
Brainstorms, category Office

contacts integration in calendar

Posted on 2009-09-21 20:23 UTC by thomas p. Status: Under consideration, milestone: Harmattan, Categories: Office.

A calendar is frequently used to organize meetings with contacts, yet the calendar and contacts functions integration could be improved in Maemo5.

Talk discussion:


Maps/Contacts/Calendar Integration

Posted on 2009-10-04 20:15 UTC by Tom Joyce. Status: Under consideration, milestone: Harmattan, Categories: Location & Navigation, Office.

Many people have appointments at addresses which are stored in their Contacts directory.  It wopuld be nice to link the address information with the appointment and link that to the event's location in Maps.  Ovi Maps on S60 already has the ability to search for properly formatted addresses from Contacts and one would assume the Maemo version will have the same facility.

Discussion thread:


Add support for Google calendar

Posted on 2009-12-07 14:03 UTC by Juanjo Marin. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Desktop, Internet & Networking, Office, User Experience.

Google calendar is a very popular calendar service and I think it 
should be supported on the Calendar application for better and
complete user experience.

It seems that you can sync google calendar using Mail for
Exchange, but this support is limited. The limited support of
Google calendars in MfE will only allow synchronizing the first
calendar in your google calendars. Consider how limiting this is
in this example:

Let's say you have two calendars, a personal calendar and a
business calendar. With existing support, you can only
synchronize personal calendar and not the business calendar.

It makes the transparent syncing of Android very attractive in


Improve the task management support to Calendar

Posted on 2009-12-07 13:49 UTC by Juanjo Marin. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Desktop, Office, User Experience.

The task support included on the Calendar is pretty basic and I think is not very useful IMHO because I miss the following options:

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An indexing and tagging document manager

Posted on 2009-06-22 12:50 UTC by Ernesto de Bernardis. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Office.

My tablet stores so many document files in various formats that I don't know myself what's there any more. I have stored there also files coming from other portable devices I've been using in the last years, so there's really a significant part of my life there, though in a way it's difficult to browse and search.

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