
Improve access to new SMSs

Posted on 2010-02-09 22:46 UTC by Diego Helmann. Status: Under consideration, Categories: User Experience.


I think that when there are more than 3 o 4 news sms it is quite long to get to read them all, because you go to conversations, then click on 1st new sms, read it, close it, go back to minimized task conversation and so on. Thats is why I will propose a solution wich is:


Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Go back to "mother" app when closing "child" app.

Posted on 2010-02-09 22:46 UTC by Diego Helmann.

A solution could be that when you close a window/app that derivates from another, that is a sms thread opened from conversations, you go back to the mother program and not to the minimized program list.

Something like when creating a new SMS, after send it, it automaticly goes back to conversations.

Hope it helps

Latest activities to brainstorm Improve access to new SMSs