
GeneralAntillesAlright, so, first and foremost: Garage tracking in Bugzilla23:35
andre__harhar. same timezone.23:36
GeneralAntillesThe main blocker here are the templates.23:36
GeneralAntillesI've got an idea for the new look, we just need somebody with local access who can change them up.23:36
GeneralAntillesBasically, it'd be <h1>'s for Maemo Software, Nokia and Website23:36
GeneralAntilleswith descriptions23:36
GeneralAntillesand the products listed under each23:37
GeneralAntillesthen Garage at the bottom with a description23:37
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GeneralAntillesthe Garage link takes you to a page that looks like what we've got now, except with Garage products23:37
andre__we basically have that already, just that Nokia has no products so it's not visible23:37
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GeneralAntillesDo we?23:37
GeneralAntillesnew bug and I get a list of classifications23:37
andre__err, refering to categories/classifications, yes23:38
GeneralAntilleseach one takes me to a separate page with a list of products.23:38
andre__we talk about right? so everybody interested can follow23:38
GeneralAntillesThis is for the new bug submission form.23:38
GeneralAntillesPeople without the right bits probably can't see it.23:38
guentherYou're talking about a long list, with all Classifications?23:38
guentherLike does?23:38
GeneralAntilleser, I'm not familiar with GNOME's setup23:39
GeneralAntillesI've got an old mockup on the wiki23:39
guentherI am. ;)23:39
GeneralAntillesone sec23:39
guentherThat would be exactly, what we had discussed a while ago, yes.23:39
GeneralAntillesSomething vaguely similar to this:
guentherI guess that's my job. ;)23:39
GeneralAntillesExcept with headings for all the Nokia/ classifications23:39
GeneralAntilles"All" can be made small and moved somewhere around the bottom23:40
GeneralAntillesI can do another mockup if need be.23:40
lcukqgi1, :) i am currently trying to find the time to develop new features for liqbase but do not know a whole lot about all current aspects of linux dev.  im hoping people get involved and am starting to fill up the bugs list on garage for it to make a none hildonized app work nicely.  have you got any ideas on the approach?23:40
GeneralAntillesThat's the biggest blocker, since I don't want to go through more than one major template change with the migration.23:41
GeneralAntillesThe next big issue is the administration stuff.23:41
andre__guenther, maybe even /me could code that :-)23:41
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Is the only additional thing on there the "please see the list of Garage products"?23:41
GeneralAntillesHow much of this can we automate and how much has to be done by hand?23:41
GeneralAntillesJaffa, yes.23:41
GeneralAntillesJaffa, picture two additional sections (Nokia and Website) with their products listed underneath23:41
GeneralAntillesand a heading for Maemo Software with its products.23:42
andre__*if* people know what is nokia and what is maemo. if they don't know they should probably use 'all' instead of course23:42
GeneralAntillesWell, all the products will be listed on the first page.23:43
GeneralAntillesJust like they are now, basically23:43
GeneralAntillesExcept under new headings.23:43
andre__hmm. just like gnome, okay :)23:43
guentherandre__: That one will die.23:43
guentherBecause the first page already lists all Products.23:43
GeneralAntillesMight be worth having as a small link down on the bottom of the page.23:43
andre__ah right23:43
GeneralAntillesFirst page wont list GARAGE products, though.23:43
guentherSeperated per Classification.23:43
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sp3000meh, why is evil23:43
andre__sp3000, use plain http23:44
andre__though https works for me too23:45
GeneralAntillesREALLY lame mockup in mediawiki syntax:
sp3000https is sec_error_untrusted_issuer for me23:45
guentheryup, it does23:45
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sp3000luckily dns is 100% trustworthy :P23:45
GeneralAntillesOK, clear enough on the templates?23:46
sp3000(oh, and cert authorities too)23:46
guenthersp3000: haha23:46
guentherGeneralAntilles: I'll take it, yes.23:46
GeneralAntillesCurrently, all the Garage products were manually added by timeless23:46
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GeneralAntillesObviously we can't have timeless playing that role once it launches.23:47
GeneralAntillesSo, can we script it through the Garage administration interface somehow?23:47
GeneralAntillesThat may be too complicated with the barriers to entry. . . .23:47
guentherWell, wait...23:48
GeneralAntillesX-Fade? :P23:48
guentherA related question is, if we want to import closed bugs, too.23:48
guenthercon: It clutters up bugzilla23:48
GeneralAntillesWell, for importing I'd say leave it up to the project admins.23:49
GeneralAntillesThey can do it manually23:49
guentherpro: Easy dupe'ing etc23:49
X-FadeI can do a select on the database.23:49
X-FadeAnd generate a list that way?23:49
guentherWe should have some guidelines for this.23:49
andre__i'd definitely prefer clean up before importing23:49
guentherAnd not importing dupes anyway.23:50
guentherBut RESO FIX might be good.23:50
andre__the radical and unfriendly approach would be to close anything in garage tracker and say "if it's still an issue in diablo, file a new bug in maemo bugzilla" :-P23:50
GeneralAntilles Modest's solution was to close all of their bugs in tracker and tell people to reopen in Bugzilla if it's still an issue.23:50
guentherThat's not a solution.23:51
andre__"GeneralAntilles, you said that project name in public! YOU!" :-P23:51
guentherThat's the easy way out, head in sand.23:51
sp3000I dunno, that sounds uncomfortable23:51
GeneralAntillesLooking at some of the bigger project names on tracker, there really aren't that many bugs in there.23:52
GeneralAntillesThe majority of the bugs in garage are from the 770 backport projects.23:52
guentherAnother bunch of bugs to strip before importing.23:52
GeneralAntillesDo we want to get with the project admins who actually have some bugs they might want to import at a later point?23:53
GeneralAntilleser, get with the projects admins at a later point.23:53
guentherI prefer a clean cut.23:54
GeneralAntillesSo, find out what the people who actually have bugs want to do?23:54
guentherMove, or don't.23:54
guentherOnce a Product is live in bugzilla, garage must not accept new bugs.23:54
GeneralAntillesguenther, yes, of course.23:55
guentherPlus, move at that very moment.23:55
guentherDon't start playing in bugzilla, and move bugs later...23:55
GeneralAntillesBut some project admins may not find it worth it to have their bugs moved.23:55
guentherThat messes things up.23:55
guentherIf the bugs are open, they are valid.23:55
guentherSo they are worth to be moved, no?23:55
GeneralAntillesOr haven't been triaged. ;)23:55
guentherIf they are not worth it...23:56
GeneralAntillesI dunno, I'm of the opinion that we should tackle this one on a project-by-project basis.23:56
* andre__ gets another beer23:56
guentherThus, clean up garage as a necessary pre-requisite.23:56
GeneralAntillesOK, well, let's not stall on this one23:57
GeneralAntillesWe can come back to it later23:57
GeneralAntillesIt's not really urgent until we get some other stuff out of the way first.23:57
GeneralAntillesSo, the other side of the import work is the product creation. Both for existing projects moving to Bugzilla and for new project creation.23:58
GeneralAntillesLike I said, timeless has been handling this by hand.23:58
guentherI guess I should ping X-Fade and test the migration.23:58
guentherX-Fade: ok?23:58
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guentherDo it by hand.23:58
X-Fadeguenther: Well, you can always try ;)23:58
GeneralAntillesDo we want to continue handling this by hand (I guess not unlike the Garage and Extras approval processes)?23:58
GeneralAntillesOK, by hand it is.23:58
GeneralAntillesNow, as far as qualifications23:58
guentherGeneralAntilles: there are not *that* many request to be expected23:59
guentherThat's a minor issue.23:59
GeneralAntillesI don't think ever new project should immediately have access to Bugzilla23:59
guentherAnd doing it by hand is good for a filter and getting it right.23:59
* guenther nods23:59
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: What if we put the rule in place that bugzilla entries will be created when you upload your package to extras?23:59
--- Day changed Wed Jul 23 2008
GeneralAntillesYeah, so qgil mentioned that one00:00
guentherOnly products in extras.00:00
guentherheh, nice00:00
GeneralAntillesMust be in Extras, must have a Downloads page (automatic now, I guess)00:00
GeneralAntillesFor PC stuff00:00
GeneralAntilles"Beta/stable quality and complete page in should also be a requirement for anything in Extras as well. Only things in /PC/ can bypass the Extras requirement. Sounds good to me. --Jaffa 22:52, 18 July 2008 (UTC)"00:00
GeneralAntillesThat's fairly straightforward and a decent filter00:01
GeneralAntillesNow, we agree that by "Extras" this also included "Extras-devel"?00:01
GeneralAntillesFor stuff like the Community Kernels, which you probably don't want to put into Extras proper00:01
GeneralAntillesbut still, I think, deserve a Bugzilla product.00:01
guentherthose are in bugzilla already00:01
guentherAnyway, slow down.00:01
guentherWe got a problem.00:02
guenther(a) Creating new products by hand.00:02
guentherMoving products from garage.00:02
guenther(b) upload to extra creates a bugzilla component automatically00:02
guentherCouple thoughts:00:02
guentherWe can do (b) only at a later stage, when we're done migrating, for new products.00:03
GeneralAntillesIf the project admin isn't behind a Bugzilla product, then those bugs will just rot.00:03
guentherPlus, we need manual work anyway.00:03
guentherLike default assignee, qa, etc00:03
ferencjust my 2 cents: we could create a gforge plugin that can be used by the admins.00:03
guentherSo setting up a new product *is* manual work.00:03
ferencthe plugin could do all the job..00:04
ferencbut again, it would need an admin to  click .00:04
ferencand that could mean some judgement on the project first...00:04
guentherThat's new projects only, right?00:04
guentherBecause it blocks on migration. Again...00:05
ferencand old as well.00:05
ferencjust consider the idea...00:05
GeneralAntillesA wizard for the Product creation for new projects would help reduce the overhead.00:05
guentherferenc: I do love the idea of automatic setup, indeed.00:05
sp3000how about just a note on the promotion interface?00:05
ferenci could help you guys implementing the stuff. you just figure out what "the wizard" should do.00:05
sp3000"you should want to get bug reports in bugzilla; file a request in bugs.maemo/Website/Bugzilla to get your product included"00:05
ferencsp3000: that again could be a checkbox in every garage project, if we want it.00:06
GeneralAntillesWell the promotion interface would exclude Extras-devel projects.00:06
sp3000well you could file a request without promoting, but promotion seems like a good spot to suggest it00:07
andre__ok, lots of interesting input and comments here. now can we streamline this? :)00:07
GeneralAntillesRelated: the Garage tracker should probably be disabled for new projects.00:08
GeneralAntillesAt least the bug/feature request part00:08
ferencX-Fade and myself could hack this. it is not that straightforward, but doable.00:09
guentherferenc: nice00:09
ferencin any case someone should open a ticket in bugzilla00:09
GeneralAntillesThe biggest problem with having the garage tracker sitting around is user confusion.00:09
guentherOnce a project moved, the tracker should be substituted by a link to bugzilla.00:10
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GeneralAntillesWe could probably generate some bug stats from the bugzilla product like that link has now, but that's farther down the road.00:10
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sp3000what about component admin?00:11
andre__let's keep with the first steps. enhancements are for later...00:11
guentherGeneralAntilles: not what I had in mind00:11
guentherInstead, link immediately to the product in bugzilla00:11
andre__maybe even a direct redirect00:12
ferencguenther: would make the life simpler if you could create a separate group for the "garage projects" in bugzilla.00:12
GeneralAntillesThere already is.00:12
ferencunder that group we could keep the "garage names" so linking would be simpler.00:12
ferencGA: ok.00:12
GeneralAntillesThe "Garage" classification00:12
guentherClassification Garare? :-)00:13
ferenci missed it, sorry guys.00:13
guentherna, that's cool00:13
GeneralAntillesferenc, good, nobody was supposed to notice it yet. :D00:13
sp3000of course there's a good queston, what does "to the product in bugzilla" mean00:13
guenthersp3000: maybe a query?00:14
guenthermaybe a per-product page00:14
sp3000query is an option, yes00:14
GeneralAntillesProbably a query for now00:14
guentherThat one is a hack on my list, though not high up00:14
GeneralAntillesmaybe some sort of stats page once we get some of the GNOME overview stuff in place?00:14
guentherexactly that00:14
sp3000things like would work as a start, of course that doesn't give you direct access to file one in that product in case you don't see yours in the list00:15
guenthersp3000: Yes, that's the "query" I had in mind. Easy first target.00:16
GeneralAntillesSo a question from the triagers without classification experience (me ;)), how do you move bugs across classifications?00:16
GeneralAntillesTake the browser-extras bugs that are currently in Browser00:16
GeneralAntillesWe're sure to get more of those in the future.00:17
guentherchange Product00:17
guentherbug of Product Communication00:17
sp3000is that temporary, or will we have all classifications' products there when the garage foo is in?00:18
GeneralAntillesThe Garage products weren't listed in that dropdown before. . . .00:18
guentherBrowser Extras s in the list of Products00:18
sp3000not that it's really a blocker, people who eed to touch it are people who can handle it00:18
* sp3000 files it under n/m00:18
guentherIMHO changing Product should be perfectly fine.00:18
guentherThe Classification is just an abstraction.00:19
GeneralAntillesAnything to worry about with versions and TMs and whatnot when moving?00:19
guentherHope we can keep versions.00:19
guentherTM... maybe.00:19
andre__i'd prefer to stick with the versions we have of course...00:19
GeneralAntillesWell, 1.0-4.1 definitely doesn't apply for, say, Maemo Mapper.00:19
guentherProbably need to set it up per-project.00:20
guentherVersions are per-product.00:20
guentherThey are not global.00:20
GeneralAntillesAlso, will project admins be able to set up their versions and TMs?00:20
sp3000so what all this means00:20
andre__yeah, they are per product anyway00:20
guentherGeneralAntilles: yes00:20
* GeneralAntilles likes that you can't delete stuff from the Garage tracker fields.00:21
guentherIf project admins / devs are implemented.00:21
sp3000is that ther either is a (garage?) interface to tweak all those selection knobs, or manual product creation is the least of our (er, your) manual-labor worries00:21
GeneralAntillesWell, Product owners can tweak stuff from Bugzilla, right?00:21
GeneralAntillesWe don't need a Garage interface for that00:22
GeneralAntillesAdditional labor without much benefit.00:22
sp3000oh, right, bugzilla probably isn't horribly annoying00:22
* sp3000 keeps the false alarms coming :)00:22
GeneralAntillesMy question is more, "Will Garage project admins be able to have the correct permissions in Bugzillla to edit their Products?"00:22
GeneralAntillesWhich I guess is a "yes"00:23
guentherandre__: There currently are no product owners / admins / maintainer / developer.00:23
guentheryay, a blocker :)00:24
GeneralAntillesWhere's the cool table styling I saw in the screenshots!00:25
X-Fadesharp stick -> GA ;)00:25
* GeneralAntilles will look into that.00:25
GeneralAntillesProbably a common.css thing00:25
sp3000sharp enough stick -> red theme00:26
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Use Monobookmaemo, should be better.00:26
GeneralAntillesandre__, quick fix " Website -> Website"00:26
GeneralAntillesNo sense in an arbitrary change like that.00:26
GeneralAntillesThe Website components also need to be upgraded to Products. . . .00:27
andre__GeneralAntilles, yeah, can do that, though it's currently clearer i think...00:27
andre__having products will be less trivial00:27
GeneralAntillesWell, if we're going to list Website under its own heading in the new bug form, "Website Website" looks pretty lame.00:28
sjgadsbyHrm. " Website" may be helpful.00:28
GeneralAntillesand listing the Components instead of the Products is a bit too hackish and incosistant for my tastes. ;)00:28
andre__i'd prefer to keep it currently00:28
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GeneralAntillesOK, vote: " Website" or "Website"00:28 website00:29
GeneralAntillesI'm not particularly set on either, I'm just not convinced of the need for a change.00:29
GeneralAntillessjgadsby's got a better perspective on this stuff than I do.00:29
sjgadsbyGarage projects will be in Bugzilla, and Garage projects have websites...00:29
GeneralAntillesWorks for me.00:30
GeneralAntillesLeave it as-is, then, andre__.00:30
sjgadsbySorry I've been idle. I had to run home to take over watching the kids so my wife could go to work.00:30
GeneralAntillesAlright, guenther, force existing projects to triage their backlog of bugs before they get a Bugzilla Products, then move the remaining ones over by hand or automatically?00:31
GeneralAntillesI'm happy to help any project interested with both.00:32
guentherI guess that depends on other issues fixed, first.00:32
guentherLike the ones mentioned above.00:32
guentherAnd an automatic method implemented.00:32
guentherFor the beginning, if we at least have some scripts...00:33
guentherManually should be fine.00:33
GeneralAntillesThere aren't really _that_ many bugs, so if we get the project people plus a half-dozen volunteers to work on it it wont take that long.00:33
guentherThat way, we don't depend on some really funky garage stuff.00:33
sp3000can garage tell bug totals across projects?00:33
guenthersp3000: What for?00:34
GeneralAntillesI'm serious when I say most the ~2500 or so issues in Garage tracker are related to the 770 backports.00:34
GeneralAntillesWell, the total number of issues is whatever the bug number is of the latest issue00:34
GeneralAntillesI don't know of an easy way to generate a breakdown of the bug totals for each product.00:34
sp3000as in, does any signifigant number of projects have enough bugs to care about automigration00:34
guentherminus closed bugs?00:34
GeneralAntillesYes, I think we can exclude bugs unless the project admin has a strong reason for wanting to move it.00:35
ferencGeneralAntilles: would you like to see them all in 1 file or page or00:35
GeneralAntillesSo triaging will be step one.00:35
ferencrather a list per garage project ?00:35
GeneralAntillesferenc, whatever's easiest for you.00:35
GeneralAntillesJust want a general idea of the bug distribution between projects.00:36
ferenci am thinking that this migration might serve other projects, so that is why i would suggest a gforge plugin :)00:36
ferenci mean others considering to move from gforge to bugzilla.00:36
GeneralAntillesAh, OK00:36
GeneralAntillesWas just typing that out.00:36
GeneralAntillesYeah, cool.00:36
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Check sweet table styling ;)00:37
ferencadmins could have a nice interface where they could pick a single project and get a csv00:37
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: but only for monobookmaemo skin.00:37
ferencneed to specify what fields you need from the garage tracker.00:37
GeneralAntillesOooh, hawt stuff X-Fade. :D00:37
guentherferenc: What is that csv for?00:38
guentherNot for migration, right?00:38
ferencfor whatever purpose :)00:38
guentherThen I wonder how you plan to stick an entire comment in there.00:39
ferencsp3000 threw in csv, so i just thought why not..00:39
guentherOr even worse, a binary attachment.00:39
ferencguenther: we can have any format...00:39
guentherMy preferred format. :)00:39
ferenca postgres database dump would be the easiest :)00:39
ferencguenther: and that is?00:39
guentherhah, likely :)00:39
guentherMy preferred? "Any". :)00:40
GeneralAntillesOK, any other big issues?00:41
GeneralAntilles(re: the Garage tracking in Bugzilla)00:41
guentherWe'll spot them as we go along...00:41
GeneralAntillesSounds good to me.00:41
guentherThere are so many pieces to get together.00:42
GeneralAntillesNo kidding.00:42
GeneralAntillesStage from there00:42
guentherSomething will break which we didn't yet thought about.00:42
ferencwould it make sense .... thanks GA, was just going to ask for a wiki page :)00:42
GeneralAntillesI'll start filing the pieces into Bugs tomorrow.00:42
* GeneralAntilles has reverted to 200 Years ago with his Arbitrary capitalization. . . .00:43
GeneralAntillesOK, couple of miscellaneous things.00:43
GeneralAntillessjgadsby, Bug Jar and the new bugzilla plugin00:43
andre__sjgadsby's stuff is cool, i'd love to see his script00:44
GeneralAntillesWe should probably figure out the queries to put together wikipages for that.00:44
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sjgadsbyI need to sit down and look at what the plugin can really do.00:44
GeneralAntillesWell, rather, since we don't want dynamic bug jars, get the script to dump some wikitext.00:44
GeneralAntillesI think the wiki is a good, centralized place to have the Bug Jar.00:45
GeneralAntillesEspecially since timeless refuses to go to both of its current residencies. :D00:45
sjgadsbyI created a blog for him.00:45
GeneralAntillesDid you?00:45
GeneralAntillesIs it on Planet yet?00:45
GeneralAntillesX-Fade! :P00:46
sjgadsbyRules for planet say to run for a while before submitting.00:46
GeneralAntillesI invoke an exception. ;)00:46
JaffaYou *have* run for a while.00:46
GeneralAntillesThat too.00:46
sjgadsbyOkay. I'll submit a request for inclusion.00:47
GeneralAntillesAnyway, everybody think about some reports for the wiki.00:47
GeneralAntillesI think we can generate some pretty cool bugzilla overviews with that plugin.00:47
sjgadsbyI'm hopeful.00:47
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Can you send a mail to remind me, I'm going to crash RSN. :)00:48
sjgadsbyAnd if it puts me out of business, I'll find something else to do.00:48
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, will do.00:48
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GeneralAntillesWe already hit on the guided form during the sprint review00:48
GeneralAntillesSoooo, only other thing on my list is bug #630 and its related stuff.00:49
X-FadeDudes, How do I set this bug ( as duplicate of
X-FadeIn one step.00:49
GeneralAntillesDuplicate of itself?00:49
guentherX-Fade: you can't :)00:49
* GeneralAntilles 's head explodes.00:49
guenthertoo much recursion00:49
X-Fadeguenther: Fix that please ;)00:49
guentherbugzilla prevents recursive dupes00:50
guenthereven multi-level00:50
X-FadeWell it isn't?00:50
X-FadeOne is just a dupe of the other?00:50
andre__3487 as a dup of 3487? no way :)00:50
guentherX-Fade: What do you mean?00:51
sp3000well, it's clearly describing the same thnig00:51
GeneralAntillesI think it'd be helpful (as Quim said) to start shuffling out the stuff in #630 in some goals we can put into a meaningful timelime.00:51
X-FadeDuh.. crash..00:51
* sp3000 liked timelime better.00:51
X-Fade3487 is dupe of 335400:52
andre__X-Fade, just mark it as a dup00:52
guentheropen 335400:52
guentherscroll down...00:52
X-FadeAh, reverse logic.00:52
X-FadeNow I get it.00:52
guentherenter 3487 in the "dupe" field...00:52
guentherresolve, submit00:52
andre__you even have editbugs permissions, so you should be able to do :)00:52
andre__but add a nice comment, just like "Thanks for your report. This issue has been already filed."00:53
guenther  Resolve bug, mark it as duplicate of bug #00:53
X-Fadeyeah, I wanted to edit 3487 to set status to dupe of...00:53
andre__because we're friendly, polite and explain what we're doing...00:53
guentherX-Fade: That will close the bug, and leave a comment plus metadata to the original.00:53
GeneralAntillesSo, think on that wiki page for #630.00:54
GeneralAntillesOtherwise, I'm done.00:54
GeneralAntillesAnybody else?00:54
X-FadeOk, now I will stop and leave. FF3 crashed again. Talk to you all tomorrow.00:54
* sp3000 &00:54
GeneralAntillesAlright, thanks everybody.00:55
andre__630... well, I guess we can agree that products that are totally open source should be handled in maemo bugzilla. problem is that this will be hard to integrate with Nokia's workflow00:55
guentherGeneralAntilles: Done? Yes, me too...00:55
GeneralAntillesVery productive evening . . .00:55
GeneralAntillesI'll get this all summarized and into the wiki tomorrow00:55
GeneralAntillesand start filing some achievable bugs.00:55
andre__in nokia's internal bug tracker, you have a lot of "professional" stuff you don't have in maemo bugzilla, e.g. no open bugs that aren't handled, correctly assigned and milestoned00:56
GeneralAntillesYeah, andre__, big task. ;)00:56
andre__also they intensively use verified and mention in which version/build it was committed in their internal systems and stuff like that00:56
GeneralAntillesBut we've go lots of big, cruel, community folks to help "convince" them of the proper methods. ;)00:56
andre__you can't easily have that in public, and i can understand that...00:56
andre__yes, we have. as i said, i'm going to be at helsinki next month, any proposals and ideas welcome00:57
GeneralAntillesBring lots of frozen trout00:57
GeneralAntillesand start walloping.00:57
andre__i have a few things in mind to talk about with them, e.g. how to handle enhancement requests more effectively00:57
* andre__ gets sleepy too00:58
ferencandre__: wishing you good luck! :)00:58
ferencthanks guys, i'm off too.00:58
GeneralAntillesI'm off to see the Dark Knight (finally).00:58
crashanddiegood night to all of you00:58
GeneralAntillesThanks, again, everybody.00:58
andre__heh. wondering how to play tricks on them so they do what i want them to do ;-))00:58
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, have a good time00:58
andre__night everybody, and thanks for participating and the input!00:58
sjgadsbyHave fun, GA.00:58
sjgadsbyGood night.00:58

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