Service-side D-Bus interfaces

The TpSvc* interfaces — How to export Telepathy objects
Generic service-side interfaces — GInterfaces for D-Bus objects exporting Telepathy properties and common D-Bus core interfaces
Service-side Channel base interface — GInterface for Telepathy Channel objects
Service-side Channel Group interface — Groups of contacts
Contact List channels — service-side interface for the Contact List channel type
Text channels — service-side interfaces for the Text channel type, and the Chat State and Password interfaces
Media channels — service-side interfaces for the Streamed Media channel type, and the Call State, DTMF and Media Signalling interfaces
File Transfer channels — service-side interface for the File Transfer channel type
Tubes channels — service-side interface for the Tubes channel type
Tube channels — service-side interface for the Tube channel interface, StreamTube channel type and DBusTube channel type.
Room List channels — service-side interface for the Room List channel type
Service-side Connection interfaces — GInterfaces for Telepathy Connection objects
Service-side media streaming helper interfaces — media session and media stream
Service-side Connection Manager interface — GInterface for Telepathy ConnectionManager objects
Service-side Account Manager interface — GInterface for Telepathy AccountManager objects
Service-side Account interfaces — GInterfaces for Telepathy Account objects
Service-side Channel Dispatcher interface — GInterfaces for Telepathy ChannelDispatcher object
Service-side Channel Dispatch Operation interface — GInterface for Telepathy ChannelDispatchOperation object
Service-side Channel Request interface — GInterface for Telepathy ChannelRequest object
Service-side Client interfaces — interfaces used to be an Observer, Approver and Handler