
Image crop to HD resolutions and aspect ratio

Posted on 2009-09-30 16:01 UTC by mike choy. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Media.

Taking photos that are to be displayed on HD TVs often creates two problems.

1. The size of the default image is far greater than a 1920x1080 display. No point in having any pictures any larger as it waste space.

2. Cropping very large images to HD resolutions can be hit and miss unless there is some sort of guide to lock the aspect ration to 16:9

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: provide guides/templates for crop

Posted on 2009-09-30 16:05 UTC by mike choy.

When you crop a picture have the option to lock the aspect ratio in 16:9 eg if I size the top of the picture the side grows and shrinks with it.

You can then offer to save the picture in one of two HD resolutions 1080P or 720P

Latest activities to brainstorm Image crop to HD resolutions and aspect ratio