
HildonButton — Widget representing a button in the Hildon framework.
HildonCheckButton — Button with a check box inside
HildonColorButton — A widget to open HildonColorChooserDialog.
HildonColorChooser — A widget used to select a color from an HSV colorspace.
HildonControlbar — A widget that allows increasing or decreasing a value within a pre-defined range.
HildonVolumebar — Base class for widgets that display a volume bar.
HildonVVolumebar — A widget that displays a vertical volume bar.
HildonHVolumebar — A widget that displays a horizontal volume bar.
HildonSeekbar — A widget used to identify a place from a content.
HildonCalendarPopup — CalendarPopup allows choosing a date from a popup calendar.
HildonCalendar — A calendar widget
HildonWeekdayPicker — A widget for picking days on which a certain event should take place.
HildonTimePicker — A dialog popup widget which lets the user set the time.
HildonAppMenu — Widget representing the application menu in the Hildon framework.
HildonTouchSelector — A selector widget with several columns.
HildonTouchSelectorColumn — A visible column in a HildonTouchSelector
HildonTouchSelectorEntry — A selector widget with one column and a text entry
HildonDateSelector — A widget to select the current date.
HildonTimeSelector — A widget to select the current time.
HildonPickerButton — A button that launches a HildonPickerDialog and displays the selected item
HildonTimeButton — Button displaying and allowing selection of a time.
HildonDateButton — Button displaying and allowing selection of a date.