contingent?21:02
-!- qgil [] has joined #maemo-meeting21:02
dnearyI'm going to be a little patchy for the next 15 minutes or so - just in (late) from training, need to shower & change21:02
bergie__all right... are we starting?21:03
-!- qwerty12-N800 [] has joined #maemo-meeting21:03
qgilyes, let's start21:03
bergie__I'm going to double as "Oskari" today also as he is sick21:03
-!- qwerty12_N800 [] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]21:03
qgildo you want me to keep acting as facilitator?21:04
bergie__sounds like a good idea21:04
qgilX-Fade is really here or only his bot?21:04
qgilsomeone please keep the log (I couldn't find the log of the last meeting?)21:05
dnearyqgil: Let me repeat (for your benefit) what I said just before you arrived:21:05
dnearyI'm going to be a little patchy for the next 15 minutes or so - just in (late) from training, need to shower & change21:05
bergie__qgil: he said he will be offline during his holiday, so I'd imagine it is just screen21:05
qgilok - protected21:06
dnearyqgil: I asked for (and was pointed at) the log of the last meeting. I thought the link was in the Sprint4 page or the Sprint3 page, but perhaps I was mistaken.21:06
bergie__ok. I didn't add my today's stuff to activity log but otherwise I think Sprint4 is OK21:06
qgilAbout the revision of the current sprint, since everybody has been getting more or less to the routine of reporting21:07
qgilI think it's enough to ask for thinks worth commenting and move forward21:07
qgilso we have more time for planning properly the next sprint21:07
qgilThere are only 2 DONE tasks but both say in the notes that have still pending "details"21:09
qgillet's consider them effectively done, moving anything else to the bug level, ok?21:09
qgilall the rest moves to the next sprint as it is, perhaps with the exception of the brainstorm tool - did you see my email about it in
-!- mashiara [] has joined #maemo-meeting21:11
qgilbergie__: any opinion on this Task:Maemo brainstorm ?21:11
bergie__qgil: I talked with Oskari today, and he is still planning to do it21:12
bergie__the problem is that he couldn't do it before holidays21:12
bergie__his proposed schedule is: specs soon, then deployment at end of Sep21:12
bergie__so I think Sprint5 could just include planning it21:13
* mashiara has to get up @0630 btw, so anything requiring me specifically should be discussed soon21:14
qgilthen... anything else to comment on ?21:14
qgilIt looks like the expectations for tasks and bugs was too optimistic again21:15
qgilor then you got more busy than expected in other things21:15
qgilplease be realistic when commiting to tasks!21:15
bergie__the "80%" on election software means that sw is all right, but just needs to be run :-)21:15
qgilthe task is "community council", not only the software21:16
qgiland there are not even enough candidates to run an election21:16
mikkov_there are 6 candidates21:16
qgilwhich is a reason good enough to not consider the task done  :)21:16
bergie__yep. I can't comment on that part as it was Dave's task21:16
qgil6? ok, then I have missed the announcements, my fault21:17
qgil(going through a lot of email these days, sorry)21:17
qgilanyway, apparently as for today is not DONE, so it moves to next sprint21:18
qgilif you finish it tomorrow - fina  :)21:18
bergie__well, as long as it is reassigned to dneary :-)21:18
qgilthx mikkov_21:19
qgillet's have a look at
dnearyOn the election task of Sprint4: the infrastructure's essentially in place to run the election, I have an electorate, with Henri, we set up the voting tokens21:19
qgildneary: so it is the task done or not?21:19
dnearyThe rest is simple enough: draft the mail to be sent to voters, set up the candidates, bulk send the mail (we need to be sure there's a working MTA on the machine where this is run), mail details to maemo-users, developers & community21:20
qgildo you expected to have this completed by this meeting or not?21:20
dnearyCan't do it today, no21:21
qgil(I'm not putting pressure, just asking to know what was the plan)21:21
dnearyHave to wait for the candidate list to be final, and I don't have access to the machine the election software is on21:21
qgilok, so let's move it as it is and you complete it soon, np21:21
dnearyI'll need to work with Bergie tomorrow morning to get that done21:21
qgiltasks to be commited to the following sprint, ending in the Maemo Summit and also the end of the 100Days21:22
bergie__dneary: I will be online after 10am EEST21:22
qgil(let me also link to for reference)21:22
qgil - this is a must21:23
qgilmarcell1 / mashiara ?21:23
dnearyOne task for me before the Summit: Task:Content_Cleanup21:23
bergie__yes, let us discuss that before mashiara goes offline21:23
dnearyBut I'll need to motivate myself to do this & come up with some kind of plan :(21:23
marcell1mashiara could tell more about the current status21:23
mashiarathe new vms are up and running with data from internal.maemo.org21:24
dnearyback in a few minutes...21:24
bergie__mashiara: any siege results?21:24
mashiaranot yet21:24
mashiaracache etc settings are in baseline, and first thing to do is to establish the baseline performance21:25
bergie__mashiara: can you outline the schedule with testing and migrating to the new servers?21:25
marcell1meanwhile we are planning some kind of a very basic performance testing with ISP and Nokia BI.21:26
marcell1whenever mashiara says that his part is done we can go ahead with the load testing and see how the servers behave21:27
marcell1I am still optimistic, but we are running out of time21:27
mashiarabaseline load testing can be done on your part as soon as you can, just let us know when you're dong so that we can stay away21:27
mashiaraas for services other than Midgard (as dicussed today)21:28
mashiarathey probably will have to stay on the current box21:28
mashiarawhich is not a problem since it will need to be separately accessible in any case21:29
mashiarain the "maintenance node" role21:29
marcell1this means mediawiki and what else?21:30
qgilok, from all this it looks that is still feasible to think that the task can be completed in the next sprint, finally?21:30
bergie__marcell1: mediawiki, garage, election software, bugzilla are at least the non-Midgard services21:30
ferencgarage is on different server21:30
ferencbugzilla is on different server21:30
marcell1garage and bugzilla are not running on maemo.org21:30
mashiaraI gues ferenc has best knowledge21:31
ferencthe most importnat is the wiki, which should stay where it is.21:31
ferencwiki implies a local mysql of course, but that's a detail already.21:31
mashiaraalso AFAIRecall there is some mail passthrough being done on dratini21:32
ferencyes, true. passing mails to
mashiaraor at least used to be21:32
ferencthat should stay as well.21:32
qgilmmm, shouldn't all this be documented at or somewhere21:33
mashiarais it only or as well21:33
marcell1yes, but if the load balancer will be then what will happen with the mails for example?21:33
qgilin principle in this planning meeting we don't get into details of the discussion of each task, just whatver is needed to organize the sprint and have coordination among us21:33
mashiarait depends what A and MX records say21:33
qgilyou can always organize another chat whenever fits you well just on this task21:33
ferencmarcell1: the load balancer should be configured so that it forwards all mails to one IP21:34
bergie__agreed with qgil21:34
ferenclet's take this offline21:34
bergie__mashiara, marcell1: I think the point is just giving couple of milestones for this and time estimates for those21:34
bergie__something like:21:34
qgilok, so task goes to sprint521:34
bergie__1. Load testing completed21:34
bergie__2. Data migration and testing21:34
bergie__3. New servers live21:34
marcell1bergie__: let's discuss it tomorrow21:35
qgiland please document in the wiki page - except the details affecting security etc21:35
bergie__marcell1: the wiki page would be great place for those...
qgilok, let's continue21:35
qgiltaking as reference
qgilsince this is what we committed initially to do by the summit21:36
qgil has only one subtask apparently left21:36
qgilwas dneary handling this?21:36
qgilit says that is for "ongoing sprint" but is it listed in Sprint4?21:37
dnearyqgil: I considered this DONE at the last sprint meeting21:37
dnearyWhat's left?21:37
qgilI don't know, it's just that the wiki page loks like not done21:37
qgilIf it's complete, ok21:38
dnearySee Sprint3 tasks21:38
dnearyI marked it DONE there21:38
mashiaraok, good night people21:38
dnearyShould I also have done so elsewhere?21:38
bergie__qgil: can you reassign the "Community council" task in Sprint5 to dneary ?21:38
ferencmashiara: night21:39
dnearybergie__: We're in this together dude - as long as I don't have shell access to that machine ;)21:39
qgilthe wiki page is still a wiki page talking about "proposals" and "candidates", are these apps with start listed somewhere?21:39
-!- mashiara [] has quit []21:39
bergie__dneary: sure, I'll run the commands needed, but I want you to be in charge of the task :-)21:39
dnearyqgil: The Pearls21:39
qgilso then it's only the wiki page that needs to go from ongoing to completed21:40
dnearyThe remaining issue (I opened a bug) is that there are more than 25 pearls, and there's no navigation mechanism to go to page 221:40
dnearyBy default, that link is
qgilok ok, sorry for beiung such pita documenting in the task pages, but otherwise you go 3 weeks on holidays and when you are back you get lost like this - imagine if you come new here and start luring the wiki  :)21:41
qgillet's continue with the 100Days21:41
bergie__dneary: can you post a bug on paging for pearls?21:42
dnearybergie__: istr that I did21:42
bergie__dneary: ah, saw it...
qgil belongs to this mapping opennes and is in the backlog - I take it for sprint521:43
qgil"Document explaining the open source positioning and strategy of Nokia in Maemo" - the request was a bit vague but I will come up with something hopefully satisfactory21:44
qgil"Explanation of the reasons why the closed source packages are closed" - I'll do my best at least providing the general reasons, going package through package requires more work21:45
qgiland the Summit will still take me a lot of time21:45
qgil"Process to request a closed source package to be open" there is one good use case now since Florian requested opening the Alarm Framework21:46
qgilandre__: do you mind looking for the bug, it was in the last Jar21:46
qgil"Review the Maemo contribution guidelines" will not make it for this sprint21:47
qgilI have been asking for feedback internally and externally and got very little21:47
qgilwithout a clear idea of the problem currently and the needs for changing policies I don't want to commit in an already busy sprint21:47
qgilandre__: thanks!21:47
andre__shall i do something, or did you just want to have the number? :)21:48
qgilso lots of work for me in this task about mapping openness21:48
bergie__qgil: I'd like to take that to this Sprint21:49
qgilok, you coordinate with Reggie21:49
qgiland whoever else wants to get involved21:49
qgilthat wiki page needs certainly cleaning and a plan21:49
bergie__I'm not sure what else than planning and coordination will happen yet21:49
bergie__but at least I'll get the process rolling this week21:49
qgilReggie had made some work in the ITt wiki if I remember correctly21:49
bergie__yep, I saw it21:50
bergie__he defined some XML interfaces he wants21:50
bergie__so I think ITT collaboration will not be 100% done this sprint, but at least started and with some progress21:51
qgilfor your own good, you will find all the ITt popes in Berlin  ;)21:51
qgilX-Fade is not here, but overall I'd say that the Extras task is mostly done for what it could be done in 100 Days21:52
bergie__unfortunately I'm in Korea then, so Eero and Oskari have to be "Bergie" there :-)21:52
qgilthis is a tough one21:53
qgilI think the only realistic approach for this sprint is21:54
qgilto commit to an agreed high level plan about what needs to be done21:54
qgilat this point not even that wiki page is clear and there are many subpages that are also not 100% about what needs to be done21:55
bergie__qgil: different-language Planets are easy, but then questions are should they appear in Social News, and who will manage them?21:55
qgildneary: can you commit to push this plan?21:55
dnearyIt is a tough one21:55
qgildifferent-language planets are not a priority if you ask *me* but since we don't have an agreed plan we don't even know how important that is for *us*21:56
bergie__qgil: yep... but that was the only point in there I could immediately comment on :-)21:56
qgildneary: a high level plan21:56
dnearyI definitely want to see parts of this addressed in this sprint21:56
dnearyBut the task, as is, is all over the place, and seems like a multi-month task21:56
dnearyFor a number of people21:57
qgilthis is why - high level plan agreed in this sprint and then from this there will be many tasks for many people21:57
bergie__and that will probably require discussion in the summit anyway21:57
qgilfinal blessing of the high level plan in the summit21:57
dnearyAlthough I was getting motivated for "Cleanup_Content" (which really should be a subtask of this)21:57
qgil is just a subtask of the previous one21:58
dnearyThe high level plan for the Summit21:58
dnearyI'll probably just copy your high-level plan for the revamp ;-)21:58
qgilwe have many senior guys around with opinions about in the high level21:59
qgilsqueeze our brains, add your salt and pepper and we will have a good plan21:59
bergie__dneary: the "improving" page had some good points on the process of getting started with maemo... steps to download sdk etc22:00
dnearybergie__: I agree - there are some good points22:00
dnearyCurrently you have some detail mixed in with some conflicting high-level opinions22:00
dnearyPlus, behind everything, a mass of existing content to review, update, throw away or rewrite22:00
dnearyqgil: I still have that Wengo-specific article on my desk22:01
dnearySome of the stuff in there is project specific - I'll try to at least extract a decent blog entry22:01
qgildneary: it is a,lso good to leave the fast server task to work quietly and then go ahead with the knife when the infra is ready22:01
qgildneary: as said, for me it's not needed to work an an English translation considering that som people do read French and for the rest automatic translation is enough to get an idea22:02
qgilif you want to translate in your hobby time, that's great of course  :)22:02
qgilabout Maemo roadmap22:03
qgil"Announce the Fremantle plans and libraries changes" - will do, mine.22:03
dnearyqgil: Message received & understood.22:03
qgil .... will do my best to at least have a draft proposal or something - not sure about completing22:03
qgiland - it looks like it will be completed in Sprint522:04
qgilso far it looks quite good actually - if we complete in sprint5 all the things we have assumed here and now that would be completed22:04
qgilooops, there is one more task left: - ferenc22:05
qgilit's already commited, coming from last sprint22:06
qgilany other task to be commited to sprint5 from ?22:06
qgilProcess to request a closed source package to be open - GeneralAntilles / do you commit to this one?22:07
qgilMaemo Community calendar: beta finished or killed. - ferenc  / can we take this out of the backlog (and the link in according to your comment on the bug report?22:08
ferencmaybe somebody will pick it up someday.22:09
ferencbut i guess it is "dead" from our point of view :(22:09
bergie__well, Jerry isn't working for us anymore, and it was his pet project22:09
qgilthen the tasks in the backlog related to the summit will be completed no matter what  :) - I will list it in the Sprint522:10
qgilanything else about the backlog?22:10
bergie__qgil: all right... anything else for my part of the meeting? It seems it is soon appropriate time to leave this waterpipe cafe22:10
qgilwhere the hell are you now?  :)22:11
bergie__qgil: couple hundred meters from Bahcesehir university :-)22:11
qgilsounds like dejà vu  :)22:11
dnearyqgil: He liked Istanbul so much he went to live there :)22:11
qgilyep, we will review proposals now but it looks like Nemein's basket is quite full already22:12
dnearybergie: See you in 11 hours for the election stuff?22:12
dnearyWe should be done in under 2 hours, I think22:12
bergie__dneary: yep22:12
qgilbergie__: I see - enjoy!22:12
bergie__qgil: all right. I'll go through the logs tomorrow and make updates to the sprint page as needed from our POW22:12
bergie__POV that is :-)22:13
dneary(just confirming we're on the right TZ wavelength, since I have to go around 11am tomorrow for a couple of ours)22:13
bergie__dneary: I'm in Istanbul/Helsinki time22:13
dnearyThat's 1 hour ahead of me, right?22:13
bergie__ok... talk to you guys tomorrow22:13
dnearyParis time22:13
bergie__I believe so22:13
guentherit is22:13
andre__yes, +122:14
dnearySo 10am your time is OK with you?22:14
qgil went in fact to the last sprint directly, kind of22:14
bergie__talk to you then22:14
qgilaccording to bergie__ oskari will work on the planning, leaving implementation for later - so it will be moved to sprint522:15
bergie__planning for Sprint522:15
qgilok - now you can go  ;O22:15
bergie__and I sent a note to Eero about actually updating the wiki on the servers :-)22:16
-!- bergie__ [n=bergie@] has left #maemo-meeting []22:16
qgilandre__ guenther what do you want to do about this task22:17
andre__so far there have been only few requests (Advanced Backlight, Browser Extras, Community Kernels)22:17
andre__we might want to push this more, e.g. at the summit, but it also requires a rights management so maintainers can create versions and milestones on their own22:17
andre__...guenther might elaborate (or not) :-)22:17
qgilandre__: but is the plan clear?22:17
qgilthe proposal is mainly about having a plan agreed and a process22:18
guenthertoo much detail to elaborate on that ;)22:18
qgilthen chasing the projects is a different story imho22:18
* andre__ hands over the microphone to guenther ;-)22:18
qgilstage panic?22:19
dnearyI'm going to step out of the meeting if that's OK - is there anything else for me that I sould come back for?22:19
qgilanyway, proposing to move to backlog, that's it22:19
guentheryes, I am shy22:19
qgilanyway, nothing essential that I recall22:19
guentherWe had a long-ish discussion about the plan, and the corner cases have been outlined.22:19
guentherDetails implementing this turned out to be difficult at times.22:20
qgilso you have started on this, so it is accepted in the backlog22:20
qgilunless you wamnt to commit something for Sprint522:20
guentherBacklog, yes. That entire page can't be done by the Summit.22:21
qgilfine, then please split in tasks otherwise you will get in the same situation as "Get the developers involved in bugzilla"22:21
guentherAlso, IMHO it is more important to have tings like the branding done properly for the Summit. :)22:22
qgilbtw, andre__ are you commiting anything related to bug630 in sprint5?22:22
* guenther nods22:22
qgilanyway, back to proposals22:23
andre__reorg components, hopefully. it takes (of course) more time than expected (interesting concepts here on paper), and i spent less time on it because "normal" syncing/triaging takes more time than expected22:23
dnearyTim's done great work on this so far22:23
andre__in short: yes: reorg components.22:23
dnearyqgil: Still here for a minute :)22:24
qgilandre__: ok22:24
qgilok let's move this proposed task to backlog since Tim is not here and hasn't commented afaik22:24
dnearyWhat's missing now in what Tim's done is the layout work - what will the page look like, how will we get all the information in a hierarchy so that we don't miss anything important, but we don't overwhelm the reader22:24
dnearyWe discussed it a bit just before I went on holidays.22:25
qgilok, it also makes sense to have first the high level plan in order to attack corners like this one in a better way22:25
qgil is still too green and has no owner, proposing to move to Reviewed22:26
qgil(2 mins)22:26
qgil GeneralAntilles are you here?22:28
qgilIf not I'd propose moving it to... reviewed? It looks like needing more comments/interest from others22:29
qgilany comments?22:29
qgilto reviewed then22:30
qgiland finally... bugs22:31
qgilLet's have a look at the MEDIUM bugs at
qgilanybody willing to take/push one of those to HIGH and Sprint5?22:31
mikkov_how do I get bugs 3629 and 3613 to that list?22:33
guenthermikkov_: change the priority22:33
guentherqgil: I got 2 of those on my list.22:33
guentherThe weekly report is high on the radar to be done for the Summit.22:33
qgilmikkov_: convince the owner to change the priority  :)22:34
andre__i'm going to take mine (3664 and 3562) of course :)22:34
guentherThe "force guided" one turned out to need quite some work and changes. It's on my backburner.22:34
guenther3577 "somehow" got Prio High already. ;)22:35
qgilmikkov_: comment in those bugs that you would like to see them pushed for the next sprint - and see then if Niels or whoever else can commit to that22:35
guenther(that's the branding one, to be done for the Summit)22:35
qgilor at least put them as MEDIUM to have them in the radar22:35
qgilandre__ & guenther ok, please set those bugs as high22:35
qgilsome other medium are related to tasks now committed, I will set them as high as well22:36
qgilX-Fade and the Nemein guys are not here, but looks like high?22:38
ferencjust commented on the bug22:39
ferenci can't reproduce it, it seems.22:39
mikkov_I'm pretty sure that commenting isn't also working on downloads.22:39
qgilis high now22:40
qgilanything else?22:40
qgilfor sprint522:40
qgilthanks for the meeting, then!22:41
qgilwe are getting better in timing  :)22:41
ferencgood night22:41
qgilI will apply changes tomorrow morning since I also wake up early22:41
qgilI will desprotect the sprint pages now just in case someone wants to edit the,22:41
qgilgood night!22:42
-!- ferenc [] has left #maemo-meeting []22:42
marcell1good night22:42
-!- marcell1 [] has left #maemo-meeting []22:42
guenthernight everyone (not yet for me...)22:42
qgiland please someone to check the log and put it in the usual directory (or whatever X-fade does to get them)22:43
X-FadeOk, here it is ;)99:99

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